How Much More is There, Sam?

San Jose Mayoral candidate Sam Liccardo is perhaps learning a few lessons from Chris Chrisitie’s BridgeGate and admitting he was wrong.  That’s great.  But how much more is there to admit?

As The Left Hook reported last week it appears Liccardo started his campaign fundraising at least three weeks before local election law allows.  One of Liccardo’s lobbiests, Alex Tourk, sent an email to potential supporters inviting them to a “fundraiser.”  The link in the email shows that the event was created on Liccardo’s campaign website on November 16, 2013.  San Jose elction law set December 5th as the starting date for campaign fundraising.

The link was taken down after our original story. Liccardo’s campaign manager made a public statement admitting this was “totally a violation” and “we’re going to return the money.”

So far, according to campaign manager Ragan Henniger, the Liccardo camp is returning $2,200, but she said “there might be more.”

We’re interested to know how much  more, as are San Jose voters, we’re sure.


H/T to The Daily Fetch for the CheatiesGate image

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  • Amicus Gentry Feb 15, 2014 at 10:32 pm

    In addition to her acknowledgement that the campaign violated the law, she left us with this gem of a quote :

    “We’re sorry if our opponents haven’t been doing events and campaigning and have only raised $169,000,” she said. “This is what winners do.”

    Unfortunately she fails to recognize the obvious that this is also what criminals do. She seems perfect for Liccardo’s campaign. Perfect.

    • Amicus Gentry Feb 15, 2014 at 10:34 pm

      Liccardo’s Campaign manager/Chief of Staff RAGAN HENNINGER, that is.

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