Policy Watch: Week of 1/21

City of San Jose

Amending contract w/ Transdev (formerly Veolia) for 6.9% wage increase for airport shuttle bus staff (incl. Teamsters Local 665); new RFP for these services will be issued in FY18-19

On the Consent Calendar, Council will approve an amendment to the Agreement with Transdev Services, Inc. for airport shuttle bus service to increase compensation by 6.91% beginning February 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019 for an estimated increase in the amount of $418,63.

In 2013, Council passed a resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with Transdev Services Inc. (formerly known as Veolia Transportation Services) to provide courtesy shuttle bus services to passengers between terminals, parking, and rental car centers at the airport. Council had previously authorized adjustments to the contract price based on changes to the Consumer Price Index, not to exceed 3% annually. The agreement, which had an initial 4-year term, is currently in the middle of its sixth year which runs through August 31, 2019.

The annual increases, averaging 2.66% over the past five years, have not kept paced with the current labor market. Private sector firms and other public agencies are offering more competitive salaries and wages, making it difficult for Transdev to retain and attract bus drivers. In order to address the wage discrepancy, Transdev and Teamster Local Union No. 665 reached a tentative collective bargaining agreement to increase the compensation of bus drivers. Additionally, Transdev is raising the wages of support staff (including dispatchers, supervisors, and office staff).

Approval of the recommendation will eliminate the current 3% cap on adjustments to contract price if wage increase exceeds 3% to ensure that Transdev is able to maintain the current service levels at the Airport by covering the increase in wages of bus drivers and support staff. Staff plans to issue a competitive RFP for these services in FY18-19.

Where:   San Jose City Council

When: January 29, 2019, 1:30PM

Link to item:   https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3835717&GUID=6169BA26-2E17-474F-94AB-2BF1ACB52D44

Link to agenda:   https://sanjose.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=661111&GUID=E57EA418-F697-4EE4-BD63-3C1D8ECF84FB


Report on policy changes & new procurement strategy to increase disadvantaged business contracting on Public Works

Committee will hear a report describing the outreach and engagement action plan performed by Public Works on a “Citywide Public Works Contracting Program” (formerly Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program.)

At the May 23, 2017, meeting, Council approved consulting agreements with Silvy Group and Keen Independent Research LLC and Milagro Marketing LLC to study how the City could expand opportunity for diverse businesses in its contracting. At the June 26, 2018 CED Committee meeting, staff presented the consultants’ report and the committee approved staff recommendations to 1) Analyze each program for feasibility, legal considerations, staffing and resource consideration and 2) Develop and implement an Outreach and Engagement Action Plan. Additionally, in November 2018 Measure S was approved by the voters of San Jose which provides mechanisms to include local business preference in Public Works projects as well as other changes to public works contracting.

Highlights of the report:

The Public Works Department has developed a new strategy for procurement called “Building our City together with our Community”. This strategy consists of the following three areas:

1) Public Works Academy to connect, educate and inform our local contracting community;

2) Procurement Policy Changes to provide greater opportunities for our local, local small and disadvantaged businesses and workers to participate in San Jose construction projects;

3) Internal Staff Training to ensure our project managers are designing projects that facilitate local, small and disadvantage business participation.


1) Public Works Academy

City staff have worked with the Silvy Group (Bob Silvas) to create the San Jose Public Works Academy, which includes outreach, awareness events, in-depth seminars, and instructional videos on YouTube. In addition, the City entered into grant agreements with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley and the Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce for $25,000 each to expand communication with underrepresented businesses.

2) Procurement Policy Changes

Public Works is in the process of making numerous procurement policy changes that have a direct benefit to the local, small, and disadvantage businesses. They include:

  • Minor Public Works Projects Threshold— As approved by Measure S in November 2018, increase the threshold for minor public works projects from $100K to $600K, making a wider portfolio of projects available for a more simple bidding process, therefore increasing the ability for small and local small business participation.
  • Minor Public Works Prequalification Process— A process to “pre-approve” contractors to work on minor public works projects. This will dramatically reduce the time and effort required for city project managers to engage minor contractor in work opportunities.
  • Additional SBE, MBE, DBE contract goals and programs— Potential creation of additional programs such as (1) Small business enterprise contract participation goals (2) implementation of an economically disadvantaged business program (3) goals/good faith disadvantaged business program (4) goals/good faith efforts for minority and/or women based business enterprises; (5) sheltered programs for small business enterprises; (6) working capital program to assist contractors to meet bonding requirements.

