Direction on the Affordable Housing Impact Fee and the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance for Stanford
The Council will receive a report from the Office of the County Executive relating to an Affordable Housing Impact Fee Ordinance and Resolution and an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance for the Stanford University Community Plan Area, and forward a favorable recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to adopt the Ordinances and the Resolution.
Where: SCC Housing, Land Use, Environment, and Transportation Committee
When: September 20, 2018/ Board of Supervisors’ Chambers/ 10:00 a.m.
Link to item: not yet available
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Report from the County Office of Education relating to ECE County needs
The 2017 Early Learning Facilities Study was a multi-phase project commissioned by SCCOE to provide data and insights into early care and education (ECE) facility needs in Santa Clara County. The child care supply and demand data revealed the geographic areas in the County with the greatest need for early learning facilities. Addressing the need for early learning facilities will require partnerships between ECE providers, housing developers, and philanthropic, city, and business leaders. The reports notes that the approach must be strategic and involve public awareness and fund raising campaigns, policy change advocacy, and analyses of changing demographics. The report also notes that the focus must be on maximizing available space and identifying opportunities for new development in current and future areas with high unmet need while promoting quality standards and inclusive practices.
Where: Santa Clara County Children, Seniors, and Families Committee
When: September 18, 2018/ Board of Supervisors’ Chambers/ 10:00 a.m.
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City of San Jose
Deferred to Oct. 16: Waiving diversion rates due to China’s National Sword policy; Ending negotiations with current Recycle Plus haulers & soliciting bids for residential solid waste services; approving Modified Living Wage
Summaries from June memos:
- Accept staff’s report discussing the negotiations with the current Recycle Plus haulers and providing information on staff’s evaluation that the negotiations were unsuccessful; b. Direct staff to end negotiations with the current Recycle Plus haulers; c. Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to waive the contractor disincentives for not meeting the required diversion rates for calendar year 2018, if by December 31, 2018 the City Manager determines that the Recycle Plus haulers are unable to meet their required diversion rates because of China’s “National Sword” policy on the import of recyclable materials; d. Direct staff to return with recommendations on future waivers as part of the budget process for 2019-2020 if necessary because of the continuing impacts of China’s “National Sword” policy
Direct staff to: a. Initiate development of a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit and award agreements for residential solid waste services that would begin July 1, 2021; services will in-clude collection and processing of solid waste, recyclables, and organic materials for each of the two service districts for single-family residences and a citywide district for multi-family residences, and City Facilities; b. Establish term of 15 years for the new agreements; c. Include the following in the Request for Proposals: 1. Living wage and employee retention require-ments consistent with Council’s Living Wage Policy; 2. Solicit ideas for the new system to be flexible to address evolving recycling markets; while continuing to meet zero waste goals; 3. Solicit ideas for the new system to support Climate Smart San José and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; 4. Include optional services for emergency response support; 5. Solicit ideas for providing larger garbage carts to single-family residents and exploring updated customer rate structures; 6. Performance standards that would address leveraging technology and providing ease of use for enhanced customer service, material recovery and marketing, service delivery, environmental compliance, and vehicle standards; d. Complete waste characterization studies to inform the RFP; e. Explore using City staff for Junk Pick-Up services and customer out-reach; and f. Procure residential street sweeping and Public Litter Cans services separately from residential waste services.
- Accept the staff report on: 1. The proposed methodology to implement a Modified Living Wage for Recycle Plus Customer Service Representatives, Mechanics, and Materials Recovery Facility workers (“Facility Workers”); and 2. Updated labor peace plans from the Recycle Plus contractors. b. Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute con-tract amendments with GreenTeam of San Jose and GreenWaste Recovery Inc. to implement a Modified Living Wage Requirement for Recycle Plus Facility Workers effective September 1, 2018. c. Direct staff to include a Living Wage requirement for the Recycle Plus program in fu-ture residential garbage and recycling agreements.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: September 25, 2018 1:30PM San Jose City Hall
Link to item: N/A
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Deciding whether to move forward w/ nexus study for a Commercial Linkage fee, plus a feasibility study for a Downtown Core impact fee; incl. new memo from CMs Carrasco, Peralez, Rocha & Jimenez
Sept. 14 staff memo:
(a) Accept staff’s updated response to the June 21, 2018, Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County Report on “Affordable Housing Crisis: Density is our Destiny” with any modifications to reflect direction below.
(b) Discuss and provide direction regarding:
(1) Preparation a nexus study to support a city-wide commercial linkage fee for affordable housing and a feasibility study to assess market impacts of development with variations of fee levels, geographic location, land use, and building type.
