Amending Garbage Collection Franchise Agreement to reassign some service from GreenTeam to Green Waste Recovery
This is an amendment to the Franchise Agreement with GreenTeam for garbage collection services. This amendment reassigns collection services for 51 residential accounts or unimproved parcels and one commercial account receiving solid waste services in unincorporated Portola Valley. This amendment shifts responsibility for service from Waste Connections of California dba GreenTeam San Jose to Green Waste Recovery, who has been providing services to these accounts for decades. This amendment also specifies that should Green Waste Recovery be unable or unwilling to provide these services, the service obligation reverts back to Waste Connections.
Where: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
When: 2/27/2018 9:30 AM, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, County Government Center, 70 West Hedding Street, 1st floor, San Jose
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Approving pilot study in Franklin McKinley & Alum Rock for universal access to quality child care, education, and health care from birth to age 8
This report responds to Supervisor Ken Yeager’s legislative request for a set of recommendations to implement a pilot study in Franklin McKinley and Alum Rock School Districts to develop universal access to quality child care, education, and health care from birth to age 8. There are a number of recommendations for Board approval or direction to move forward with a universal access initiative. The pilot study is estimated to cost over $1.1 million, most of which is on staff and consultants.
Where: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
When: 2/27/2018 9:30 AM, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, County Government Center, 70 West Hedding Street, 1st floor, San Jose
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Approval to place RM3 (Bay Area bridge toll increase) on the June 2018 ballot
The Bay Area Toll Authority is authorized to select a toll increase amount of up to three dollars ($3) to be placed on the ballot in the City and County of San Francisco and each of the counties in the MTC’s jurisdiction.
State law (Streets & Highways Code) requires that measure be designated as “Regional Measure 3” (RM3), and that, at the request of the Authority, the counties in the MTC’s jurisdiction call a special election, to be consolidated with the statewide primary or general election selected by the Authority. On January 24, 2018, the Authority adopted a resolution proposing a toll increase on all Bay Area toll bridges except the Golden Gate Bridge, with independent oversight of all funds. The resolution requests that the RM3 appear on the June 5, 2018 Statewide Direct Primary Election ballot in all nine counties encompassed by the Authority’s district, including Santa Clara County.
The recommended action ensures that the County of Santa Clara properly calls and consolidates the election for RM3 in compliance with state law.
Where: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
When: 2/27/2018 9:30 AM, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, County Government Center, 70 West Hedding Street, 1st floor, San Jose
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City of San Jose
Approve 6-year extension to agreement with Host International for concessions at SJC; includes $6m in upgrades
Council will consider approving a 6-year extension to an agreement with Host International for food and beverage concessions at SJC Mineta International Airport. The agreement extends Host International’s management of concessions at the airport for 6 years from June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2026. The agreement also guarantees an investment of no less than $6 million from Host to upgrade the current concession offerings at the airport. In return, the city has agreed to fee sales threshold modifications, which will be set as follows:
Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
- 14.0% of Gross Sales up to $15,000,000
- 15.0% of Gross Sales from $15,000,001 to $20,000,000
- 16.0% of Gross Sales over $20,000,000
Alcoholic Beverages
- 16.0% of Gross Sales up to $3,500,000
- 18.0% of Gross Sales from $3,500,001 to $6,000,000
- 20.0% of Gross Sales over $6,000,000
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Tuesday March 6, 2018 1:30 PM City Hall 200 E. Santa Clara St.
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Staff Memo:
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Receiving staff report & placing Evergreen Senior Homes Initiative on June 2018 ballot
Council will adopt a resolution calling an election to submit the Initiative to the voters at the next General Election on June 5, 2018.
Council will also consider approving an Elections Code 9212 Report from city staff regarding the Evergreen Senior Homes initiative. The initiative would amend the San Jose General Plan to allow the construction of 910 homes in the Evergreen area on a 200-acre site that is currently zoned for employment uses. The 9212 report analyses the differences between the Adopted General plan at full buildout and the initiative’s development potential and evaluates the fiscal and land use impacts of the proposed development.
According to the report, the Evergreen Homes Initiative could result in a yearly net deficit of $84,200 due to the increased cost of providing city services. Due to the nature of development, over the long-term the deficit is expected to increase as Proposition 13 and additional provisions to restrict the growth of property taxes for seniors would lead to growth in cost providing services and lower inflation-adjusted revenues from property taxes.
