Sunnyvale is the latest municipality to boost the earning potential of its lowest paid workers. The City Council passed a $10.30 an hour minimum wage last night. The ordinance had been in the works for several months, and the final vote came closely on the heels of Mountain View which raised its minimum to the same level last week. Both cities used San Jose’s minimum wage ordinance with a tie to the Consumer Price Index as its model. The minimum wage will increase to $10.30 in San Jose and Sunnyvale in January, and Mountain View’s wage goes up next summer.
Progressive communities throughout Silicon Valley are seizing the initiative to improve wage equity: Pressure from a coalition of labor (SEIU-USWW) and community activists, saw a positive outcome when tech giant Google agreed to cut ties with is low-road, anti-union security contractor. Google is bringing the security guards once employed by SIS, Inc, into the Google folds directly.
Perhaps the biggest impact will come if Santa Clara County Supervisors pass an extraordinarily comprehensive Living Wage policy, currently under consideration. With Supervisors Ken Yeager and Dave Cortese leading the way, the Living Wage law could affect tens of thousands of employees who work for County contractors. The living wage ordinance includes more than just a wage standard, with elements addressing a fair work week, health and retirement benefits and a voice at work. Supes are poised to vote this fall on what would be the farthest-reaching ordinance of its kind in the country.
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Should be noted, the only Sunnyvale council-member to vote against the min. wage hike is also the only council-member to endorse Ro Khanna. #PeasInAPod