Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

City of San Jose

Priority Setting Session Dec. 8; potential priorities include gender pay equity, downtown storefront activation, 1% development fee for art, more

Council to approve new items for the Council Priority List to create an updated, rank-ordered list. The process for establishing Council Priorities at the Dec. 8th meeting are as follows:

  1. Nominated Ideas Voting – Council will vote on the Nominated Ideas which were referred to priority setting through the early consideration process, to determine whether they should move on to the Council Priority list.
  2. Ranking Process – The first nine items on the Council Priority list established on June 23, 2015, will not be re-ranked. The remaining 11 items on the list plus any new items identified in Step 1 will go through a forced ranking process.
  3. Implementation and Next Steps – Staff will continue to work on higher ranked priority items.

The 9 frozen items are:

  1. Wage Theft Parts A, B, and C
  2. Update the City’s Rental Rights and Referrals Program
  3. Local Hiring/Local Business/Apprenticeship Utilization Program
  4. Massage Parlor Regulation
  5. Mobile Home Conversions
  6. Illegal Fireworks Ordinance
  7. Riparian Corridor and Bird-Safe Buildings
  8. Commercial Impact Fee for Affordable Housing
  9. Allowing Secondary Detached Units in San Jose

Newly nominated ideas include:

  • Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones Ordinance
  • Gender Pay Equity
  • License Plate Readers on Garbage Trucks
  • Electronic Billboards
  • Downtown Sign District Pilot Program

Where: San Jose City Council

When: December 8th, 2015, 1:30pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1476&meta_id=544991



Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=8ccc7c58-e2d4-4bf0-965e-769a1b15ac8e


Mayor Liccardo recommends to appoint Councilmember Mahn Nguyen to Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board

With the resignation of Councilmember Kalra from the VTA board, the City of San Jose has an open seat. Mayor Liccardo recommends appointing Councilmember Mahn Nguyen to represent the City of San Jose on the Santa Clara Valley Transportation (VTA) Board.

Where: Rules & Open Government Committee

Where:  December 2, 2015, 2pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?meta_id=545079

Link to agenda: https://sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/48092

Other cities disputing San Jose’s proposed agreement for Regional Wastewater Facility & $120M state loan request; Treatment Plant Advisory Committee (TPAC) recs that San Jose accelerate negotiations

Supplemental Memo: This supplemental memo is a result of the Nov. 19th Treatment Plant Advisory Committee (TPAC) meeting, at which the original memo was presented. TPAC requested a revision to Item C in the recommendation, which has been revised as follows:

  • Direct staff to coordinate with the City of Santa Clara to evaluate the scope of the proposed amendments to the existing master agreements with the tributary agencies, and return to the City Council with recommendations on whether to proceed with negotiations, and a process and a budget to negotiate amendments as part of the 2015-2016 mid-year budget process.

Original Item: Recommendation to direct staff to return with the draft Amendment and Restatement of the Master Agreements to include amendments that would be necessary to secure State Revolving Fund loans and short term financing for the Tributary Agencies’ obligation for capital projects in 2015-2016; and to coordinate with the City of Santa Clara to evaluate the scope of the proposed amendments.

The amendments to the Master Agreements are needed so the City will be eligible for an approximate $120,000,000 State Revolving Fund loan agreement for the Digester and Thickener Facilities project. The amendments need to be executed, at the latest, by January 2016.

Where:    San Jose City Council

Where:  Dec. 1, 2015, 1:30pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1475&meta_id=544244


Link to Supplemental Memo: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1475&meta_id=544478

Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=bab84e44-2cfa-453e-b2a4-fb0477c4e808


MEMOs from Liccardo/Herrera/Jones/Peralez/M. Nguyen; Oliverio; & T. Nguyen regarding police recruitment

Memo from Liccardo, Herrerra, Jones, Peralez & M. Nguyen:

  • Direct the City Manager to develop a comprehensive recruitment plan in partnership with the Police Officers Association, focused on lateral officers and new recruits, and report back to the City Council by Feb. 9, 2016.2016. Plan should include specific steps the San Jose Police Department will take in recruit women and people of color.
  • Direct the City Manager to negotiate a more substantial one-time bonus for exiting officers who recruit candidates to serve in the San Jose Police Department.
  • Direct the City Manager to report on Recruitment Activity beginning in Spring 2016.

