Vice Mayor Carrasco, and Councilmembers Jones, Jimenez and Rocha memo for a charter amendment to move Mayor elections to presidential election years
Memo from Councilmembers Carrasco, Jones, Jimenez, and Rocha asks the Rules Committee to agendize for the Oct. 16th City Council a resolution to change Mayoral elections to presidential election years, in order to increase voter participation in mayoral elections.
Memo state in part:
“We can and should place the election of our Mayor – our only official elected citywide – at a date which leads to broad public interest and high levels of voter engagement. This change can be achieved by approving the following two modifications to the charter:
- Extending the term of the-Mayor that begins in 2019 for two more years; and
- Beginning in 2024, holding the election of Mayor every four years concurrent with presidential elections.
If approved, the resolution would place a charter amendment to change Mayoral election years before San Jose voters on the 2020 ballot.
Where: San Jose Rules Committee
When: Oct. 3, 2018, 2 pm
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City of Santa Clara
Discussing Downtown Precise Plan: $400K RFP for planning consultant and set-up of community task force
Council will receive a report on the Downtown Precise Plan, providing input on the project scope and the composition of a community member Downtown Community Task Force to inform the planning process. The city will be issuing an RFP for $400K to contract with planning consultants to develop the land use plan, policies, design guidelines, streetscape design, and open space standards to implement the plan vision.
The revitalized Downtown Focus Area could support the potential development of up to 129,300 square feet of new commercial uses and 396 new residential units along with public gathering places and civic venues. The General Plan also calls for a transit loop connection to the Santa Clara Transit Station in order to promote increased multi-modal connectivity, as well as reconnecting streets to increase access to transit and to attract residents and visitors.
The Downtown Community Task Force will be comprised of approximately seven members approved by the City Council, will be advisory and non-voting, and will be time limited to the duration of the Precise Plan process. The purpose and mission of the committee is to provide high-level strategic thinking on the direction of the plan, review and provide guidance on the results of the public workshops and other engagement activities, and make recommendations on the vision, land use, transportation alternatives, and key policy topics for the project area. Staff has identified a range of residents and stakeholders within the community that have been involved in the past Downtown Revitalization efforts and will be providing council with the following proposed list of representatives:
- Santa Clara University
- Old Quad Residents Association
- Reclaiming Our Downtown
- Downtown Area Business Owner
- Downtown Area Resident
- A developer with experience in the area or NAIOP (Commercial Real Estate Development Association)
- A community resident from a neighborhood outside of the Downtown area
Staff is asking that the City Council provide comments regarding the structure for the DCTF and will return with a list of specific individuals for Council approval once additional coordination has occurred.
Where: Santa Clara City Council
When: Tues. October2, 2018, 5pm
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Recruiting for Planning Cmsn, Housing Cmte, & other Boards, Commissions and Committees; applications due Dec. 4
Staff recommends that Council open a recruitment period for nine-weeks from October 2, 2018 through December 4, 2018, to compile applications for these pending vacancies. Following the close of the application period, interviews will be scheduled with the City Council at the December 10, 2018 special City Council meeting, and appointments will take place at the December 17, 2018 regular City Council meeting.
Vacancies include:
Arts & Culture Cmsn – 2 seats
Bicycle Pedestrian Cmsn – 2 seats
Building Board of Appeals – 2 seats
Community & Neighborhoods Revitalization – 4 seats
Historic Heritage Cmte – 1 seat
Housing Advisory Cmte – 4 seats
Library Cmsn – 1 seat
Open Government Cmsn – 2 seats
Parks & Rec Cmsn – 2 seats
Personnel Cmsn – 2 seats
Physically Challenged Board of Appeals – 1 seat
Planning Cmsn – 2 seats
Public Art Cmt – 1 seat
Applications are available at Applications may be submitted to, and must be received by Dec. 4, 2018, 5 pm.
Included is a recruitment flyer with a full listing of these pending vacancies, with the functions and meeting schedules of each of these policy bodies.
Where: Gilroy City Council
When: October 1, 2018/ Council Chambers/6:00 p.m.
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Second reading to adopt Vallco Specific Plan and approve the development agreement with Vallco Property Owner LLC
Staff recommend that the Council conduct the second reading and enact:
- Ordinance No. 18-2177: “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino
Amending the Municipal Code to Allow Adoption and Implementation of Vallco Town
Center Specific Plan” (Attachment A); - Ordinance No. 18-2178: “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino
Rezoning the Parcels within the Vallco Special Area” (Attachment B); and - Ordinance No. 18-2179: “Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approving a Development Agreement by and Between the City of Cupertino and Vallco Property Owner LLC for the Development of Vallco Town Center” (Attachment
Second reading and enactment of ordinances to amend the Municipal Code to allow Adoption and Implementation of Vallco Town Center Specific Plan, to Rezone the Parcels within the Vallco Special Area and to Approve a Development Agreement by and Between the City of Cupertino and Vallco Property Owner LLC for the Development of Vallco Town Center.
Where: Cupertino City Council
When: October 2, 2018/ 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 / Closed Session (4:00) and Study Session (5:00); and Regular Meeting (6:45)
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San Jose Unified School District
Direction on finalizing properties from the master plan that will support employee housing projects
Staff recommend that the District prioritize and move forward with the actions, agreements, and partnerships necessary to finalize properties from the identified set that will:
(1) better serve students,
(2) positively address enrollment imbalances across schools, and
(3) support employee housing projects.
On September 13, 2018 the Board of Education took Step 1 in developing and implementing a Master Plan for San José Unified Properties. The plan (attached) identifies a set of potential properties that meet the noted criteria.
Where: San Jose Unified School District
When: September 27, 2018/ 6:00 p.m./Board Room 855 Lenzen Avenue (District Administration Building)
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Direction on the special education MOU provisions with DCP charters—parties are currently in disagreement on provisions
Staff recommends that Board discuss and provide direction on the special education provisions of the Financial and Operational Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Downtown College Preparatory (DCP) Middle and High Schools. The Financial and Operational MOU between the SJUSD and DCP specifies the responsibilities of the parties and supports the implementation of the respective charters. The parties are currently in disagreement on how to move forward with the special education provisions of the MOU.
Where: San Jose Unified School District
When: September 27, 2018/ 6:00 p.m./Board Room 855 Lenzen Avenue (District Administration Building)
Link to agenda packet:
Foothill- DeAnza Community College District
Approving compensation settlement with POA, incl. 5% salary increase; increase is temporary unless another agreement is reached by 7/1/19
The Board is requested to approve:
1) the compensation settlement reached between the Foothill-De Anza Community College District and the Police Officers Association (POA) for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 as follows; and
2) the adoption of the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Police Officers Association (POA) salary schedules.
The 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 settlement regarding compensation and other economic matters includes the following:
Effective July 1, 2017:
- Salary adjustment of 0% on the Police Officers Association (POA) salary schedule.
Effective July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019
- Salary Adjustment of 5.00% on the Police Officers Association (POA) Salary Schedule, subject to the following terms.
- Terms: On July 1, 2019, the Police Officers Association (POA) salary schedule shall revert to the 2017-2018 salary schedule unless another agreement is reached.
Where: Foothill-De Anza Community College District
When: October 1, 2018/ 6:00 p.m./Foothill College Toyon Room (Room 2020)
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