3) Internal Staff Training

Project managers in Public Works are being trained on these policy changes.

Staff and the consultants will return to CED Committee in June 2019 with additional findings, data on the effectiveness of Outreach and Engagement Action plan, and a discussion on the next phase.

Where:    San Jose Community & Economic Development Cmte

When:  Jan, 28, 2019, 1:30 pm

Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3829544&GUID=EE1812A9-5704-4295-A27A-217A297C7E6D

Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=669949&GUID=A03BD0AE-BB74-459D-8204-B4BB2F045867


Draft consultant study and policy recs on “local hire” in construction

At the June 23, 2015, City Council Priority Setting Session, the development of a Local Hiring/Local Business/Apprentice Utilization Program (also known as a “Good Jobs Ordinance”) was deemed Council’s third highest priority. At the March 7, 2017 and subsequent Council Priority Setting Session, it was re-ranked as the Council’s second highest priority.

The Labor Market Study performed by Craft Consulting Group provided staff with baseline data on the imbalance in the construction labor market. The information shows the San Jose construction unemployment rate is outside the expected rate of 2.6%-4.6%, at 5.9% or 1.3% higher rate of unemployment than expected; this combined with  other data indicates that workers from outside the region are in fact filling jobs in the city at the same time that a segment of San Jose resident construction workers remain unemployed.

As part of the study’s scope, CCG was requested to specifically study the following information:

Demographic data regarding workers on public and select private construction projects, including a representative range of project types, and representing projects at different stages in the construction process (beginning, middle and end), including:

  1. Location of home residence (by city and/or county)
  2. Hourly wage paid for work on the project (straight time)
  3. Benefits provided for work on the project (Health care and retirement)
  4. Annual earnings
  5. Trade classification
  6. Years of experience in that trade
  7. Current enrollment as a State-registered apprentice
  8. Graduate of a State-registered apprenticeship
  9. Union affiliation
  10. Gender
  11. Race / Ethnicity (including detailed ethnicities)
  12. Commute data

Staff was not successful in obtaining access to this data from any private contractors. CCG did not perform this body of work due to the lack of accessible data. [Editorial note: Before the study began, the consultant explicitly refused to try to survey workers in order to obtain this data, despite specific proposals and offers of technical assistance from WPUSA and others. They felt it would be too expensive to try. –LMA]

CCG’s recommendations based on the findings from the labor market study analysis are a Voluntary First Source Hiring Program combined with all of the other concurrent efforts the City is working on to encourage local and local small business participation on Public Works projects.

Although it may be an option for the near future, staff does not recommend a voluntary or mandatory local hire policy at this time.

With procurement policy changes that have intended direct benefits to the local workforce, staff recommends monitoring and analyzing the impacts from the procurement changes. Data collection and analysis will include, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • Number of local workers on Public Works Construction;
  • Number of local workers performing work for local, regional, and outside the region prime and sub-contractors on Public Works Construction;
  • Nature of job for local workers (i.e. skilled and/or unskilled)

Where:    San Jose Community & Economic Development Cmte

When:  Jan, 28, 2019, 1:30 pm

Link to item: https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3829552&GUID=5DD7D86E-D03A-491A-85DA-261D2391F1F1

Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=669949&GUID=A03BD0AE-BB74-459D-8204-B4BB2F045867


Direction on OEI Airport study seeking to increase maximum building heights in downtown


