Approving bid to buy O’Connor and St. Louise Hospitals
The Board will hold a special meeting to approve making an offer to purchase O’Connor and St. Louise Hospitals and DePaul Health Center, and related items. The current owner, Verity Heath Systems of California, has declared bankruptcy for its network of hospitals.
Where: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
When: Oct. 9, 2018, 2:30 pm
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Discussing next steps towards a Commercial Impact Fee study
A development or commercial impact fee (CIF) is a fee charged by a city to a developer to defray all or a portion of the cost of public facilities, services, and amenities (including affordable housing) related to new development projects. Almost all cities on the Peninsula and South Bay either have a CIF in place or have recently undertaken a Nexus Study to determine the legal basis for, and economic impact scenarios of different fees. The City agreed on the need for a CIF in 2014, and through the years has postponed its study/implementation. Today, the Commission will provide direction to Council staff on next steps for a potential study. Specifically, they will discuss whether to issue an RFP and begin a process for a San Jose -specific study; join an ongoing regional study, or postpone at this time.
Where: San Jose Housing and Community Development Commission
When: 10/11/18, 5:45pm
Link to item: (p187-194)
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Commission to make recommendations on housing-related issues in SAAG
SAAG has a dedicated “housing solutions” workgroup. Based on the ppt decks for Thursday’s meeting, there is widespread agreement that we do not want future Station Area development to exacerbate displacement and homelessness, and that City and partners must act to address the regional housing crisis. SAAG’s recommendations include: building more high density housing around and beyond Diridon station area; a 25% affordable unit build mandate, including affordability for people with very and extremely low incomes; supporting policies that support tenants, such as the repeal of Costa-Hawkins. The Commission will review and discuss the Station Area Advisory Group process and report-out surrounding housing and community development-related issues and will make recommendations to the City on these issues.
Where: San Jose Housing and Community Development Commission
When: 10/11/18, 5:45pm
Link to item: (p146)
Link to agenda: (p1-2)
Vice Mayor Carrasco and Councilmembers Jones, Jimenez and Rocha Memo urges changing mayoral elections to coincide with presidential elections
A memo from Vice Mayor Carrasco and Councilmembers Jones, Jimenez and Rocha recommend that council adopt a change to the City Charter to hold San Jose mayoral elections concurrent with national Presidential elections as a way to increase voter turnout. The memo states that this change can be achieved by extending the term of the Mayor that begins in 2019 for two more years, and beginning in 2024, holding the election of Mayor every four years concurrent with presidential elections.
Currently, the City Charter states that elections for Mayor in San Jose shall be held every four years beginning in 1994. The effect of this provision is that Mayoral elections are never held concurrently with presidential elections which are held every four years based on a date two years after 1994. Those cities in California which have mayoral elections at the same time as presidential elections have the highest levels of voter involvement. In contrast, San Jose’s mayoral turnout is about eight percentage points below the statewide average.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Tue, October 16, 2018, 6pm
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Approving a PLA with Santa Clara and Benito Counties Building and Construction Trades
Staff recommend that council authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a project labor agreement with the Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Building and Construction Trades Council for an initial term of five years and to require inclusion of the project labor agreement in certain City public works construction contracts exceeding $3,000,000, a threshold that would be adjusted annually by the consumer price index.
The PLA will apply to any public works construction contract awarded, and paid for in whole or in part, by the City in which the engineer’s estimate exceeds $3 million. The $3 million will be adjusted annually based the local consumer price index. City staff and the BTC generally agree the PLA will apply to all work within the craft jurisdiction of one of the labor organizations if the work is required (1) by a public works construction contract; (2) by a change order issued pursuant to the public works construction contract; and (3) during the public works construction contract’s warranty period.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Tue, October 16, 2018, 1:30pm
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Responding to evictions and relocation process at Winchester Mobilehome Park Closure
The closure of Winchester Mobilehome Park will serve as a template for future mobile home park closures, which are on the rise. Issues of compensation to displaced residents are hot-button questions, and a resident wrote a letter to the Mayor reporting that park owners are “hostile” and are issuing 7-day eviction notices for the most minor of infractions in order to exclude residents from eventual entitlements. An earlier RFP process identified Associated Right of Way Services as the firm charged with managing the appraisal and relocation process for park residents.
