Policy Watch: Week of 2/13

Santa Clara County

Report on ordinance to prevent discrimination against renters with Section 8 vouchers

At the February 7, 2017 Board of Supervisors meeting, the County Counsel presented a recommended ordinance to ensure that all persons with the ability to pay for housing, whether through their own funds or using a subsidy such as Section 8, are considered for housing. By adopting the proposed recommendation, the County would join dozens of jurisdictions that proscribe rental discrimination based on income source, and help to promote access to housing for all. This item is a committee report on that ordinance.

Where: Santa Clara County Housing, Land Use, Environment, and Transportation Committee

When:  February 16, 2017, 10am, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers

Link to agenda: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=8478


Valley Transportation Authority

Feedback on draft guidelines for Measure B funding

Beginning next week, VTA advisory committees will get their first look at the proposed guidelines for carrying out dozens of transportation projects slated for 2016 Measure B funding.

Starting Wednesday, February 8, VTA Planning staff will present draft guidelines for the Bicycle & Pedestrian, Caltrain Corridor Capacity Improvements, and Caltrain Grade Separation Program Areas to VTA’s Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee (CMPP) and four advisory committees –Policy (PAC), Technical (TAC), Citizens (CAC) and Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committees (BPAC).

Where: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

When: mulitple

Link to item:     http://www.vta.org/News-and-Media/Connect-with-VTA/Rolling-Out-Measure-B#.WJ9LJ_JQd-5


City of San Jose

Councilmembers proposing issues for Priority Setting; incl. development policies near BART stations, public notice on land use proposals, public art fee, anti-displacement ordinance & more

Approve requests to agendize for City Council consideration during the City Council’s Priority Setting Session on February 28, 2017:

  • Revision to Council Policy 6-30. (Nguyen)
    1. A revision to Council Policy 6-30, Public Outreach Policy for Pending Land Use and Development Proposals to start the community engagement process sooner and better target neighborhoods that will be impacted for feedback
  • Build a Better BART Initiative. (Diep)
    1. Exploration of incentives and policies to attract commercial development near future BART stations
    2. Exploration of policies that will support the development of 100% deed restricted affordable housing near future BART stations; and
    3. Updating the citywide commercial development design guidelines (which have not been updated since 1989) and downtown design guidelines (which have not been updated since 2004) to create vibrant neighborhoods near transit
  • Personal Care Business (Massage Parlor) Compliance Initiative. (Peralez)
    1. An update to the San José Municipal Code (SJMC) requiring all personal care businesses that provide any form of massage services to provide a “state registration certification” and any required permits to be approved prior to receiving the City’s business tax certificate
  • SPUR Work Items. (Peralez)
    1. To augment the nominated Priority Setting item entitled “Priority Response to SPUR and Staff Identified Work Items”
  • Private Percent for Art Ordinance. (Carrasco)
    1. To explore a Private Percent for Art Ordinance. — 1% investment set aside for public art on new capital construction
  • Garage Conversion Ordinance. (Carrasco)
    1. To explore a Garage Conversion Ordinance to establish procedures whereby owner-occupants of single-family residential real property on which certain illegal garage conversions now exist would have a limited time to seek to legalize converted garages.
  • Anti-Displacement Preference Ordinance. (Carrasco)
    1. To explore the development of policy that will allow a set-aside in affordable housing developments that prioritizes residents who are being displaced that live in low-income neighborhoods undergoing displacement and/or gentrification.

Where: Public entity: San Jose Rules Committee

When: Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017, 1:30pm, W118-120

Link to agenda:   http://www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/66103  

Study session for proposed Community Choice Energy program – estimated over 100 additional jobs and $11.5M in labor income

Receive an update on the findings of the draft business plan for San José Clean Energy, and Continue to prepare City Council for a decision on whether to proceed with San José Clean Energy at the March 28, 2017 Council meeting.