Memo from Oliverio:

  • Direct the City Manager to negotiate an agreement with both the California Highway Patrol and Sheriff to augment the San Jose Police Department.

Memo from T. Nguyen:

  • Direct the City Manager to provide a more comprehensive report of the gender and ethnicity diversity within our police department and of recruits in addition to an action plan to achieve recruiting goals.

Original item: As recommended by the Public Safety, Finance, and Strategic Support Committee, Council will accept the audit report on Police Hiring: Additional Efforts to Recruit Qualified Candidates Urgently Needed to Fill Vacancies.

The Police Department Hiring Audit findings include:

  • Rising vacancy rates have increased the urgency to improve officer recruitment
  • High turnover rates reduce SJPD’s return on investment in hiring and training recruits
  • More outreach is needed to increase the diversity of the candidate pool

Where:    San Jose City Council

Where:  Dec. 1, 2015, 1:30pm

Link to Liccardo et al. memo: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1475&meta_id=544480 

Link to Oliverio memo: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1475&meta_id=544578

Link to T. Nguyen memo: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1475&meta_id=544582

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1475&meta_id=544238

Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=bab84e44-2cfa-453e-b2a4-fb0477c4e808


Mayor & Council Members call for amicus brief in support of Administrative Relief in Supreme Court

Mayor Sam Liccardo and Council Members Carrasco, Peralez, M. Nguyen and T. Nguyen recommend to direct the City Attorney to join the filing of an amicus brief authored by Cities United for Immigration Action in the U.S. Supreme Court, in support of President Obama’s Nov. 2014 executive action on immigration.

In March, the City Council endorsed joining the National League of Cities and the U.S. Conference of Mayors in filing an amicus brief in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals case Texas v. United States. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the District Court’s ruling 2-1.

Where:    San Jose City Council

Where:  Dec. 1, 2015, 1:30p

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1475&meta_id=544512

Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=bab84e44-2cfa-453e-b2a4-fb0477c4e808


City Auditor prioritizes audit recommendations, including police civilianization, corrections to pensionable earnings and funding for pavement maintenance

After receiving the most recent report from the City Auditor’s Office, the City Council requested the City Auditor’s Office to identify five priority items with the greatest impact on the General Fund, and five priority items with the greatest impact on safety and services:

  • General Fund impacts:
    • Police civilianization
    • Alternative response to less urgent medical calls (Fire Dept)
    • Ratepayer-funded public art allocations
    • Funding for pavement maintenance
    • Corrections to pensionable earnings
  • Safety and service impacts:
    • Information technology general controls
    • Police secondary employment
    • Customer service improvements at the permit center
    • Increased public education about the importance of working smoke detectors and households fire safety to reduce fire injuries and deaths
    • Technology upgrade for police officers in the field

Where:  Rules & Open Government Committee

Where:  December 2, 2015, 2pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?meta_id=545083

Link to agenda: https://sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/48092


Liccardo/Herrera/Peralez proposing $5 Million housing rehab proposal to incentivize landlords to accept housing vouchers from homeless Veterans

This Veteran’s Day, the City, County, Housing Authority, and Destination:

  • Home launched a joint campaign, “All the Way Home,” committing to ensure a dignified home for every homeless veteran in our County by Veterans’ Day 2018 – the 100th anniversary of Veteran’s Day. As of September, over 250 homeless veterans possessed housing vouchers but only half of them were successful in finding landlords who were willing to accept them. Strategies to help reach the campaign’s goal include:
    • Develop a program to use approximatley $5 Million from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund in the City’s Affordable Housing Investment Plan to establish a housing rehab program incentivizing landlords to participate in housing voucher or coupon programs
    • Convene a meeting with landlords to receive their input and feedback on an incentive program
    • Report back to City Council the progress and program specifics during the mid-year budget, including
    • Pilot program for landlords who will rent to homeless Veterans
    • Maximum financial commitment from the City per loan or grant and the types of rehab projects or repairs allowed
    • Contracting with a nonprofit to administer the program
    • Restricting the program to non-rent-controlled units in order to further expand the affordable housing options in the City