  1. Accept a completed Downtown Airspace and Development Capacity Study, with selection of Scenario 4, which would affirm the City’s development policy to use Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) obstruction evaluation determinations on a project-by-project basis as maximum building height limits in the Downtown Core and Diridon Station Area.
  2. Direct the Administration and City Attorney’s Office to explore, and report back to Council on, the feasibility of establishing a “Community Air Service Support Fund” to financially mitigate air service impacts that might arise from implementation of Scenario 4 of the Downtown Airspace and Development Capacity Study.
  3. Direct the Administration to consider potential refinements to the development review process for projects subject to an FAA obstruction evaluation determination including:
    • Requiring applicants to have the technical data on the FAA submittal forms be prepared by a licensed civil engineer and that the forms identify the location and elevation of the highest points of the proposed building, including any mechanical rooms, screens, antennas, or other accessory structure.
    • Requiring applicants to also identify the location and elevation of the highest points of the proposed building and accessory extensions thereof, on their City development permit application plans, including any mechanical rooms, screens, antennas, or other accessory structure.
    • Requiring that when the FAA requires a completed construction survey as part of an obstruction evaluation determination, that such survey be prepared by a licensed civil engineer for the highest-points of the structure, including accessory extensions thereof, and be completed prior to City issuance of an occupancy certification.
    • Requiring a development permit amendment application for any proposed modification or addition to an existing or approved building that would create a new and/or relocated roof-top high point.
    • Developing a construction crane policy in the Downtown Core and Diridon Station area to minimize impacts on airline service during construction.
  4. Direct the Administration to initiate amendments, as determined applicable, to the General Plan and other key policy documents to incorporate the above recommendations and conduct outreach with the downtown development community to provide information and guidance on development height restrictions. (Airport)

Where:    San Jose Community & Economic Development Cmte

When:  Jan, 28, 2019, 1:30 pm

Link to item:   https://sanjose.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3829565&GUID=7C96ACD3-C53B-4A18-BE6E-61826B93289D

Link to agenda: https://sanjose.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=669949&GUID=A03BD0AE-BB74-459D-8204-B4BB2F045867


City of Mountain View

Approving process for council’s major goals and workplan

Staff recommend that council approve the 2019-20 and 2020-21 Council Major Goals Process. It has been the City Council’s practice since 2013 to convene on a biannual basis to establish high-level thematic goals that provide the focus for the next two fiscal years. Following Council’s identification of major goals, staff develops a work plan of projects, with input from the City’s advisory bodies, to accomplish the goals. Progress on the goals is reported on a biannual basis.

The 2017 process for establishing the 2017-18 and 2018-19 Major Goals and Project Work Plan included two Council Study Sessions followed by formal adoption as a regular business item. Staff propose that the new process begins in February 28 with a study session to recap priorities and confirm or revise the current goals. A second study session would be scheduled for April 23, with staff analysis and recommendations and final adoption of major goals and work plan on May 21, 2019.

Where: Mountain View City Council

When: Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 6pm

Link to item: https://mountainview.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3839556&GUID=2A0644E7-0671-4257-92BA-A1C8385190FD&Options=&Search=

Link to agenda: https://mountainview.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=655828&GUID=105F75FB-6238-40D1-BD4B-BB4BA50E0420&Options=info&Search=


Cupertino Union School District

Reviewing candidates for provisional appointment to vacant Board seat


The Board will hold a public hearing as well as discuss candidate applications for a Provisional Appointment to the Board of Trustees.

On December 13, 2018, the Board took action to fill the vacant Board seat through an appointment process, opening an application process from December 17 ending January 14, 2019. At this meeting, the Board will discuss all completed candidate applications and recommend finalists to interview. Interviews and appointment of one finalist will take place at the January 31 meeting.

The 14 applicants are:

  • Sumi Aggarwal, a self-employed reporter/news producer
  • Wil Fluewelling, an executive at Veterans Hospital Support Foundation
  • Sudha Kasamsetty, a software engineer and entrepreneur
  • Jerry Lin, a small tech business owner
  • JoAnn Yamani, a corporate communications employee of Western Digital
  • Ava Chiao, a teacher at East Side Union High School
  • David Fung, an engineering consultant
  • Gopal Kumarappan, head of engineering at Adobe Inc
  • Priya Mayureshwar, city director at International Association for Human Values
  • Liyan Zhao, information system analyst at Santa Clara Valley Water District
  • Lizeth Chiprez, senior business strategy consultant at Accenture Strategy
  • Meena Gajula, full-time mom
  • Sylvia Leong, admissions consultant
  • Stuart Rosenberg, retired from Intel and CUSD

Where: Cupertino Union School District

When: Thursday, January 24, 2019, 6pm

Link to item: http://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cusdk8/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=B7JVL275C323


Link to agenda: https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cusdk8/Board.nsf/vpublic?open


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