(2) Exploration of feasibility studies for a Downtown Core Commercial (office and R & D) development impact fee, which would address affordable housing and infrastructure needs (i.e. transit and parks).
(3) A report back to the City Council in November including the following:
(a) Scope of work for a nexus study and feasibility study, including consultant selection, a funding strategy, and timeline for completion of the studies.
(b) Include a Regional Commercial Linkage Fee as a legislative priority of the City, as previously discussed by the City Council.
(c) Progress report on
(a) the formation of the City Council-authorized RHNA subregion, sponsored by the Santa Clara County Cities Association, with specific “next steps” identified for Staff and Council, and
(b) formation of a Bay Area wide commercial linkage fee, requiring state legislation, similarly based on relative jobs/housing ratios.
(d) Data regarding ongoing and one-time tax revenues generated from employers in the City of San José.
(4) Exploration of a funding partnership with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, which has funded similar studies, consistent with its housing and transit strategic grant priority.
Outcome: The California Penal Code requires that a public agency subject to a Grand Jury final report must respond within 90 days to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court on the findings and recommendations pertaining to the public agency. The City Council’s acceptance of the response will allow staff to finalize and submit the required response to the Grand Jury of Santa Clara County (Grand Jury) before the required due date.
Sept. 14 memo from CMs Carrasco, Peralez, Rocha, and Jimenez recommends that Council direct City Staff to complete a nexus study and an accompanying feasibility study and enact a Commercial Linkage Fee (CLF), and accept Mayor Liccardo’s Sep.10 memo with the following modifications and clarifications:
- In preparation for a Citywide nexus study and feasibility study, report back no later than November to City Council with:
- A scope of work for a nexus study and feasibility study, including consultant selection, a funding strategy and timeline for completion of the studies.
- An update on exploring funding sources with organizations that have funded similar studies, consistent with its housing and transit strategic grant priority.
- Include a Regional Commercial Linkage Fee as a legislative priority of the City, as previously discussed by the City Council.
- Return to City Council for consideration, after a Citywide Nexus Study is completed, to explore a separate study for Downtown Core Commercial (office and R&D impact fee).
Memorandum September 14, 2018:
Memo from Carrasco, Peralez, Rocha, and Jimenez:
September 11, 2018 Memo from Carrasco, Peralez, Rocha, and Jimenez:
September 10, 2018 Memo from Mayor Liccardo:
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Tuesday September 18, 1.30pm, City Chamber
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Peralez memo re: Adopting resolution for City to work with public sector post-Janus
SM Peralez request to agendize for City Council deliberation that the City Council adopt a resolution urging the City of San José to work with public sector unions in San José to ensure their health and success; and support the freedom of city employees to participate in unions post Janus v. AFSCME.
Where: San Jose Rules
When: Wednesday September 19, 2pm, Wing W118-120
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Terminating Convention Center Management Agreement with Chamber
Staff recommend that council direct the City Manager to issue a 180-day notice to terminate the Convention Center Management Agreement, while simultaneously engaging in a competitive bid process for the management and operation of the Santa Clara Convention Center.
The City began a Management Agreement in 1984 with the Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce & Convention-Visitors Bureau, for the Chamber to direct and manage all Convention Center operations including marketing and promoting the Center; booking of events; hiring of staff; and daily operations of the center including accounting, catering, security, janitorial, and, maintenance. On May 22, 2018, Council began the process to execute a financial and performance audit; and suspended the management agreement fee.
According to staff, the auditor’s findings to be presented at the same September 18 council meeting are “serious in nature.” Therefore, staff seek Council direction to terminate the existing Management Agreement and seek a new management agreement through a competitive Request for Proposal process during the 180-day termination notice period.
Where: Santa Clara City Council
When: Tue, September 18, 2018, 4:45pm
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Study session on Tasman East Specific Plan which will be adopted in Oct/Nov 2018
Staff will update council on the Tasman East Specific Plan and receive input regarding provisions for park spaces and and greenways, multimodal connectivity, and affordable housing, a possible incentive to promote higher density, and community benefits provided in the Specific Plan.
The City began preparation of the Tasman East Specific Plan in 2016. Residential densities in the neighborhood are planned to be a minimum of 100 dwelling units per acre. The City has previously identified a goal for the Plan to support 4,500 dwelling units along with neighborhood serving retail and amenities. The City’s recently adopted Affordable Housing Ordinance includes a pipeline provision so that residential project applications submitted to the City prior to August 1 of this year are not subject to
the new 15% inclusionary requirement provided they complete the entitlement process prior to December 1, 2020. As drafted, the Specific Plan would extend this deadline by one year to August 1, 2019, but also commit all projects filed prior to that date to meet a 10% inclusionary requirement. The City received a total of eight applications within the Tasman East Area prior to August 1, totaling 3,353 units that would fall under the pipeline provision and be expected to produce a minimum of 335 units of affordable housing.
