Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

City of San Jose

Agreement with San José Sports Authority

The San Jose Sports Authority (SJSA) is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1991 to promote San Jose as a location for high profile, marquee state, national and international sporting events and to develop and support existing sporting events and organizations in San Jose and the Bay Area.

The proposed agreement is a continuation of prior agreements with the SJSA. The term of the agreement is from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2019, and is retroactive. Key activities required of SJSA include:

  • Serve as the City’s primary outside organization for contacting national governing bodies, institutions and professional organizations, sports promotion and domestic and international sports organizations, to solicit high-profile sporting events for San Jose.
  • Solicit funds through fund raising activities to support the SJSA and to underwrite events.
  • Inform local residents of sport activities taking place in the community, answer sports-related requests, create a more positive attitude among residents toward sporting events, and in general serve as a coordinating agency with other sports & community service groups.
  • Keep abreast of new marketing trends in sports entertainment which will improve San Jose’s position as a host city.
  • Explore local, regional, national and international publications for publicity opportunities describing San Jose and the surrounding area as a sporting event venue.
  • Maintain current active membership in national and state event and sports associations.
  • Design, purchase, provide and distribute the necessary books, pamphlets, brochures, circulars and such other promotional literature and materials to effectuate and implement a promotional program of the City.
  • Coordinate SJSA sponsored or sanctioned events and maintain a close working relationship with the City’s Office of Economic Development, Public Outreach Manager, Parks Recreation and Neighborhood Services Department, authorized operators of City-owned facilities, Development, etc.

The agreement clarifies that the Authority Board shall include the City Manager or designee, and two other members appointed by the Mayor.

Staff Recommendation: Approve an Agreement with the San José Sports Authority for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2019, in the amount of $448,200 in FY 2015-2016, and future compensation subject to appropriation of funding.

Where: San Jose City Council

When:  Jan. 12, 2016, 1:30 pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=2118&meta_id=550283

Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=f9bd2931-e48d-4802-b146-3d9cd0754a9e


Recycle Plus Curbside Material Audit

Staff Recommendation:

  • Accept third party studies of single-family residential recyclables characterization and hauler recycling facilities operations;
  • Direct staff to return to Council in March 2016 with proposed updated contract language, if applicable, in Districts A and C, to reflect changes discussed in this report for Council consideration; and
  • Direct staff to implement pilot studies to (1) process recyclables residue from Districts A and C to recycle organic waste, (2) issue larger garbage carts for single-family residences in focused areas; and return to Council with any recommended program changes as part of the 2016-2017 budget process.

Where: San Jose City Council

When:  Jan. 12, 2016, 1:30 pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=2118&meta_id=550318

Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=f9bd2931-e48d-4802-b146-3d9cd0754a9e

San José-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility Ten-Year Funding Strategy Report

Staff Recommendation: Accept the status report on the Ten-Year Funding Strategy for the San Jose-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility Capital Improvement Program, and approve staffs’ recommendation of projects for which to seek State Revolving Fund loans.

The status report includes an update on funding strategies for the ten-year, $1,400,000,000 Regional Wastewater Facility Capital Improvement Program.

The San Jose-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility Ten-Year Funding Strategy was approved by the San Jose City Council on June 2, 2015. In the last six months, staff met with and provided regular updates and correspondence to Santa Clara and Tributary Agency representatives on the status and next steps related to terms of and establishing a Commercial Paper (CP) program, SRF loans, and long-term debt. In October, draft Master Agreement amendments needed to secure SRF loans were sent to all tributary agencies, with responses from the agencies requested by November 20, 2015. Also in October, staff from the Tributary Agencies provided red lined Master Agreements to jointly request specific, substantive changes to the existing Master Agreements which will require time for careful evaluation and additional costs to negotiate a more comprehensive amendment to the Master Agreement.

Where: San Jose City Council

When:  Jan. 12, 2016, 1:30 pm

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=2118&meta_id=550326

Link to agenda: http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=f9bd2931-e48d-4802-b146-3d9cd0754a9e

City of Santa Clara

Local group sues to prevent NFL’s use of soccer fields

Update from City of Santa Clara:

The Super Bowl bid was submitted with unanimous City Council support in March 2013 and Santa Clara was selected to host Super Bowl 50. The City is now working with the Host Committee and the NFL on implementing and honoring the bid, per the City’s promise and commitment from 2013. Alternative fields have already been secured by the City, based on the schedules provided to the City by the soccer community, during the temporary use of the Youth Soccer Park by the NFL. The NFL, at its sole cost, has committed to returning the facility to its present condition, or better, including providing new sod for the two grass fields that are used for practice at the park.

