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Mountain View 

Minimum Wage Ordinance – Regional Update and Potential Work Plan   

Date/time/location item will be heard: March 31, 2015

Receive an update on minimum wage ordinance regional developments and provide direction to staff on whether or not to proceed on a proposed work plan to achieve Council’s adopted goal of reaching a minimum wage of $15.00 per hour by 2018.

The city staff has done outreach on minimum wage ordinance utilizing a two-pronged approach: high-level information delivered to the general public about the new law, and detailed information given to the business community about compliance and enforcement. The communication includes the creation of a specific email for questions, a wage-specific website that will be live in April and a number of social media strategies.

The staff is proposed the following workplan:

–          Send a letter of support for SB 3.
–          Encourage a regional approach to the minimum wage issue at the Cities Association of Santa Clara County.
–          Work in cooperation with Sunnyvale and other cities who may adopt the $15.00 by 2018 goal.
–          Send a letter to all Mayors and City Managers, jointly with Sunnyvale, outlining the regional effort and seeking their support.
–          Host two community engagement meetings to receive feedback on a regional plan (the first to be held jointly with Sunnyvale, the second in Mountain View).
–          Conduct targeted outreach to solicit input from the business community.
–          Post an Open City Hall question on the issue.
–          Direct staff to return in the fall to present feedback from public input and other cities, information on studies for and against increasing the minimum wage, and options for a new ordinance.

Link to item:https://mountainview.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2250239&GUID=1A4F98FF-52BB-48B1-8622-3D1C7866F191
Link to agenda: https://mountainview.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx

Santa Clara County Office of Education

Vacant board seat appointment

The Santa Clara County Board of Education plans to make a provisional appointment to fill a vacancy from Board Trustee Area 3, which will become vacant on March 31 with the resignation of Leon Beauchman. The provisional appointee will serve until the term of office of the vacant seat expires in November 2016.

To apply for the position, applicants must be registered voters residing within Area 3, which includes the Cambrian School District, Campbell Union School District, Luther Burbank School District, Moreland School District, Union School District and Campbell Union High School District, as well as small portions of San Jose Unified School District and Santa Clara Unified School District.

Interested individuals should submit a letter that includes interests and qualifications for the position. Include a minimum of three references and a resume. All materials must be received by 5 p.m., April 3, 2015. Submit all requested materials to Jon R. Gundry, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools, 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95131-2304 or fax to (408) 453-6601.

Selected candidates will be interviewed at a public meeting of the Board tentatively scheduled for May 6, 2015. It is anticipated that the Board will take action on the appointment at that meeting. For further information, contact Jon R. Gundry at (408) 453-6540.

Rumors abound of possible candidates including: former San Jose City Council Member Judy Chirco, non-profit ED Rosemary Kamei, former State Assembly Member Paul Fong and former San Jose Council Member Pete Constant. 

Link to item: http://www.sccoe.org/newsandfacts/Pages/Candidate-Information.aspx

San Jose

Higher reserves advised for SJ

Date item will be heard: April 7, 2015

For budgeting purposes, the City has two general purpose, safety net reserves within the General Fund: the Contingency Reserve and the Budget Stabilization Reserve. Together, these reserves are only 4 percent of General Fund operating expenditures, far below the 16.6 percent minimum level recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The City has less than the equivalent of three weeks of operating expenditures in savings rather than the two months recommended by GFOA. In addition the Office of the City Auditor stated that San José’s written reserve policies should be more comprehensive in scope. GFOA recommends that reserve policies contain several key elements providing guidance on how to fund, use, and replenish reserves.

Link to item: http://sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/41658
Link to agenda: http://sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/41666



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