Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

San Jose

General Plan 4-year review and updates on Urban Village development

Public entity: San Jose Community & Economic Development Cmte
Date/time/location item will be heard:   April 27, 2015, 1:30 pm

Recommendation: Accept the status report on General Plan and Urban Village Implementation and provide comments on the proposed approach to the Four-Year Review of the General Plan. Refer this item to full Council for consideration on May 12, 2015.

Staff will provide a report on General Plan and Urban Village Implementation activities, and discuss the proposed framework and timeline for the upcoming Four-Year Review of the General Plan. The members of the Four-Year Review Task Force will be appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Prior to the official launch of the Task Force process in fall 2015, staff and the consultant team will undertake several tasks, such as evaluating existing conditions, updating population and job forecasts and market economic analysis work.

 Update on homeless housing initiatives, including hotel-motel master leasing

Public entity: San Jose Community & Economic Development Cmte

Date/time/location item will be heard:   April 27, 2015, 1:30 pm

Recommendation: Accept the Homeless Housing status report and discuss efforts to create a range of housing solutions for homeless individuals and families.

Among several strategies being pursued is construction of “tiny homes” through a public-private partnership, possibly on City land.   Another strategy is hotel-motel master leasing. In 2014, Council amended the zoning code to allow for “hotel supportive housing” at commercial hotel and motel sites in defined regions of San Jose. A master-leasing program provides benefits to the owner, nonprofit, and renter. In the short-term, the program provides a quick interim housing alternative for homeless people who have housing subsidies but cannot find a market-rate apartment to rent.  Last October, staff released a request for qualifications to find a potential operator for the project, but no agencies replied. Agencies reported concerns ranging from the difficulties of the permitting process – a conditional use permit is required at each site under the current ordinance – to a lack of organizational capacity to take on a new set of potentially complicated services.  One agency, Abode Services, did express potential interest in exploring the issue further. Staff identified funding for this project through the Housing Trust Fund and is currently working with Abode to reach out to potential hotel and motel owners to explore opportunities available in the community


Valley Transportation Authority

 Board workshop on BRT next steps & 2016-17 budget 

Public entity: VTA Board of Directors Workshop Meeting

Date/time/location item will be heard:  May 1, 2015, 8:30 am

The board will hold a special workshop meeting to discuss two topics: VTA’s proposed budget for the next two years, and the Draft EIR & next steps on the El Camino Real Bus Rapid Transit Project. The next step in the environmental process for BRT is for VTA to select a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) in order to complete a Final Environmental Report/Environmental Assessment. The LPA must come from one of the alternatives studied in the environmental document.

Link to agenda packet:  http://vtaorgcontent.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Site_Content/bod_050115_wkshp_packet.pdf




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