State of the City Speech: A Citizen’s hopes for a simple and brief speech.

I was fortunate to get an invitation to attend the State of the City address on 20th February 2014, where I am sure we will hear long self-serving speeches about how wonderful our city is.  But I am a simple minded citizen. I like to keep things simple.  So I propose that the entire speech be written in the form of a few questions (and answers) about the principles that should guide the governance of our great city on one or two 3×5 index cards.

If I were to ghost write, here is how it would go:

Dear Citizens of San Jose:

I will be brief in my remarks today.

1.       Is San Jose safer than what it was a year ago?

Answer: No. We gutted the police force and so, no, it is not safer.

2.       Is San Jose the best place to do business in California?

Answer: No. We have not invested in the infrastructure nor do we have a plan to attract large businesses.

3.       Does San Jose have harmonious relationship with the key stakeholders in the city governance?

Answer: No. We don’t care much about harmony, be it labor relations or creating a good working environment for our employees.

4.       Have we fulfilled the promises made to life saving service personnel in the city?

Answer: No. How many times do I have to answer this?

5.       Has our government lived up to the credo of “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” by providing a safe environment, living wages and economic opportunities so that they may create a better life for themselves and their families?

Answer: No, no and no.

Thank you.

I am a simple minded citizen, but I understand this. I will wait for November 2014.

Balaji Venkatraman is an adjunct professor of Engineering at San Jose State University.

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1 Comment

  • Amicus Gentry Feb 20, 2014 at 2:42 pm

    Great proposal. Unfortunately, many of your contemporaries and neighbors in Naglee Park are too enamored with Sam Liccardo and their Victorian homes to expect such candor.

    For all the backslapping that will occur at the State of City address, most of those in attendance will be affixed to their mobile devices while Chuck Reed recites his platitudes and insincere and unjustified praises on the mediocrity of our city’s government.

    But we can always hope for a fire emergency to occur, and Chuck to be left on stage, toe tapping,and watch checking, flabbergasted and confused as to why there are no public safety to respond other than his 24/7 personal body guard.

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