Discuss City of Sunnyvale consideration of district elections, and approve recommendations, if any
No details were listed on agenda.
Where: Santa Clara County Citizens’ Advisory Commission on Elections
When: January 8, 2019, 6:00PM
Link to item: N/A
Link to agenda: http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=10839
City of San Jose
Mayor Liccardo appointing Vice Mayor
Council will approve a council member as vice mayor. No memo is available.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Thursday, January 15, 2019, 1:30pm
Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3786918&GUID=470C66BE-0B20-436B-828C-58E3733131E1&Options=&Search=
Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=670410&GUID=D9EC2549-05D1-4AC3-A64A-580161BE63D4&Options=info&Search=
Authorizing airline-airport leases and operating agreements
Staff recommend that council authorize the Director of Aviation to negotiate and execute airline-airport leases and operating agreements with any current or new passenger or cargo airlines for a 10-year term starting on July 1, 2019, with two 5-year options to extend.
The new agreements allow the airlines to continue to conduct operations and occupy leased space through the updated term. The new Airline-Airport Agreement updates and clarifies several key components of the previous lease including a provision that the City does not pay for its office and administrative space, that a new terminal project is pre-approved, and that the airlines share in key components of financial risk with the City.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Thursday, January 15, 2019, 1:30pm
Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3786927&GUID=55749CD6-40F1-41BF-8400-FD5F8D49FFEC&Options=&Search=
Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=670410&GUID=D9EC2549-05D1-4AC3-A64A-580161BE63D4&Options=info&Search=
Developing agreements for residential solid waste and recyclables collections services; Nguyen memo opposes staff rec
Staff will be issuing a new supplemental memo (not yet posted) responding to objections raised by one of the contractors in the matter of developing Recycle Plus agreements for residential solid waste services. Initially, staff had recommended developing agreements with Garden City Sanitation, Green Team of San Jose, and Green Waste Recovery for future residential solid waste services and ending negotiations with California Waste Solutions single-family recyclables collection and processing in service areas A and C.
Since then, CM Tam Nguyen has also issued a memo on Dec. 18 urging council to reject the staff recommendation and direct the Environmental Services Department to negotiate in good faith with
California Waste Solutions. Nguyen argues that CWS has provided good union jobs with quality services at below cost, and that the ESD has broken trust and goodwill between the company and the city through non-engagement and a prejudiced process for contract negotiation.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Thursday, January 15, 2019, 1:30pm
Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3786939&GUID=350F95A0-1A33-41D6-8657-288600F1576D&Options=&Search=
Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=670410&GUID=D9EC2549-05D1-4AC3-A64A-580161BE63D4&Options=info&Search=
Waiving contractor disincentives for not meeting recyclables diversion rates due to China’s import policy
Staff indicate that an additional supplemental memo is forthcoming (not posted yet) with further clarification regarding the matter of authorizing the City Manager to waive contractor disincentives for not meeting required diversion rates for 2018 by March 1, 2019 if this is due to China’s policy on the import of recyclable materials.
There have been significant disruptions in recyclables markets since China implemented their “National Sword” policy starting on March 1, 2018. This policy restricts the imports of paper, cardboard, and plastics. Beginning May 4, 2018, China halted its pre-inspection program of U.S. exports (essentially halting imports of all US recyclables for a month) and is requiring more rigorous inspections of loads destined for China. In August 2018, the Chinese government implemented a 25 percent tariff on cardboard and other recovered paper, as well as scrap plastic. Additionally, U.S. aluminum sent to China now has a 50 percent tariff, which has further disrupted global recycling markets. In the United States, China’s policy is having the biggest effect on recyclers in the western states. The impacts of the ban have led to Oregon recyclers sending over 13,500 tons of recyclable material to landfill since September 1, 2017, or approximately 2 percent of all material collected in curbside and drop-off programs statewide. In California, many municipalities have standing restrictions on disposing recyclables, which may need to be reevaluated considering China’s new policy.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Thursday, January 15, 2019, 1:30pm
Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3786940&GUID=6086CAC9-64EB-462B-BDA3-8E7558A9C1EA&Options=&Search=
Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=670410&GUID=D9EC2549-05D1-4AC3-A64A-580161BE63D4&Options=info&Search=
Implementing modified (lower) living wage & labor peace plans for Recycle Plus contracts
Staff indicate that an additional supplemental memo is forthcoming (not posted yet) with further clarification regarding the matter of implementing the city’s living wage policy through a Modified Living Wage requirement for customer service representatives, mechanics and facility workers in in future residential garbage and recycling agreements for the Recycle Plus program. Upon approval, council would also accept new labor peace plans from all residential solid waste contractors.
Where: San Jose City Council
When: Thursday, January 15, 2019, 1:30pm
Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3786941&GUID=44DDB262-765E-4F45-A337-2B99B6E9351E&Options=&Search=
Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=670410&GUID=D9EC2549-05D1-4AC3-A64A-580161BE63D4&Options=info&Search=
Forwarding resolution to full council to join RHNA Subregion
The committee will forward a resolution to join a RHNA Subregion to the full City Council for final adoption. On August 28, 2018, the City Council held a Council discussion on San Jose joining the Santa Clara County Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) Subregion. The recommendation from this discussion to continue to participate in the formation of a subregion was approved unanimously by the Council. The adoption of this resolution is the next step in the process for San Jose to proceed with joining the subregion.