The Specific Plan and associated EIR will be brought to the Planning Commission for recommendation and to the City Council for adoption in October and November 2018.
Where: Santa Clara City Council
When: Tue, September 18, 2018, 4:45pm
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Approving city’s response to Grand Jury Report on affordable housing crisis
Staff recommend that council approve the City’s response to the Civil Grand Jury Report on “Affordable Housing Crisis: Density is Our Destiny,” which included 14 Findings and 12 associated Recommendations applicable to the City of Milpitas. In summary, the City generally agrees with the 14 Findings and all the responses to the Recommendations include an explanation.
Highlights of the draft letter include:
- Recommendation: To improve jobs-to-housing imbalances, the cities of Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Mountain View and Sunnyvale should identify, by June 30, 2019, parcels where housing densities will be increased. The City of Milpitas’ Housing Element has identified parcels that collectively can provide at least 1,400 units in the Midtown Specific Plan and over 2,400 units in the Transit Area Specific Plan. The City adopted an Affordable Housing Ordinance on June 12, 2018 that requires new developments to provide 15% of their total units to be affordable. If the developer provides more than 20% of their total units to be affordable units as defined in the Affordable Housing Ordinance, the developer can receive additional administrative planning incentives in addition to the State’s density bonus concessions and incentives. The number of BMR units for each parcel will be determined as each project is developed. In addition the City is undergoing both a Midtown Specific Plan and General Plan update that may explore various opportunities to best utilize land use or underdeveloped land for future development and growth.
- Recommendation: The County should form a task force with the cities to establish housing impact fees for employer to subside BMR housing, by June 30, 2019. The City of Milpitas is in the process of conducting outreach to determine fees. It will undergo its own process to address impact fees for residential and non-residential (commercial) developments as allowed by the adopted Nexus Study. Currently, there is not a countywide effort to establish BMR housing impact fees for employers, but the City will defer to the County on a potential task force and a timeframe for implementation.
- Recommendation: Every city in the County should identify at least one potential RHNA sub-region they would be willing to help form and join, and report how the sub-region(s) will increase BMR housing, by the end of 2019. Milpitas is open to exploring this opportunity and is undergoing preliminary discussion with the Cities Association of Santa Clara County as it is a Board priority. However, the potential of a RHNA sub-region will not be implemented until the next RHNA cycle (2023-2031). In the fall, the City Council will be presented with a consideration to join the sub-region.
Where: Milpitas City Council
When: Tue. September 18, 2018, 7pm
Link to agenda packet:
City of Cupertino
Approving Vallco Town Center Specific Plan, FEIR, Development Agreement & rezoning
Staff recommend that the City Council conduct a public hearing, considering the Planning Commission’s recommendations, and:
- Adopt Draft Resolution No. 18-084, certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), adopt CEQA findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and adopting and incorporating the mitigation measures into the Project, and adopting a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Attachment A)
- Adopt Draft Resolution No. 18-085, approving General Plan amendments required to implement the Specific Plan (Attachment B)
- Adopt Draft Resolution No. 18-086, approving the proposed Vallco Town Center Specific Plan, and associated clarifying/supplemental language (Attachment C)
- Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 18-2177: “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending the Municipal Code to Allow Adoption and Implementation of Vallco Town Center Specific Plan” (Attachment D)
- Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 18-2178: “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Rezoning the Parcels within the Vallco Special Area” (Attachment E)
- Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 18-2179: “Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approving a Development Agreement by and Between the City of Cupertino and Vallco Property Owner LLC for the Development of Vallco Town Center” (Attachment F).
Where: Cupertino City Council
When: September 18, 2018/ 5:00 p.m./Council Chambers
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Santa Clara County Board of Education
Affirming support for SCC Measure A
Santa Clara County services currently funded by Measure A (2012) are scheduled for funding to end. The current Ballot Measure A (2018) will continue the existing one-eighth-cent sales tax to ensure local organizations that provide services students within Santa Clara County. Students who receive services from organizations such as Kids in Common, Teen Force, the United Way, Healthier Kids Foundation will continue receiving services.
