Santa Clara County
Human Relations Commission leads forum on Living Wage
The Resource Development and Outreach Committee of the Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission will hold a special meeting regarding its role in the Living Wage proposal. Specifically the Committee wants to host a forum in August to gather input and feedback from the public on the proposed concept of developing a living wage policy for the county. The Committee is also planning to collaborate with the Human Relations Commission’s Social Equity Committee on the planning, outreach and implementation of the Living Wage Public Forum in conjunction with other community partners, including Working Partnerships USA.
The Human Relations Commission is looking to weigh in on the Living Wage in a substantial way. Creating a public forum allows the Commission to give timely and accurate information gathered from the community to the Board of Supervisors and the Administration as the county drafts a landmark, comprehensive living wage policy.
Where: SCC Human Relations Commission – Resource Development & Outreach Committee.
When: July 15 – 6:35pm
Agenda: link
Santa Clara County Board of Education
Presentation by Educate our State on initiative to bring tax dollars back to schools
Educate Our State, a parent-led grassroots organization, will provide the County Board of Education an overview of its proposed statewide ballot measure, the Protection of Local School Revenues Act of 2014. The goal of the initiative would be to prevent the state from using local school property taxes to fund bond repayments or meet other state obligations like backfilling the loss of revenue from other sources. According to the initiative’s website, ten percent of Santa Clara County property taxes are diverted each year to pay the state’s obligations instead of local schools that are in great need of those funds. Santa Clara County as a whole gets 75% of this diversion back by the end of the year, but counties statewide receive only 30% on average.
The practice of creative accounting with the state budget that reached a frenzied crescendo during the financial crisis and subsequent deficits has played havoc with local school budgets. It will be interesting to see how this initiative is received by the Brown administration’s plan of paying down debt obligations and focusing on large-scale projects like high speed rail.
Where: Santa Clara County Board of Education
When: July 16
Agenda: link
Initiative: Yes for Education
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