Where: San Jose City Council Rules and Open Government Committee
When: Wednesday, January 9, 2019, 1:30pm
Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3825684&GUID=053C9023-95B0-482D-89CE-512EAF27FA45&Options=&Search=
Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=671255&GUID=B140F731-C88A-4E2B-A5D1-A4198C2D5F99&Options=info&Search=
City of Gilroy
Adopting interim urgency ordinance prohibiting approval of multi-family projects
Staff recommend that council adopt a 45-day Interim Urgency Ordinance prohibiting the approval of any additional multi-family development projects on the basis that they would result in a threat to public health, safety, or welfare. This action requires six votes.
Staff argue that additional time is needed to evaluate applications for multi-family residential development entitlements with analysis about the location, type, density and timing of future multi-family housing. Staff point to the following activities and circumstances currently in progress that may affect the future multi-family housing in Gilroy: (1) the City’s remaining Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) allocation, (2) the formation of the Santa Clara County RHNA Sub-region, (3) the on-going Gilroy 2040 General Plan process, (4) the recommendations of the Gilroy Place-Based Economic Development Strategy Report, (5) the need for more specific conditions of approval defining the housing type, density and affordability of new multi-family residential developments, (6) the implementation of the Santa Clara County Affordable Housing Bond Program in Gilroy, (7) the recommendations of the CASA Compact, described as a 15-year emergency policy package to confront the region’s housing crisis, and (8) the effect of State Legislation, including the Housing Accountability Act.
Where: Gilroy City Council
When: Monday, January 7, 2019, 6pm
Link to item: http://gilroyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=&MeetingID=1661&MediaPosition=&ID=1908&CssClass=
Link to agenda: http://gilroyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=1661
Approve $125M contract with McDonald/PGH Wong for engineering services on BART Phase II Extension
The board will consider approving a $125 million contract with MacDonald/PGH Wong for General Engineering Services on BART Phase II. On July 2, 2018, VTA advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP S18088) for General Engineering Services. VTA sought proposals from firms with technical experience in the public transit capital program management; heavy rail tunnel infrastructure development; underground transit station design and operation; engineering management; and demonstrated successful experience in engineering projects similar to VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project. On August 13, 2018, VTA received two qualifying proposals from the following firms.
- AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
- Mott MacDonald/PGH Wong Engineering Joint Venture
VTA composed a review panel consisting of two VTA Deputy Directors, one VTA Engineering Group Manager, one VTA Program Controls Manager, and one BART Assistant General Manager to evaluate the proposing firms. In addition to reviewing the written proposals, the review panel interviewed both teams twice. The first round of interviews focused on the prescribed proposal requirements. The second interviews were focused more specifically on tunnel and deep excavation design. After evaluating the written proposals and information obtained from the interviews, the review panel assigned the highest ranking to Mott MacDonald/PGH Wong Engineering Joint Venture as the most qualified to provide the services needed for the project.
The recommended contract will provide General Engineering services through December 2026, approximately coinciding with the start of revenue service on the completed extension. However the recommended contract amount reflects services only through December 2020, which is intended to support VTA’s engineering needs through receipt of a Full Funding Grant Agreement from FTA. At the end of this period, VTA staff will request additional contracting authority to increase the total contract value as needed to complete Final Engineering and provide Design Support During Construction.
Where: VTA Board of Directors
When: Thursday, January 10, 2019 5:30 PM VTA Auditorium 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134
Link to agenda: http://vtaorgcontent.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Site_Content/bod_101019_packet1.pdf
Approve VTA Land Use and Development Review Policy
Board will consider approving a new Land Use & Development Review Policy to maximize VTA engagement in land use policy regionally. The policy formalizes VTA’s current best practices and provides a framework for VTA and local jurisdictions to work together in the future. Additionally, the policy clearly lays out VTA’s positions on the integration of land use and transportation and provides local jurisdictions with a guide regarding how VTA will provide comments on developments and plans within their jurisdictions. Ultimately, the policy will result in stronger partnerships with local jurisdictions and better integrated development projects that protect and enhance the transportation infrastructure that has been made throughout the county.
Where: VTA Board of Directors
When: Thursday, January 10, 2019 5:30 PM VTA Auditorium 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134
Link to agenda: http://vtaorgcontent.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Site_Content/bod_101019_packet1.pdf
Cupertino Union School District
Discuss process for filling Trustee vacancy on CUSD Board of Education
This agenda item is an opportunity for Board Members to receive an update from the Ad Hoc Committee and staff, ask clarifying questions, and discuss possible next steps in the process for filling the vacancy on the CUSD Board of Education.
On December 13, 2018 the Board discussed and agreed to an application process to fill the seat, which is as follows:
- The Board will accept applications for the Trustee position from December 17, 2018, at 5pm to January 14, 2019, at 5pm.
- An appointed subcommittee of the Board of Education will screen candidate applications and select finalists to be considered for the vacant position.
- On January 24, 2019, a Special Board Meeting will be convened at the District Office to present and review the selected finalists. Candidates should make themselves available for this meeting.
- On January 31, 2019 the Board will discuss the candidates then appoint one candidate to fill the Trustee position.
Where: Santa Clara Unified School District Board of Education
When: Thursday 6pm, January 10, 2019, Board Room of the District’s Administrative Office, 1309 S. Mary Avenue, Suite 150, Sunnyvale, CA
Link to item: http://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cusdk8/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=B7JQQQ6530AD
Link to agenda: https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cusdk8/Board.nsf/vpublic?open
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