On December 30, 2015 the Santa Clara Youth Soccer League filed suit against the City and sought a temporary restraining order to prohibit NFL’s use of the fields scheduled to begin Monday, January 4, 2016, per the executed License Agreement. At court on Thursday, December 31, 2015, Judge Huber set a preliminary hearing for Wednesday, January 6, 2015 at 1:30 pm and unconditionally denied the request for a temporary restraining order. At this time, the City will continue to work with the Host Committee and the NFL to implement and honor the City’s commitments from the Super Bowl bid of 2013.

Where:  City of Santa Clara

Link to item: http://santaclaraca.gov/Home/Components/News/News/4636/

City of Sunnyvale:

Select Mayor and Vice Mayor for 2016

Selecting Mayor and Vice Mayor for 2016 and until a successor is elected. Councilmembers Hendricks and Whittum expressed interest in the Mayor position. Councilmember Larsson expressed interest in Vice Mayor.

Where:   Sunnyvale City Council

When:  Jan. 5, 2016

Link to item: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2537760&GUID=ACDE2B2E-560A-4DFF-A620-37EA399E493C


Link to agenda: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=372667&GUID=0AFE977E-5ACB-4C1B-91AB-D1DFAF1306AF

Proposed 2016 Study Issues include wage theft ordinance, bond measure for affordable housing, private shuttle buses, concierge trash service, solar access requirements & more

Council will discuss potential Council study and budget issues for 2016. Councilmembers may request new study and/or budget issues be developed for review at the Annual Study Issues/Budget Issues Workshop on January 29, 2016. A minimum of two Councilmembers is required to sponsor either. The deadline for sponsoring new issues is January 8, 2016. Proposed study issues include:

  • Downtown Development Policies for Parking
  • Feasibility of a Plan to Seek Voter Approval for a New Bond Financing Measure to Generate Additional Funds for Affordable Housing Development in Sunnyvale
  • Concierge Trash Service
  • Private Bus Systems in Relation to Transportation Demand Management and Traffic Impact Fee programs
  • Green Building and Zero Net Energy Requirements
  • Solar Access Requirements
  • Consider Adoption of a Wage Theft Ordinance
  • Scoping of Grade Separations for Caltrain Crossing at Mary Avenue and Sunnyvale Avenue

Full list of proposed 2016 study issues can be found here: http://sunnyvale.ca.gov/CityGovernment/StudyIssues/2016StudyIssues.aspx

Where:   Sunnyvale City Council

When:  Jan. 5, 2016

Link to item: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2537762&GUID=08CF7E7A-327D-474F-B82C-B92FCEE9E629

Link to agenda: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=372667&GUID=0AFE977E-5ACB-4C1B-91AB-D1DFAF1306AF

City Council 2016 Appointments to Intergovernmental and Internal Assignments, Council Subcommittee, and Community Member Appointments

Determining appointments to external assignments and membership of the 2016 Council Subcommittees. Councilmembers assigned as Council Liaisons to various Boards and Commission. Highlights of external assignments include:

The Mayor’s Task Force on Community Choice Energy (CCE)

  • Jim Griffith, Mayor, Sunnyvale
  • John McAlister, Mayor, Mt. View
  • Rod Sinks, Mayor, Cupertino
  • Dave Cortese, Supervisor, SCC
  • Jim Griffith appointed as Executive Board, President of Cities Association of Santa Clara County (CASCC)

Tara Martin-Milius appointed as Alternate of Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)

David Whittum on VTA’s Board of Directors and El Camino Real Bus Rapid Transit Policy Advisory Board (PAB)

Jim Davis appointed to Executive Board of ABAG

Gustav Larsson on Board of Directors of Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA)

Where:   Sunnyvale City Council

When:  Jan. 5, 2016

Link to item: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2537763&GUID=98AFE1F5-CD1F-452E-92A9-591F5AF5F2F3

Link to agenda: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=372667&GUID=0AFE977E-5ACB-4C1B-91AB-D1DFAF1306AF

Award of Four Multi-year Contracts for Services Related to the Food Scrap Collection Program

Council will award four contracts for the processing of commercial (and ultimately residential) compostable materials (food scraps or organics), not to exceed budgeted amounts, to the following vendors:

  • Bay Counties Waste Services (5 years)
  • Recology Blossom Valley Organics (3 years)
  • Zanker Road Resource Management, Ltd. (Z-Best) (3 years)
  • Zero Waste Development Company LLC. (ZWED)

The Council will also delegate authority to the City Manager to renew the service agreements for up to three additional years, subject to budgeted funding and acceptable pricing and service.

