Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

San Jose:

Reed/Liccardo seek to ram D4 Council replacement through, waiving Sunshine rules.

As recommended by the Rules and Open Government Committee on December 10, 2014, the council is being asked to appoint an interim representative for Council District 4 to serve until a new council member has been elected. (Mayor/Liccardo).

Reed and Liccardo recommend appointing former Council member Margie Matthews to the vacant seat, effective January 13, 2015 and concluding with the seating of an elected council member in August 2015.

The special election to fill the last two years of the term will happen April 7 with a runoff, if needed, on June 2. The appointed council person will not be eligible to run for the seat.  Council members Kalra and Rocha  have voiced their opposition to rushing into the appointment.

Link to item: www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/38465
Link to Reed/Liccardo memo: www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/38504


Santa Clara County:

Living Wage ordinance vote

The Board of Supervisors will formally adopt a living wage ordinance, that is expected to be the most comprehensive law of its kind.   The requirements of the Living Wage Ordinance and Living Wage Policy will apply to County employees and service contracts for $100,000 or more, where those contracts were developed though formal contract-bidding processes initiated on or after July 1, 2015.

The new law will go into effect in July 2015, and in addition to wages that will allow workers to become self-sufficient, the other elements of the law include fair work week practices, health benefits and paid sick leave and a voice on the job without fear of retaliation.

Link to item: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=SplitView&MeetingID=5017&MediaPosition=&ID=74563&CssClass=


Link to agenda:  http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=5017



Timeline for drafting local hiring ordinance

Sunnyvale city leaders want to do the right thing sooner, rather than later, in putting together a local law to require employers to hire from the local workforce, providing good quality jobs for residents of the City who will spend their earnings in the local economy.

Here is the timeline for work on the issue:

2014 DECEMBER: Background research: collect and review existing Local Hiring Ordinances and Programs in other cities. Begin to analyze legal issues. Identify program components and options.

Identify and Contact Stakeholders: make stakeholders aware of Council direction, timeline, and future opportunities for input.

2015 JAN-MAR: Prepare Draft Ordinance: capture Council’s directive to require developers to provide a “jobs projection and local hiring plan”; to require licensing of contractors and subcontractors; and to encourage use of local apprenticeship programs.  Begin to assess operational and financial implications of advertising, monitoring, and enforcing program requirements.  Secure stakeholder input.  Begin to draft Report to Council (RTC)

APRIL: Finalize Report to Council, complete with staff recommendation.

MAY: Present Report to Council

Link to item: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2100899&GUID=C86A43EE-6217-4A95-9D38-CFC3104A9E4D
Link to agenda:  https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=294975&GUID=10A05AA3-A9B9-4B7C-99EE-7FA2FB6B1D95



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