New Poll: Cortese Has Strong Lead

Expect to see the race for Mayor of San Jose to get a little nastier, now that council member and mayoral candidate Sam Liccardo is running so far behind in the polls.

A new poll commissioned by the San Jose Mercury News shows Dave Cortese with a commanding 8 point lead in the race for San Jose Mayor.  Even with a large segment of voters still undecided, it would be a pretty tough nut to crack for Sam Liccardo to make up that much ground in two weeks.  We expect the already-negative Liccardo Campaign to pour it on a little thicker to try and persuade undecided voters his way. 

The poll, conducted by San Jose State University’s Survey and Policy Research Institute, found 34 percent of respondents favored Cortese and 26 percent supported Liccardo.  Among Democrats, Cortese is leading by a 2 to 1 margin.  Republicans favor Liccardo, whose philosophies more closely mirror their interests, but even that lead is slight.  Among Latinos and Asians, two groups that represent a fast-growing electorate, Cortese has an overwhelming lead.  Latinos and Asians together make up two thirds of San Jose’s population.

But the undecideds in the race, according to the poll, are huge.  40 per cent of voters surveyed say they still haven’t decided who they’re voting for, despite endorsements for Liccardo by two “also-ran” candidates (Rose Herrera and Madison Nguyen) and Mayor Chuck Reed.

Mail ballots went out two weeks ago, and the majority of voters in San Jose cast their ballots that way.  The survey of 571 randomly selected voters was conducted in English over the last week, and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

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