Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

Santa Clara County

Creating a County Economic Development Strategy

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 11, 2015, 1 pm, Santa Clara County Finance & Government Operations Cmte

Receive report from the Office of the County Executive relating to Economic Development Strategy. Forward Economic Development Mission and Guiding Principles to the Board of Supervisors for consideration.

Link to item: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=SplitView&MeetingID=6011&MediaPosition=&ID=76578&CssClass
Link to agenda: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=6011

San Jose

Approving 2015-16 budget

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 9, 2015, 1:30 pm, San Jose City Council

Council may approve the Operating Budget and Capital Budget for 2015-2016 and the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for 2016-2020 as revised by the Mayor’s Budget Message, contingent upon approval of the Sewer Service and Use Charges and Storm Sewer Service Charge Rates for which the public hearing is scheduled for June 23, 2015.

Several City Commissions have sent letters relating to the proposed budget.

  • The Human Services Commission requests that the City reinstate the independent position of ADA Coordinator, rather than consolidating it with the position of the head of Equality Assurance. It also requests that the City explore internal funding for the SJPD Human Trafficking Task Force, which is currently funded by a grant that will soon expire.
  • The Neighborhoods Commission overall supports the Mayor’s budget and wishes to emphasize the importance of: Public Safety, the Community Service Officer Program, Gang Prevention, Summer Jobs for Youth, the program to prevent Illegal Dumping, preventing Employment Land Conversions and retaining the goal of 1.3 jobs per resident, Small Business Assistance, keeping & expanding library hours, maintaining streets and roadways, traffic calming, looking at different solutions to homelessness, better maintenance of parks, bringing back 4th of July fireworks displays, innovating in procurement of software, and resourcing the implementation of the 2040 General Plan. They also support the Neighborhood Dashboard concept. Finally, they state that “The proposal for Participatory Budgets sounds good, but we have some concerns that well-organized neighborhoods might grab all the money, whereas it might be more needed in less-organized neighborhoods, perhaps for traffic calming and code enforcement / blight abatement.”

Link to item: multiple
Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=7e9cf631-4848-49ac-b09d-69556190fb86

Referring renters’ rights, Just Cause and probation of voucher discrimination to Priority Setting Session

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 16, 2015 1:30p, San Jose City Council

Recommendation to accept the staff report on current workplan items related to affordable housing, and to refer the following items for consideration at the City Council Priority Setting Session on June 23:

  1. Update the City’s Rental Rights and Referrals Program and consider related items, including but not limited to exploring a just cause evictions ordinance and adjusting the staffing needed to adequately monitor, track and enforce the program and changes to ordinance and regulations reducing the allowable rent increase and modifying the allowed debt-service pass-through.
  2. Explore an ordinance prohibiting voucher discrimination.

Link to item: N/A
Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=51&event_id=734

San Jose: Council Priority Setting Session to be held June 23

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 16, 2015 1:30p, San Jose City Council

Priority Setting Session has been deferred to 6/23/15.

Link to item: N/A
Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=51&event_id=734

Evaluator recommends dismissal of ethics complaints against Manh Nguyen

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 10, 2015 5:30p, San Jose Ethics Commission

Complaints by Loan To Pham, Lam Kim Hong and Lam Hung Trang were found to lack specific facts supporting the allegations of violations of Section 12.08 of the Municipal Code, and it is recommended that all complaints be dismissed.

Link to item: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/44335
Link to agenda: http://sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/44342

Councilmember Kalra’s resolution to support Constitutional amendment ending corporate personhood

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 16, 2015 1:30p, San Jose City Council

The City Attorney recommends the adoption of a resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States declaring that only human beings have Constitutional rights.

In May 2015, the Rules Committee approved the resolution, as recommended by Councilmember Kalra.

Council will discuss and consider the adoption of such a resolution. The CA State Legislature was able to add an advisory measure to address the issue of corporate personhood at the State level. The City’s adoption of this resolution would show a grassroots level of support for the statewide measure, and, ultimately, of Federal action to amend the Constitution of the United States.

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=51&event_id=734&meta_id=518647
Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=51&event_id=734

City of Santa Clara

Public outreach meeting on proposed City minimum wage

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 11, 2015, 5-6 pm, Council Chambers, Santa Clara City Council

City will hold a public outreach meeting regarding the proposed plan to adopt a local minimum wage ordinance by January 1, 2016. There will be a brief summary of the draft minimum wage radiance (as of May 14, 2015), followed by Q&A and discussion.

Next Meeting Date: June 18, 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Link to agenda: http://santaclaraca.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=14331

Santa Clara County

Banning tobacco sales to people under 21

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 9, 2015, 9 am, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors

The proposed ordinance, which was initiated by Supervisor Yeager, would make it illegal for retailers in the unincorporated areas to sell tobacco or e-cigarette products to anyone under 21 (currently it is only illegal to sell to persons under 18).

Should the Board approve the proposed changes to the Ordinance Code, the changes would become operative on January 1, 2016. The Public Health Department would work with the Department of Environmental Health and the Sheriff’s Office to implement the changes.

Links to items: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=SplitView&MeetingID=6058&MediaPosition=&ID=76711&CssClass
Link to agenda: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=6058

$200 Million+ New Main Jail project

Date/time/location item will be heard: June 9, 2015, 9 am, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors

The proposed project consists of replacement of an outdated jail facility at Santa Clara County’s Main Jail Complex with a new jail building at either of two locations. The conceptual plan for the replacement jail is a single building up to 325,000 square feet in size with a maximum height of 150 feet (six stories). The existing three-story, 133,000 square-foot Main Jail South building would be demolished at a future time yet to be determined. The County is seeking partial project funding via the State of California lease-revenue bond funds under the SB 863 Bond funding measure.

It is important to note that initial indications suggest that the cost of the new jail facility is significantly greater that the $80 million reported in the most recent Jail Needs Assessment. At this point in time it appears the cost will exceed $200 million. In addition, we believe the operating cost will exceed $10 million annually. Additional information is being developed and refined but the changes in cost were significant enough to mention even though estimates have not been finalized at this time.

Next steps: The Administration continues to work on siting options and design plans while working to determine operational costs of the proposed facility in an effort to bring a draft application to the Board of Supervisors on August 11, 2015 for Board approval to apply for State funding. Since the Request for Proposal for the State funding is not anticipated to be released before June 12 and the application is due on August 28, 2015, there is a tight timeline to have everything ready for the Board and then the State.

Link to item: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=SplitView&MeetingID=6058&MediaPosition=&ID=76620&CssClass=
Link to agenda: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=6058

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