The Zero Waste Strategic Plan, is budgeted at approximately $30 million over the next twenty years.  It is estimated that 50% of this amount, or $15 million, will be spent on diverting food scraps.  Over the next six years (the total amount of time recommended for these contracts), budgeted funding for the food scraps program is approximately $4.4 million. It is difficult to determine exact contract amounts at this time.  Staff anticipates diverting 70% of the food scrap volume to Bay Counties; 20% to ZWED; and 5% each to Z-Best and Recology.  These amounts are best guess estimates and are very likely to change as the programs become fully operational and grow in scope.  For this reason, staff is requesting that Council delegate authority to the City Manager to modify the contracts as operationally necessary, so long as the total budgeted amount is not exceeded.

In terms of transportation costs, prices are currently estimated to be $10.00/ton to haul organics to Gilroy (the Z-Best option), and $14.50/ton to haul to the Central Valley (the Recology option).  Contracts will be established with trucking firms for material transport and will be awarded under the City Manager’s award authority.

Where:   Sunnyvale City Council

When:  Jan. 5, 2016

Link to item: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2537770&GUID=595F53D2-1B61-4EB7-BE9B-BC1819BBFB3D

Link to agenda: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=372667&GUID=0AFE977E-5ACB-4C1B-91AB-D1DFAF1306AF

City of Gilroy

Appointing Mayor for remainder of term ending November 2016

The Council will be appointing a new Mayor to fill the vacant seat of Mayor for the remainder of an unexpired term ending November 2016. On December 7, 2015, Mayor Gage announced his retirement and resignation from the City Council to be effective December 31, 2015. According to City Charter Section 503, when the Office of Mayor is vacated, the Council shall appoint a member of the Council to fill the seat until the next municipal election when a Mayor shall be elected to serve out any unexpired term, or the succeeding term. Mayor Gage’s term will expire in November 2016.

Where:  Gilroy City Council

When:  Jan. 4, 2016

Link to item: http://www.cityofgilroy.org/CityOfGilroy_Files/city_hall/meetings/99f5ec1c_01-04-16%20City%20Council%20Packet.pdf

Link to agenda: http://www.cityofgilroy.org/CityOfGilroy_Files/city_hall/meetings/75cc1d6e_1-4-16%20CC%20Meeting%20Agenda.pdf

Considering next steps for proposed Multi-family Housing Inspection Program

Council will consider giving further direction to staff to develop a proactive Multi-Family Housing Inspection Program, including policies, procedures and a fee structure.

Multi-family housing includes residential rental properties of three or more units, including apartments, hotels, and motels. Blighted and/or substandard multi-family premises and structures throughout the city adversely affect the economic well-being of the city, and can also contribute to the decline of neighborhoods and jeopardize the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of residents. Currently, nearly 20% of called received by Code Enforcement staff initiate a complaint pertaining to potential housing, building, and other safety code violations.

A proactive program to enforce minimum housing standards would not be complain driven but instead would create a systematic approach where regular inspections would occur to ensure safe and well-monitored oversight to preserve the quality of the city’s rental housing stock and improve or maintain living conditions. Preliminary evaluation of cost for city staff to conduct the initial inspection is estimated at approximately $75-$90 per unit. The fee should include onsite inspection by a Code Enforcement officer, pre-inspection records review, and post-inspection follow-up.

Should Council support implementation of a Multi-Family Inspection Program, staff would further evaluate staffing needs and impacts to current workload. Staff would prepare a draft work program and fee schedule for stakeholder input.