Key Findings: Economic Development

SJCE could have a variety of economic development benefits within San José, such as through special economic development rates to incentivize manufacturing or job growth related to the local solar development. The estimated $23 million in electric bill savings to residents and businesses each year (full operation) under SJCE alone is estimated to result in:

  • Over 100 additional jobs in the San José area
  • $11.5 million in labor income
  • $18.5 million total value added

Next Steps: Following the Council Study Session on February 13, staff intends to host a community outreach meeting and incorporate both Council and public feedback into a final Business Plan and into Council recommendations for SJCE. Staff will return to Council in March/April 2017 with a recommendation on next steps.

Where:  San Jose Council Study Session

When:  Monday, Feb 13, 2017, 1:30pm, Council Chambers

Link to agenda:   http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=b070dca2-19d0-4e92-8f27-92ed6cc0691d


City of Sunnyvale

Council priority setting for 2017 

Annual Council meeting to vote on priority policy and budget issues for the year. Council packet is not yet posted.

Where: Sunnyvale City Council

When: Feb. 17, 2017, 8:30 am

Link to agenda:  https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=509139&GUID=8C486285-89BD-477B-8F97-6EA279B03D51


San Jose Evergreen Community College

Support Of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) And Other Vulnerable Students  

The original resolution presented to the board on January 10 has been updated to include other vulnerable populations as a result of President Trump’s executive order banning refugees into the U.S. and limiting the migration of people from 7 Muslim-majority countries.

Where: SJECCD Board of Trustees

When:  02/14, 6:00pm at SJECCD Board Room

Link to agenda:   http://www.boarddocs.com/ca/sjeccd/Board.nsf/Public


Gavilan College Board

Resolution in support of undocumented students

The Board will discuss a possible resolution stating the district’s support and commitment to undocumented students, and what language should be included in such a resolution. Following Board direction, a final resolution will be brought to the March Board meeting for review and approval.

Where: Gavilan College Board

When: 02/14, 7:00pm at Coyote Valley Site

Link to agenda packet:  http://www.gavilan.edu/administration/board/documents/Feb%2014,%202017%20agenda%20packet.pdf


Santa Clara County Board of Education

Public hearing on Rocketship Alma Academy Charter

On January 20, 2017, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education received a Petition for Renewal for Rocketship Alma Academy, a countywide K-5 charter school which serves 558 students and is located in the San Jose Unified School District.  Rocketship Alma Academy was approved on November 16, 2011, as Rocketship 7, and opened its doors during the fall of 2012.  If approved, Rocketship Alma Academy shall be renewed for five more years beginning July 2017 through June 30, 2022.


When: 02/15, 7:00pm at SCCBOE

Link to agenda:  http://www.boarddocs.com/ca/sccoe/Board.nsf/Public

Resolution in support of SCC undocumented students and families

Resolution designed to affirm support for undocumented students and families through the federal protections currently in place. It identifies SCCOE schools and programs as safe havens for student and their families and that information and training regarding the applicable laws will be shared with staff, families, and community partners.


When:  02/15, 7:00pm at SCCBOE

Link to agenda:  http://www.boarddocs.com/ca/sccoe/Board.nsf/Public

Resolution in support of the Dream Act

The Federal DREAM Act, first introduced in Congress in 2001, is a bipartisan legislation that opens the possibility of higher education, as well as a conditional pathway to US citizenship, for undocumented students who were brought to the US as children. The Santa Clara County Board of Education reaffirms its support of this legislation because of the impact it has for undocumented students and families.


When: 02/15, 7:00pm at SCCBOE

Link to agenda:  http://www.boarddocs.com/ca/sccoe/Board.nsf/Public


Cupertino Unified School District

Discussion on communication with community regarding safe haven for immigrant students

The board will discuss possible actions that may reduce the stress our immigrant families are facing as a result of the national elections and actions recently taken by President Trump.  Possible solutions presented include a Board Resolution, a letter to the community and/or resources posted on our District website for our families.

Where: CUSD Board

When: 02/14, 6:00pm at Stevens Creek Elementary

Link to agenda packet:  http://www.cusdk8.org/edline/about/Board%20Agenda%20021417.pdf

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