Where: Santa Clara County Office of Education
When: September 19, 2018/ 5:00 p.m./ San Jose Room
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Charter Petition Hearing for Rocketship Fuerza —If approved, contract will begin July 2019 through June 30, 2024
On August 31, 2018, the Charter Schools Office of the Santa Clara County Office of Education received a Petition for Renewal for Rocketship Fuerza Community Prep (a district-wide TK-5 charter school) located in the Alum Rock Elementary School District. Rocketship Fuerza (initial petition as Rocketship Alum Rock) was approved on June 18, 2014, by SCCOE Board of Education, after having been denied by Alum Rock Union School District on May 8, 2014. Rocketship Fuerza was initially approved for five years and serves 600 students. If approved, Rocketship Fuerza shall be renewed for five more years beginning July 2019 through June 30, 2024.
This item will be placed on the October 24, 2018, board agenda for a decision.
Where: Santa Clara County Office of Education
When: September 19, 2018/ 5:00 p.m./ San Jose Room
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San Jose Unified School District
Declare support for Measure V – City of San José Affordable Housing Bond on the November 6 ballot
Staff recommend that the Board of Education and the SJUSD declare their support for Measure V – City of San José Affordable Housing Bond on the November 6, 2018 ballot. Measure V, the “Affordable Housing Bond”, is a bond measure placed on the ballot by the San José City Council. If approved, Measure V would authorize the City to issue up to $450M in general obligation municipal bonds (the “Bonds”) to fund housing affordable for working families; veterans; seniors; teachers; nurses, paramedics, and other workers; individuals with disabilities; domestic violence survivors; and the homeless. The City Council has determined that funding affordable housing is necessary to address San José’s need for affordable housing and the preservation of public health, peace, and safety.
Where: San Jose Unified School District
When: September 13, 2018/ 6:00 p.m./Board Room 855 Lenzen Avenue
Link to agenda packet:
Direction on Master Plan for District-owned land; rec to support employee housing projects
Staff recommend that the District identify a set of properties that meet the following criteria: (1) properties that have the potential to better serve students, (2) properties that have the potential to positively address enrollment imbalances across schools, and (3) properties that have the potential to support employee housing projects.
On October 19, 2017, the Board of Education adopted Resolution 2018-10-19-01 on the Affordable Housing Crisis. On August 23, 2018, the Board of Education discussed enrollment and properties. This action item is Step 1 in developing and implementing a Master Plan for San José Unified Properties.
Where: San Jose Unified School District
When: September 13, 2018/ 6:00 p.m./Board Room 855 Lenzen Avenue
Link to agenda packet:
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Update on the construction of the $179M Rinconada Water Treatment Plant project, Balfour Beatty may be in material breach of contract
The Board will receive an update on the construction progress for the Rinconada Water Treatment Plant (RWTP) Reliability Improvement Project. On May 26, 2015, the Board awarded a $179M construction contract (Contract) to Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. (BBII) for RWTP. The Contract provided for the Project to be built in five phases within a 5-year period. The existing RWTP is to remain operational during the entire construction period, with the newly-constructed facilities and upgrades integrated with plant operations at the end of each phase.
Phase 2 of the work includes the construction of several new facilities for the upgraded treatment system at the RWTP–the flocculation/sedimentation, ozone generation, and washwater recovery facilities. It also includes the installation of an electrical control building and appurtenant wiring and control systems, significant underground piping, and installation of chemical feed systems. BBII’s current estimated completion date of Phase 2 work is about 2 years late per the original construction schedule. During the past 3 months, the District has initiated formal correspondence with BBII to document the District’s concerns regarding quality of construction work, BBII’s apparent failures to date to comprehensively remedy construction defects, and BBII’s lack of diligence to progress the Contract work. This correspondence was provided to the Board in the September 14, 2018 Non-Agenda packet. The District has advised BBII and the sureties bonding this Project, that these performance issues are cause for the District finding BBII in material breach of the District’s Contract.
Where: Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors
When: September 25, 2018/ 4:00 p.m./ District Board Room
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Update and discussion on potential Project Labor Agreement
Staff are recommend that the Board:
- Receive information on recent inquiries from the Santa Clara & San Benito Counties Building & Construction Trades Council, regarding District participation in a Project Labor Agreement;
- Receive information on recent inquiries from the Santa Clara & San Benito Counties Building & Construction Trades Council, regarding District participation in a Community Workforce Pipeline Targeted Hire Agreement; and;
- Refer to the Capital Improvement Program Committee the questions of whether the District should pursue a policy to allow for Project Labor Agreements and Community Workforce Pipeline Targeted Hire Agreements.
The Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Building and Construction Trades Council (Council) has recently requested that the Board consider using Project Labor Agreements (PLA) on all District public works or improvement contracts awarded by the District that are necessary to complete the project (including design-bid, design-build, lease-lease back or other contracts under which construction of the project is done).
Where: Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors
When: September 25, 2018/ 4:00 p.m./ District Board Room
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