Fire Truck Makes a Big Splash on Campaign Trail

San Jose firefighters and their brethren from throughout the bay area fanned out through the city talking to voters with the help of an unusual fire truck cruising down the street with a big sign on it supporting Dave Cortese for San Jose Mayor.  The truck was in fact NOT a San Jose fire truck, but a privately owned fire truck that was showing residents that San Jose public safety workers overwhelmingly support Cortese.

The scene got under the skin of a key Liccardo supporter and, reportedly, Liccardo himself.  We have it on good authority that when former Mayor Tom McEnery was having his morning coffee at Roy’s Station in Japantown, he jumped on his cell phone in a  heated call to someone when he saw the truck go by.   Not long after that, as the truck cruised through a downtown area crowded with runners from the Rock-n-Roll Marathon, mayoral candidate and city council member Sam Liccardo was seen in a heated phone call himself, presumably complaining about a fire truck donning a Cortese sign.  What? Public safety workers supporting his opponent? YES.

The truck made its way to Santana Row, where the always hard-working Councilmember Ash Kalra was taking part in India Day.  Kalra was so happy to see the truck and the huge Cortese sign, and all the support from firefighters, he had his picture taken in front of it.

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