Executive Order on Immigration: What Happens Now is Up to Us

The recent executive order issued by President Obama represents a huge victory both for undocumented immigrants and for the advocates and activists who have participated in this struggle for the last several years. For undocumented people, the scope of the decision goes beyond our original expectations. Analysts predict that as many as 5 million people could benefit from it. And for activists, the truth is that very few of us can brag about witnessing changes of this magnitude in our lifetime. This is truly a triumph that we can all be proud of. But w hat happens next  is critical. This victory comes at a time when we as a movement need it the most. After years of general demands with no measurable results, when we finally focused on the administration’s policy of indiscriminate deportations, we were able to force the president to do the right thing for a significant number of people.

Results in any campaign are important, but more important is understanding the processes that lead to them. A lesson that can be drawn from this experience is that when we focus on a specific issue that draws widespread support, we have a winnable campaign.

This action by the President is an important step in the right direction, but the big prize -true comprehensive immigration reform – is still something we need to figure out how to achieve. And with the GOP firmly in control of Congress, the chances for a comprehensive immigration reform in the near future are not very likely. However, as we continue the long term struggle to get our broken immigration system reformed at the legislative level, there are many immediate steps we need to take to make sure most of the 5 million people the analyst predict could benefit from this decision do apply and take advantage of this opportunity.

Educating potential beneficiaries about the requirements and documents they will need to apply for this relief is definitely something we need to do. But the situation requires that we also work on a public actions component aimed at getting a place at the table to insert our voices in the discussion of the details of implementation such as:

  • Making sure that the cost of fines is affordable so a greater number of people can apply for this remedy
  • Lobbying the Obama administration so the list of “crimes” that will be considered in determining eligibility do not exceed the limits of reasonableness
  • Demanding that Congress appropriate sufficient funds to help with the cost of processing applications
  • Fighting so the frequency with which applicants will have to repeat the application process does not become a money making business for the government and
  • Expanding the right to travel outside the country beyond emergency reasons.

The road to comprehensive immigration reform is still long and full of uncertainties.  However, this victory proves that when people are willing to struggle, change will happen; and when that struggle is strategic with clear, winnable goals, victory comes much more quickly.

Salvador “Chava” Bustamante is Executive Director of Latinos United for a New America




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