Where:  Rules & Open Government Committee

Where:  December 2, 2015, 2pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?meta_id=545085

Link to agenda: https://sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/48092


Mayor’s ethics recommendations include changes to lobbyist reporting disclosures, gift rules, electronic filing system

The Mayor is required to conduct a biennial review of the City’s Code of Ethics and Ordinances relating to ethical standards and make recommendations to the City Council for changes. The Mayor’s recommendations include:

  • Direct the City Clerk to report on the feasibility of creating an electronic filing system for lobbyist tracking and reporting, which would automate the process in a way that provides immediate online disclosure upon submittal of reports
  • Direct the City Clerk to refine current lobbyist forms and add a section that differentiates the type of contact with elected officials and their Chief of Staffs
  • Direct City Attorney to draft amendments to Title 12 referencing lobbyist reporting disclosures
  • Direct the Ethics Commission to recommend revisions to the Gift Ordinance to better align with the State gift rules
  • Place item on December 15, 2015 Council agenda for action
    • City Attorney report to Council the clear distinctions between reporting requirements for elected officials/Chief of Staffs versus lobbyists
  • Return to City Council in February 2016 with an update on the above directions

Where:  Rules & Open Government Committee

Where:  December 2, 2015, 2pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?meta_id=545087

Link to agenda: https://sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/48092


Resolution to stand against human trafficking

Recommendation to adopt a resolution standing against human trafficking in the Bay Area before the 2016 Super Bowl and beyond. Human trafficking is one of the most profitable criminal enterprises in the world, and the Bay Area is a top destination for human trafficking activity. The Bay Area has active coalitions of law enforcement agencies, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, and the private sector working collaboratively to prevent acts of human trafficking, protect victims, and prosecute perpetrators. While no definitive data exists linking the Super Bowl to increased trafficking of persons in the host regions, the Super Bowl creates the opportunity to reach out to industries, stakeholders, and the broader community that can play a role in combating trafficking year round.

Where:    San Jose City Council

Where:  Dec. 8, 2015, 1:30p

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=1476&meta_id=544910


Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=8ccc7c58-e2d4-4bf0-965e-769a1b15ac8e


City of Milpitas

Adopting zoning changes needed in Transit Area Specific Plan area; allow high density, multi-family residential use

On November 17, 2015, the City Council introduced Ordinance 38.824 to amend the City’s Municipal Code on zoning regulations to change the land use designation of a parcel in the Transit Area Specific Plan for Mixed Use Very High Density (MXD3) (Transit Overlay) to Multi-Family Residential, High Density (R3) Transit Overlay.

Ordinance No. 38.823 is now ready for a second reading and adoption.

Where:  Milpitas City Council

Where:  December 1, 2015

Link to item: http://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/_pdfs/council/2015/120115/item_09.pdf

Link to agenda: http://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/_pdfs/council/2015/120115/Agenda.pdf


City of Mountain View

Considering rent relief policies including Right to Lease Ordinance, rental assistance, mandatory mediation & a rent study

Recommendation to consider a variety of rent relief options and take action or provide direction on one or more options, including:

  • Right to Lease Ordinance
    • This draft ordinance is based on Palo Alto’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance which requires landlords to provide current and prospective tenants with a one-year written lease. The proposed ordinance applies to all “rental units”, and if adopted on Dec. 8, 2015, would go into effect on Jan. 7, 2016.
  • Rental Assistance
    • Staff was directed to work with CSA to develop a rental assistance program to be administered by CSA. CSA is presenting three options to provide rental assistance and case management services to lower-income households (earning less than 80% of Area Median Income):
      • Option 1 – Expanded Emergency Rental Assistance: provides 2 months of full rental assistance toward stabilizing households and preventing displacement.
      • Option 2 – Housing Stabilization Program: provides rental assistance, financial education, credit counseling, search and relocation assistance, and assistance with moving costs, security, and utility deposits.
      • Option 3 – Rent Increase Gap Funding: provides funding to cover rent increases, case management, and counseling services.
  • Mandatory Mediation
    • Staff reviewed the mandatory mediation programs in Alameda, Campbell, Fremont, Los Gatos, Palo Alto, and San Leandro; of all surveyed cities, Mountain View has the highest number of rented units and percentage of renters (18,641 units; 58% renters). Potential components of a mandatory mediation program include conciliation services, mediation, additional dispute resolution options, initiation for dispute resolution, etc.

