Scott Herhold, it is time for you to resign from the Mercury News

Scott Herhold

The Mercury News


Dear Mr. Herhold,

Your recent column urging Congressman Mike Honda to step down gave me the idea for this column.

Scott, it is time for you to resign from the Mercury News. I know this goes against your deep seated yearnings to lavishly, inaccurately, and disingenuously support establishment political interests. But you need to face the inevitable. What the Sanders and Trump and Brexit campaigns have all shown is that not just Americans but the whole bloody world is fed up with elites that feather their own nests and ignore the needs of the average working stiff.

That populist rage means there just ain’t no future for a guy like you – a guy who thinks that working people should spend their lives on their knees, that the rich encompass the highest values of our culture, and that politicians should be able to milk the public treasury indefinitely as long as they’re well connected.

In many ways, this step down should be a great deal easier for you than for Mr. Honda. He has a long and distinguished career that, if he is re-elected, he can continue. You’re viewed with contempt by almost everyone who has a sense of honor in the valley. Notice that I did not suggest people’s revulsion towards you is the result of differing political philosophies. Folks have contempt for you because you kowtow before the powerful. Kissing butt is not a political philosophy; it is a character flaw.

This is not to say you should cease writing. You could do a blog. Maybe set one up entitled – “Worshipping the San Jose Upper Class.” I don’t think you’d have much competition. The rest of us would be embarrassed to cravenly defend everything done by those who think they are an aristocracy anointed to rule over – and live off of – the lowly masses.

One last thought. In your final column, admit to your readers what you’ve been doing all these years. While other journalists have bravely struggled to reveal the truth, you’ve cravenly tried to conceal the failings of the powerful. Say that – and at least you can leave with dignity.


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