The report also claims that the development would result in a dramatic potential loss of jobs in the city. The development is zoned for up to 5,000 on-site jobs and 11,574 more jobs due to indirect and direct job impacts. There is an adjacent site currently occupied with a former Hitachi campus. Between the two sites, the city estimates a potential job loss of 10,000 direct jobs and 23,800 overall jobs. This would translate into a total of $2.5 billion lost in annual labor income and $6.5 billion per year in lost economic output.
The report also questions the lack of certainty or details around the construction of affordable units or veteran units. The report also notes the negative impacts on vehicle trips in and out of the area.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Tuesday March 6, 2018 1:30 PM City Hall 200 E. Santa Clara St.
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Staff Memo:
9212 Report:
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Considering potential June ballot measures to block Evergreen Senior Homes Initiative
Council will receive a report on the potential June 5, 2018 election ballot measures. Item will be updated with a staff memo.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Tuesday March 6, 2018 1:30 PM City Hall 200 E. Santa Clara St.
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City of Santa Clara
Study session on future direction & operations of Convention Center
With the winding down of Redevelopment leading to the loss of City revenue to support Convention Center operations, on April 18, 2017, Council contracted with Jones Lang LaSalle to review the operation of the Santa Clara Convention Center (SCCC) and the Convention-Visitors Bureau
Concurrently, staff has been examining several aspects of the Convention Center and in the Convention Center complex. Topic areas generally fall within four separate categories:
- Property: Convention Center Complex — Issues related to the ownership of land within the Convention Center complex including the common area and parking structure.
- Property: Convention Center building — Issues related to the ownership of the convention center building including building structure, building infrastructure, and improvements.
- Operation: Issues related to the management of the building and operations within the building.
- Support Operations: Issues related to operations supporting the convention center including CVB.
At this study session, Jones Lang LaSalle will provide a presentation regarding Topic Area #3, the operation of the Convention Center. The presentation will include contextual information about the convention industry, the competitive positioning of the Santa Clara Convention Center, and current convention center operation.
At a date to be scheduled, Part Two of the study session will include a Council discussion regarding the future direction and priorities of convention center operation and potential investment requirements to best position the center in the marketplace.
Where: Santa Clara City Council
When: Feb. 27, 2018, 5 pm
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Approving contract & exit agreement for Levy’s to take over Levi’s Stadium concessions from Centerplate
The 49ers Stadium Management Company (ManCo) provides food and beverage concessions through a third party contract for NFL and non-NFL event attendees at Levi’s Stadium. The contract term for the current food and beverage provider, Centerplate, expires in April 2019.
ManCo initiated a procurement process for new concessionaire services on September 5, 2017 by notifying and distributing the Request for Proposals to six major food service companies (Sodexo, Aramark, Delaware North, Levy, Centerplate and Legends).
Levy’s proposal represents the most advantageous proposal for the Stadium Authority as outlined in the Stadium Manager’s letter. Further, Levy’s agreed to comply with the City’s worker retention ordinance and has signed the affidavit of ethical compliance as required in the management agreement.
This contract is brought forward for Stadium Authority Board approval per the Stadium Management Agreement.
Centerplate and the future concessionaire (Levy) agreed on an exit agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for Levy taking over the food and beverage one year before the Centerplate contract is scheduled to expire including the assumption of Centerplate’s collective bargaining agreement subject to the union’s approval. Staff recommends approval of the Exit Agreement.
Where: Santa Clara Stadium Authority
When: Feb. 27, 2018, 7 pm
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City of Sunnyvale
Minimum Wage Update
Council will give minimum wage update at 5:30 pm study session.
Where: Sunnyvale City Council
When: February 27, 2018, 5:30pm
Link to item: n/a
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Wage Theft
Council will hold a study session on the issue of wage theft.
Where: Sunnyvale City Council
When: February 27, 2018, 6:00pm
Link to item: n/a
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Approving study to assess options when current Solid Waste & Recycling Collection franchise expires in 2021
On February 16, 2018, the City Council prioritized Study Issue ESD18-02 Planning for Post-2021 Solid Waste & Recycling Collection Franchise for implementation in 2018.
Solid waste and recycling collection services are currently being provided to residents and businesses by Bay Counties Waste Services (BCWS) that has been granted an exclusive franchise by the City Council, as allowed by Article XVI of the City Charter and Sunnyvale Municipal Code Chapter 8.16. The term of the current solid waste collection franchise began on July 1, 1991 and will expire on June 30, 2021.