The commission will request that staff provide additional information on evictions and land use entitlement actions. It will also create an Ad Hoc Committee for the next six months to research, meet and discuss additional information about evictions and conversion status at Winchester Ranch; possibly draft a comment letter, and return with information and any letter for consideration at a future Commission meeting.
Where: San Jose Housing and Community Development Commission
When: 10/11/18, 5:45pm
Link to item: (p175-187)
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City of Santa Clara
Approve procurement strategy and guidelines for Convention Center and CVB management
Staff recommend that council approve a proposed procurement strategy for the management and operation of the Convention Center and Convention Visitors Bureau, along with approving guidelines for process integrity and conflict of interest.
At Council’s direction, staff issued a 180-day termination notice of the management agreement with the Chamber of Commerce following the audit findings of TAP International, which revealed serious failures to manage public assets with appropriate stewardship, accountability, and transparency.
There are only a few companies which manage convention centers and provide CVB services. In order to allow for increased competition, staff recommends that the City seek proposals for Convention Center management services only and for combined Convention Center management and CVB services. Depending on proposals received and evaluated and the final recommendation to the City Council, CVB services may have to be contracted for separately. This approach maximizes the number of proposals that can be submitted, thus increasing competition and encouraging the market to develop solutions.
There will be a seven-member evaluation team comprised of subject matter experts from inside and outside the City. The City will seek outside representation from the local hotel and tourism industry, Bay Area Convention Center representatives, and national tourism industry. Additionally, the City Manager will appoint representatives from Public Works, Finance, and the City Manager’s Office.
The RFP will be structured in two phases. The first phase will be primarily based on the experience of the firm and the proposed solution. The second phase will evaluate the financial proposal and the quality of the proposed management team through oral presentations. The RFP will require respondents to submit one proposal for the management and operations of the Convention Center and the Convention Visitors Bureau (CVB). Respondents may also elect to submit a second proposal for the management and operations of the Convention Center only.
The estimated timeline is for the RFP to be released October 17, 2018 and proposals due December 3, 2018. Financial proposals in phase 2 are due January 4, 2019. The contract would be awarded March 5, 2019.
Where: Santa Clara City Council
When: Tues, October 6, 2018, pm
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City of Palo Alto
Amending Minimum $15/hour Wage Ordinance clarifying that the first CPI adjustment will occur on January 1, 2020, not 2019
Staff recommends that City Council adopt the ordinance amending the Citywide Minimum Wage Ordinance to correct and clarify that the annual adjustment to the minimum wage rate relative to the consumer price index (CPI) would first occur on January 1, 2020.
In Palo Alto, the current minimum wage rate for 2018 is $13.50 per hour as of January 1, 2018 and is due to increase to $15 per hour on January 1, 2019. The ordinance also provides for adjustments based on CPI increases. However, the date on which the first CPI adjustment would occur, January 1, 2019, as set forth in the ordinance is not consistent with the Council action recommended in 2016.
The intent of the Council action in adopting the minimum wage ordinance was to bring the minimum wage to $15/hour by 2019 and then increase by CPI each year beginning January 1, 2020. The existing code however states that the CPI adjustment would occur on January 1, 2019, thus adding a CPI increase to the $15 increase scheduled on January 1, 2019. The proposed ordinance would fix this inadvertent error and result in an ordinance that reflects the original intent.
Proposed amended language in the Minimum Wage Ordinance:
On January 1, 2019, the minimum wage shall be an hourly rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00). To prevent inflation from eroding its value, beginning on January 1, 2020, and each January 1st thereafter, the minimum wage shall increase by an amount corresponding to the increase, if any, in the cost of living, not to exceed 5%.
Where: Palo Alto City Council
When: October 15, 2018/ Council Chambers/5:00 p.m.
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Introduce short-term rental ordinance
Staff recommend that council introduce a short-term rental ordinance, along with adding a registration fee, staffing resources for the administration of the fees, and appropriating 80K for a vendor to implement and monitor short-term rental regulation.
In March 2018, council directed staff to draft an ordinance that would allow STRs and establish regulations to mitigate potential negative impacts of STRs on housing affordability and neighborhood character. The proposed ordinance includes these provisions:
- STR operators must register the properties they use or intend to use as STRs with the City each calendar year. All properties that are advertised as STRs on any hosting platform must be registered.
