The absolute slimy bias that permeates from the Barbara Marshman run Merc Editorial Board is on full display today with this deceitful, deceptive and down-right dirty screed that purports to go after Matrix Casino but is really a sneak attack on Dave Cortese. The editorial is so chock full of omissions and misrepresentations that it may get the Golden Hatchet award for, well, the biggest hatchet job of the year. Marshman will write, or in this instance, won’t write anything to hurt her crush, Liccardo get elected…for instance:
- It was a memo co-authored by Sam Liccardo and unanimously adopted by the City Council that allowed Matrix Casino to open. The memo states:
- “To be fair, Garden City has amply demonstrated in recent years that it can and will responsibly manage a gaming business and restaurant.”
- Liccardo voted to lighten the regulatory oversight of casino operations and transfer key provisions of what was local (SJPD) oversight to the state.
- Liccardo benefited from Matrix Casino contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, who supported his election and re-election to the city council, but that’s OK with the Marshman, just go after labor, just go after labor, just go after labor, that is all she knows.
- And let’s not forget the love-fest between the local Republican Party and Matrix Casino, remember this picture from the GOP’s Lincoln Day fundraiser…Where is the condemnation of the Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Party for taking money from Matrix.
If facts, votes or context don’t fit the narrative that Liccardo can walk on water, well too bad, because it ain’t making onto the editorial pages. Pathetic
This post originally appeared in The Daily Fetch.
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