Staff recommendation is to approve Budget Modification No. 41 to appropriate $50,000 from the Solid Waste Management Fund to fund a study of options for establishing the next franchise for solid waste and recycling collection services.
As described in the Study Issue, this study would present Council with a discussion of the costs, implications, and mechanics of the various options for addressing the expiration of the current franchise agreement.
Options would include:
1) Seeking voter approval of an amendment to the City Charter to remove or change the existing 30-year limit on franchises.
2) Implementing a competitive process to select a franchisee for collection services beyond 2021. The time required for such a process, including potential transition to a new franchisee is approximately 36 months.
3) Negotiating a new franchise agreement with the incumbent franchisee, including a work plan option that preserves the City’s opportunity to implement a competitive process for the award of a new franchise if needed.
This funding request would pay for a study and recommendations to be prepared by a consulting firm with knowledge of solid waste franchising issues and experience conducting competitive and negotiation-based processes for franchise transitions. Staff will present the study issue results to Council in a study session.
Where: Sunnyvale City Council
When: February 27, 2018, 7:00pm
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Study session on land use policy in East Whisman Precise Plan
The East Whisman Precise Plan will be the regulating Plan for new development and public improvements for a 368-acre area, as shown on Map 1 below. The 2030 General Plan, adopted in 2012, included Change Area policies for East Whisman and preparation of a Precise Plan was a General Plan implementation action. The Precise Plan will also implement other General Plan goals and policies for the plan area, such as improved connectivity and pedestrian/bicycle amenities, incentivizing sustainable and transit-oriented development, and encouraging use of alternative transportation through public transit and incorporation of transportation demand management (TDM) strategies. The City has been developing the Precise Plan since March 2016 and has conducted multiple workshops, stakeholder meetings, and Study Sessions since then.
After this meeting, the Precise Plan team will continue preparing the Draft Precise Plan, including additional transportation direction, a school strategy, neighborhood commercial strategy, open space strategy, and more. Additional Study Sessions on these topics will be held later in the spring.
Public drafts of the Precise Plan and EIR are expected to be complete in fall 2018. Final adoption of the Plan is expected in early 2019.
Staff recommendation is that the City Council provides input and direction on policy questions for the East Whisman Precise Plan, including Guiding Principles, Character Areas, heights and FARs, affordable housing, and jobs/housing linkage.
Where: Mountain View City Council
When: February 27, 2018, 5:00pm
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Report & next steps towards an Automated Guideway Transit system
At its June 16, 2015 meeting, the City Council directed staff to initiate a multi-year process in conjunction with other cities and agencies to improve last-mile connections. During an October 27, 2015 Study Session, the City Council provided the following additional direction: (1) focus on the development of an off-street Automated Transit Guideway (AGT) system (e.g., automated people mover, group rapid transit, personal rapid transit, etc.); and (2) give priority to the corridor linking the Downtown Transit Center to the City’s North Bayshore Area.
The City Council also directed staff to monitor the North Bayshore Transportation Access Study that Google has contracted with the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to conduct.
On February 2, 2016, the City Council provided input regarding a proposed process to explore the development of an AGT system for the Downtown Transit Center to North Bayshore, and on December 6, 2016, the City Council authorized the City Manager or his designee to execute a professional services agreement with Lea+Elliott, Inc. (Lea+Elliott) to prepare the study. The Lea+Elliott consultant team’s scope of work included the identification of candidate technologies, development of passenger market and demand estimates, identification of system requirements, and evaluation of technologies to meet system needs. The consultant team’s scope of work also included community meetings, business outreach, a project website, and partner agency discussions.
On May 23, 2017, the City Council provided input on the proposed technology groups, the study corridor, and the recommended evaluation criteria. This input was used to continue the evaluation of technology options. On October 17, 2017, the City Council held a Study Session to review the evaluation of the technology groups and discuss preliminary conclusions.
There is no fiscal impact associated with approving the AGT Feasibility Study. If the Council approves the next step of developing a Phase 2 of the Feasibility Study to evaluate alternative route alignments, staff will prepare a work plan with a timeline and cost estimate and submit a CIP request for funding. The preliminary estimated cost for the Phase 2 study is in the range of $750,000 to $1,000,000. As part of developing the work plan, staff would explore potential funding partners.
