Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community.

City of Sunnyvale

 Tentative presentation dates for council-ranked study issues

The Sunnyvale City Council is setting the dates for study issues that the Council plans to take up throughout the year. Staff is making the recommendations based on departmental workloads and available resources. Highlights include moving forward with a minimum wage ordinance in Sunnyvale.  Check out the full list here – link.

One of the key features of a minimum wage ordinance in Sunnyvale would be to index the minimum wage to inflation, a key component of San Jose’s Measure D. Keep an eye out for when this comes back before Council.

 Where:          Sunnyvale City Council

When:                        Tuesday, February 25



San Jose

 June ballot measure for Library Parcel Tax

The San Jose City Council will take up a resolution calling a Special Municipal Election for the June Primary to extend the current parcel tax for another 25 years. The parcel tax will maintain the current funding of Library Services, though it unfortunately will not meet all of the current needs of the City’s library system and the community’s demand for branch libraries to be opened at least five or six days per week.

Parcel taxes require a two-thirds super majority of voters but this should sail to victory, even in June. Who doesn’t like libraries?

Where:          San Jose City Council

When:                        Tuesday, March 4



Tentative agreement with IAFF Local 230 (Firefighters) tagged onto by Councilmembers Liccardo and Constant

The San Jose Fire Fighters, IAFF Local 230, has reached a tentative agreement with the City to sign an MOU for the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. For the most part, the agreement rolls over the terms of the previous MOU.

What makes this interesting is the memo attached to the item by Councilmembers Liccardo and Constant. The duo are recommending approval of the tentative agreement in light of the County taking the City to task for emergency response times. The subtext, not so subtly spelled out in the last line of the memo, is that Liccardo doesn’t want this item lingering as a campaign issue that could hurt him in the primary.

Where:          San Jose City Council

When:                        Tuesday, February 25



Santa Clara County

 Working group on Civil Detainer Policy

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors plans to examine the implementation of the Civil Detainer Policy by setting up a working group of community and county stakeholders. The stakeholders include the following drawn from the community:

  •  Immigrant Rights Group representative
  • Civil Rights Community Group representative
  • Community Safety Group representative
  • Domestic Violence Advocacy Group representative
  • Gang Violence Prevention Advocacy representative

For a full list, see the agenda item here.

The Civil Detainer Policy was a landmark shift away from federal immigration policy and enforcement practices when it was first passed. The shift in policy was driven by the community and resulted in a progressive win for immigrants’ rights. When it came up again before the County Board of Supervisors for modification, the community rallied to protect the policy. In examining the implementation of the policy, the community is going to have another opportunity to weigh in and provide the County’s leaders with guidance on how best to serve undocumented immigrants in the criminal justice system.

 Where:          Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors

When:                        Tuesday, February 25


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