- STR operators must pay a registration fee annually. The fee is structured to recover application processing and regulation compliance costs that the City incurs, including agreements with vendors for monitoring STR advertisements and bookings. The proposed initial short-term rental registration fee is $165 annually. Registration fees for three other Bay Area cities are $103, $220, and $250.
- The City may revoke registrations for failure to comply with STR regulations, false statements in the application, or for violations of other provisions of the Mountain View City Code or any State or Federal law.
Where: Mountain View City Council
When: Tue October 9, 2018, 4:30pm
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Santa Clara Unified School District
Approve special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects; and, transfer $42.6 million from the General Fund to the Special Reserve for use in future years or as current year one-time expenditures
The CBO and the Superintendent recommend that the Board approve Resolution to establish a Special Reserve Fund for Other Than Capital Outlay Projects and to transfer the balance of General Fund one-time state and Redevelopment funds into Fund 170 The Santa Clara Unified School District has received one-time State and Redevelopment funds budgeted in the General Fund to be spent over multiple years. There is no net effect to district resources as a result of the transfer between two district Funds. Approximately $42.6 million will be transferred from the General Fund to the Special Reserve for use in future years or as current year one-time expenditures occur
Unspent funds at the end of the prior fiscal year are carried over as budgeted expenditures in the current fiscal year, which inflates projected budget deficits. The establishment of a special reserve fund to segregate unspent one-time funds would assist the District in providing stakeholders with more comprehensible and transparent financial projections. The California School Accounting Manual classifies the Special Reserve Fund for Other Than Capital Outlay Projects as a governmental fund to be used primarily to provide for the accumulation of general fund monies for general operating purposes other than for capital outlay. Funds deposited in Fund 170 will be transferred into the General Fund or other appropriate fund to offset one-time expenditures incurred.
Where: Santa Clara Unified School District
When: October 11, 2018/ 6:00 p.m./ District Board Room
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Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
Approval of response to the conditional budget approval letter from SCCBOE
Staff recommends that the Board approve the District’s response to the conditional budget approval letter from SCCBOE. (Letter is attached in report).
The audit notes concern with FCMAT with incomplete items outstanding from that audit. Also, the on-going investigation with the District’s Attorney’s Office, the SEC and the California State Auditor regarding the Civil Grand Jury investigation reporting internal control weaknesses and conflict of interest practices. In addition, the District is expected to rigorous staffing reductions in 2018-19 ($3.9M) 2019-20 ($4.9M) and 2020-21 ($3.8M).
Where: Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
When: October 11, 2018/ 5:30 p.m./Board Room
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San Jose Evergreen Community College District
Investigating local workforce housing options and funding sources, including Measure X or other District funds
Staff recommend that the Board approve resolution authorizing the continued investigation of local workforce housing options and funding sources as per the recommendation of the Board Legislative Committee.
On September 24, 2018 the Board Legislative Committee met to discuss various approaches to investigate local workforce housing and potential funding sources.
Resolution would direct the Chancellor investigate the feasibility of the District providing workforce housing, including to evaluate the use of a variety of funding sources, such as Measure X, another limited purpose local bond election, or Certificates of Participation,, to enable the District to provide said workforce housing, and authorize the Chancellor to take actions such as the engagement of a municipal advisor for financial services and a law firm to provide bond and legal counsel services
Where: San Jose-Evergreen Community College District
When: October 9, 2018/ 5:00 p.m./ District Board Room
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East Side Union High School District
Direction on adopting the goals, criteria, financial model of the Early Learning Program— admission will be full fee based or hybrid model
Staff recommend that the Board approve the goals of the early learning program, the criteria for admission to the program and either the full fee based model or the hybrid model which includes keeping two centers under the state preschool program run by a nonprofit organization.
Based on discussion at the September 13, 2018, Board Meeting, staff has continued to refine the new fee-based model for our Early Learning Program. Staff has also investigated the possibility of reducing the Federal and State early learning contracts by transitioning to a non-profit organization, which specialize in early learning education and will provide a softer landing for families who qualify for state preschool. The goal is to provide a sustainable financial model for our Early Learning Program.
Where: East Side Union High School District
When: October 11, 2018/ 4:00 p.m./ District Board Room
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