The AGT Feasibility Study provides an analysis of Automated Guideway Transit technologies for potential development in the Downtown Mountain View to North Bayshore corridor. Based on the study’s findings, Autonomous Transit is identified as best suited to the corridor in terms of demand, community acceptance, flexibility, and adaptability. The study also defines the desired characteristics of the AGT service. Next steps would be to conduct Phase 2 of the Feasibility Study to evaluate specific alignment alternatives.
Staff recommendation is to approve the Automated Transit Guideway (AGT) Feasibility Study Report and direct staff to develop a work plan and budget for a Phase 2 Feasibility Study that focuses on the evaluation of alternative route alignments for an Autonomous Transit AGT system.
Where: Mountain View City Council
When: February 27, 2018, 5:00pm
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Personal Delivery Device Pilot Program
Personal Delivery Devices (PDDs) are autonomous robots powered by an electric motor and designed to deliver goods to customers. PDDs will have human handlers present initially and will incorporate remote operators that monitor all goods delivery activity thereafter.
The PDDs deliver groceries, restaurant take-out items, and more. It can carry approximately three grocery bags worth of goods and can weigh up to one hundred (100) pounds when fully loaded. The PDD travels approximately four (4) miles per hour, which is similar to a typical pedestrian. At street crossings, it is assisted by a human controller to ensure it is safe for the PDD to cross the street and not impede traffic. The PDDs travel throughout a one- to two-mile radius from their docking point or station. Customers can establish their delivery times, track their items while in transit on a mobile application at all times, and securely retrieve their items with their unique code that opens the cargo box. The technology may maximize the efficiency of goods movement while working to minimize related environmental impacts such as reduction in vehicle trips associated with deliveries for local businesses.
In the Bay Area, the following cities have completed or are in pilot phases: Redwood City, Foster City, San Carlos, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Concord, Walnut Creek, San Francisco, and San Jose (soon). Several Bay Area cities have used the City of Redwood City’s PDD program model since they launched the initial pilot. Mountain View is a suitable pilot area because of the City’s layout, pedestrian density, and number of potential business and community partners, and if the PDD pilot program is approved by Council, it will mirror portions of the City of Redwood City’s model.
City staff has learned that Starship Technologies has executed agreements with Zume Pizza for food delivery throughout Mountain View and with Intuit for on-campus food deliveries.
There is no fiscal impact to the City to participate in this pilot program except for minor fees collected through permits and business licenses as well as staff time to implement and evaluate it. The success of this pilot program could have a positive fiscal impact on the City by increasing potential sales tax dollars from businesses that have been able to expand their delivery service through use of the PPDs.
Staff recommends approving the creation of a pilot program to allow the use of PDDs for delivery of goods in Mountain View for a period of 9 months. After further review and to ensure enhanced public health and safety, staff is now recommending that the first 6 months of operation include a human handler at all times and the remaining 3 months proceed without a human operator for a total of 9 months. In addition, it is recommended that no more than 3 PDD businesses participate in the pilot program and that no more than 10 units be deployed throughout the city at any one time on the public right-of-way. If approved by Council, the program will be implemented through permit issuance establishing terms, conditions, indemnity, and insurance for a company to participate in the program and allow the use of their devices on City sidewalks and streets for deliveries.
At the conclusion of the nine months, staff shall evaluate the pilot program and recommend to the City Council whether this program should be continued, expanded, or terminated.
Where: Mountain View City Council
When: February 27, 2018, 5:00pm
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Appoint Lisa Natusch to serve as City Clerk
The City of Mountain View conducted an extensive recruitment and selection process for the City Clerk position following the prior City Clerk’s retirement in December 2017. The purpose of this item is for the City Council to approve the selection of Lisa Natusch for the City Clerk position. Ms. Natusch brings 16 years of experience in local government, including serving as Deputy City Clerk in the City of Sunnyvale for the last nine years and achieving the status of Certified Municipal Clerk. The City Council will also take final action on the recommendation for the salary and compensation for the position.
Following City Council approval of Ms. Natusch’s appointment, an employment agreement will be drafted. Staff recommends approval of the terms of the employment agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the City Council. Ms. Natusch’s salary will be $135,000 annually.
Where: Mountain View City Council
When: February 27, 2018, 5:00pm
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East Side Union High School District
Discuss budget deficit & proposal to cut 44 FTE positions
(Associate Superintendent) Marcus Battle, and Silvia Pelayo (Director of Finance) will lead a discussion around the district’s negative fund balance of $27 million; and discuss a revised resolution that will be presented at the March 8, 2018 Board Meeting. The revised resolution will approve the following:
- The FTE reductions under this proposed resolution total 44 FTEs for a total savings of $4.6 million – reduction in force of FTEs beginning in FY 2019-20.