Appropriate $60,000 for preparation of a rent study and authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with consultants to prepare the study. (Five votes required)

Where:    Mountain View City Council

Where:  Dec. 1, 2015, 3:00p

Link to item: https://mountainview.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2524854&GUID=EDFBE58B-4829-4088-A900-8B5A19D7F3B2

Link to agenda: http://www.mountainview.gov/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=18197


City of Sunnyvale

Seeking direction on whether to continue on path to $15 minimum wage by 2018

Recommendation: The City Council has already directed staff on this issue and staff has implemented that direction; however, several regional activities have occurred on setting alternative minimum wages, as well as the outcome of the reduced Consumer Price Index for the U.S. city average, which provides the City Council with new information in the event that it would like to amend the original direction.  Therefore, staff is merely checking in with the City Council to confirm its original direction or consider new direction to staff.

On November 10, 2015, Mountain View City Council adopted a $15 by 2018 minimum wage ordinance that raises the minimum wage to $11 per hour on January 1, 2016, $13 per hour on January 1, 2017, and $15 per hour on January 1, 2018. Beginning on January 1, 2019, the minimum wage will adjust annually based upon the Bay Area Consumer Price Index. This is a change from the U.S. Consumer Price Index, which is used in the current ordinances in San Jose, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto, and Santa Clara.

Where:  Sunnyvale City Council

Where: Dec. 1, 2015, 7:00p

Link to item: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2521291&GUID=E97B696E-9FB5-4925-A430-92303212AE94

Link to agenda: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=372665&GUID=8BEC8860-D8A7-4AF9-8CB2-4E0899862FAB


Study session regarding potential Utility Users Tax ballot measure

Review of potential for a Utility Users Tax ballot measure

Where:    Sunnyvale City Council

Where:   Dec. 1, 2015, 6:00p

Link to agenda: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=372665&GUID=8BEC8860-D8A7-4AF9-8CB2-4E0899862FAB


City of Cupertino

Approving a Joint Powers Authority and budget for formation of the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority

  1. Accept the Silicon Valley Community Choice Energy Technical Study Draft Report, and find that the proposed actions are exempt from CEQA; and
  2. Conduct the first reading of the Ordinance authorizing the implementation of a Community Choice Aggregation Program to create and participate in the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority; and
  3. Adopt Resolution approving the Joint Powers Agreement establishing the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority; and
  4. Authorize the City Manager to remit up to $450,000, as previously budgeted, to the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority to support the initial costs of the Authority; and
  5. Approve an increase to the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Sustainability Division Special Project Budget of $100,000 for project contingency as outlined in the JPA; and
  6. Direct staff to return to Council with an update and potential action regarding bridge financing for the Authority; and
  7. Direct staff to return to Council with a proposal to provide interim project and/or staffing support to the Authority via a separate services agreement; and
  8. Direct staff to return to Council for appointment of a regular Director and alternate Director to the Authority’s Board of Directors.

The original SVCEEP study was sponsored by four agencies: the cities of Sunnyvale, Cupertino and Mountain View and the County of Santa Clara. In addition, eight other small and medium sized communities in Santa Clara County have stepped forward and expressed interest in the prospect of a multi-jurisdictional CCE. Campbell, Gilroy, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga have all taken a requisite preparatory step of authorizing Sunnyvale to request that PG&E provide detailed electrical data for their jurisdictions.

Where: Cupertino City Council

Where:   Dec. 1, 2015, 6:45 pm

Link to item:  http://cupertino.legistar.com/gateway.aspx?M=F&ID=751d9167-f91a-4244-9902-0a1313f8fafc.docx

Link to agenda: https://cupertino.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=395760&GUID=1E7327F1-0FDF-4E22-9F51-EC7DFEF5F322http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=6067http://santaclaraca.gov/Home/ShowDocument?id=15947

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