Where:  Gilroy City Council

When:  Jan. 4, 2016

Link to item: http://www.cityofgilroy.org/CityOfGilroy_Files/city_hall/meetings/99f5ec1c_01-04-16%20City%20Council%20Packet.pdf

Link to agenda: http://www.cityofgilroy.org/CityOfGilroy_Files/city_hall/meetings/75cc1d6e_1-4-16%20CC%20Meeting%20Agenda.pdf

Santa Clara Valley Water District

Considering recommendations for design-build or P3 solicitation for Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center; recommendation is not to pursue a PLA

The Board will consider the following recommendations regarding the Expedited Purified Water Program Project No. 91304001 San Jose, otherwise known as the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center (SVAWPC):

  • Affirm proceeding with dual track solicitation for Statements of Qualification for both a Progressive Design-Build project delivery and a Public-Private Partnership project delivery
  • Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement A3611A for Financial Advisory Services between the Santa Clara Valley Water District (District) and Public Resources Advisory Group to increase the maximum contract amount by $1,331,000 for a total contract value of $2,256,000
  • Do not proceed with a Project Labor Agreement for the Expedited Purified Water Program
  • Receive and discuss other Expedited Purified Water Program updates and provide direction to staff as needed

The Expedited Purified Water Program is the District’s strategy to respond to the current drought and is consist with Board direction to develop recycled water. Due to the ongoing drought, there is increasing urgency for the District to expedite the Program at an acceptable risk and cost to the District. The successful implementation of the Program will mitigate the risk of land subsidence and salt water intrusion, which could significantly impact the infrastructure and economy of the County.

At the December 4, 2015 special Board meeting, staff presented information on Project Labor Agreements (PLAs). Staff is recommending that the Board not pursue a Project Labor Agreement for the Program.

Where:  Santa Clara Valley Water District

When:  Jan. 12, 2016

Link to item: https://scvwd.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=TextL5&GID=571&ID=1683&GUID=LATEST&Title=Agenda+Memo%2fStaff+Report

Link to agenda: https://scvwd.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=419595&GUID=46AB1C35-497A-4875-A0B1-0888C2B7A9CE

Electing John Varela as Chair and Barbara Keegan as Vice Chair for 2016

The Board will be electing Chair and Vice Chair for 2016. Under the provisions of Board Governance Policy GP-5.3, beginning in the calendar year 2012, the positions of Chair and Vice Chair shall rotate from member to member in numerical order continuing from the 2010 rotations. For 2016, the Chair will be District 1 Director John Varela and Vice Chair will be District 2 Director Barbara Keegan.

Where:  Santa Clara Valley Water District

When:  Jan. 12, 2016

Link to item: https://scvwd.legistar.com/ViewReport.ashx?M=R&N=TextL5&GID=571&ID=1656&GUID=LATEST&Title=Agenda+Memo%2fStaff+Report

Link to agenda: https://scvwd.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=419595&GUID=46AB1C35-497A-4875-A0B1-0888C2B7A9CE


Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Diridon Station Intermodal Conceptual Plan 

This fall, the City of San Jose began to coordinate meetings with all of agencies involved with the development of Diridon Station: CAHSR, Caltrain, VTA, and staff from invested departments within the City of San Jose. This working group has been meeting regularly to develop a Diridon Intermodal and Development Implementation Strategy.

An integral piece of the process is identification of the future transportation needs of Diridon Station. VTA is taking the lead to develop an Intermodal Conceptual Plan for Diridon Station. The Diridon Station Intermodal Conceptual Plan will identify the transportation needs for all current and planned services in the Diridon Area as well as the facilities that will be required to provide seamless passenger connections to and between all of those services. Station facility requirements will be identified and configuration alternatives developed and evaluated.

The anticipated budget of the Intermodal Conceptual Plan is $1,000,000. CAHSR grant funding is available to provide $300,000 in funds toward the plan. 1996 Measure B funds will provide required matching and balance of $700,000 needed to complete the study. The initial phase of the study is expected to be completed within six months of contract award.

ACTION ITEM – Authorize the General Manager to 1) Enter into funding agreements with California High Speed Rail Authority for the Diridon Station Intermodal Conceptual Plan; 2) Enter into inter-agency agreements as needed with City of San Jose, California High Speed Rail Authority and Caltrain for development and study of the Diridon Station; and 3) Augment the 1996 Measure B Transportation Improvement Program Fund Capital Budget by $700,000.

Where:  VTA Board of Directions

When: Jan. 7, 2016, 5:30 pm

Link to agenda packethttp://vtaorgcontent.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Site_Content/bod_010716_packet.pdf

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