Staff will identify new priority list in the Fall 2018.
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Where: East Side Union High School District
When: February 26, 2018/ 5:00 P.M./District Office – Board Room
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Transitioning early education training contracts from federal/state to non-profit organizations
Superintendent, Chris D. Funk will lead a discussion regarding the possibility of vacating the Federal and State early learning contracts by transitioning to non-profit organizations, that specialize in early learning education. The goal is to investigate eliminating the expense while maintaining the seats available to the East Side community. The projected revenue/expenses for the 2017/18 school year is estimated to encroach the District’s general fund by approximately $1.1 million.
Administration will be presenting updated information for discussion and/or consideration by the Board of Trustees.
Where: East Side Union High School District
When: February 26, 2018/ 5:00 P.M./District Office – Board Room
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Santa Clara Union School District
Deciding to place $875M GO Bond on either June or Nov ballot
The Board of Trustees will review the pros and cons of placing a General Obligation Bond on the June 2018 Election Ballot or wait and place it on the November 2018 Election Ballot. Polling consultants expressed that there is “no right answer.” Superintendent recommends consideration of the timing of a 2018 general obligation bond measure on June 5, 2018 or if a November general obligation bond election is selected, it is further recommended that the Board provide a budget of $500K to conduct an informational campaign and prepare all documents necessary for the November election in a timely manner. The purpose of the bond is to construct classrooms, labs, and school libraries to support student achievement, college readiness, and career training in math, science, engineering, technology, and arts; acquire, renovate, construct and equip facilities to improve older schools; to fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical systems, with independent citizen oversight. The following process allows for the Board to authorize a June election with a ballot question consistent with current law, but would allow the Superintendent discretion to improve the ballot question in response to the urgency legislation under consideration. The proposed process:
1 Urgency legislation approved prior to March 9 – the ballot question would be improved and the Superintendent would submit an updated Resolution to the County to be on the June ballot;
2 Urgency legislation approved after March 9 but by March 16 – the ballot question would be improved and the Superintendent would request the County accept a substitute Resolution in place of the already submitted original Resolution to the County;
3 Urgency legislation not approved by March 16 (or any leeway offered by the County)—on March 22, the Board would be asked to rescind the Resolution that may be approved and delivered to the County by March 9, and thus would not be on the June ballot.
Where: Santa Clara Union School District
When: Special Meeting/February 27, 2018/6:30PM/District Office, Board Room 1889 Lawrence Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051
Link to agenda packet:
Approve RFPs for Blossom Hill, Ohlone/Chynoweth, and Curtner Joint Development sites
The board will consider approving the issuance of Joint Development RFPs for three currently under-utilized park-and-ride sites. The Blossom Hill, Ohlone/Chynoweth and Curtner JD sites are located in the City of San Jose, within General Plan-designated Urban Villages. The General Plan places them in Horizon 2, which has an undetermined timeframe for implementation. The City of San Jose allows for expedited development of sites within Urban Village Plans through its Signature Review process, and the City’s Planning Department has provided VTA with information on requirements for these sites to be eligible for Signature Review. Both Blossom Hill and Curtner Park and Ride lots are significantly underutilized, while the Ohlone/Chynoweth Park and Ride lot has a moderate level of transit rider usage.
The developer RFPs will state that VTA seeks to enter into a long-term ground lease, with payments based on the fair market value of the site. Developers will design, finance, build and operate a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) consistent with the City of San Jose’s Envision 2040 General Plan and Signature Review/Urban Village Plan framework. The RFPs will require that any residential use must provide that at least 20 percent of residential units be affordable units, pursuant to VTA’s Affordable Housing Policy set forth in the Joint Development Policy. The RFPs would be issued through the spring and summer of 2018 to facilitate marketing the opportunities to the largest potential pool of market-rate and affordable housing developers. Staff will evaluate RFP submittals and submit a recommendation to the Board of Directors for an Exclusive Negotiations Agreement (ENA) for each site. Staff will then work with the selected developer for each site, the local community, and the City to refine the proposed project to maximize its benefits. This would include the final size of the JD project, its location and site.
Where: VTA Board of Directors
When: Thursday, March 1, 2018 5:30 PM
County Building 70 West Hedding St
Link to agenda:
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