It’s Time to Put Our Schools and Communities First

Over the last 40 years, corporations in California have robbed billions of dollars from our schools and local communities in order to line the  pockets of their executives and wall street financiers. These corporations have exploited the protections in Prop 13 that are meant to keep our families in their homes. While the share of property taxes used to be split about 50/50 between corporations and the rest of us, this loophole has left us footing about 70% of the tax bill .This has left our schools, services and local communities chronically underfunded. While we used to be 7th, we are now 41st in the nation in k-12 spending and we have fewer resources for the public libraries, parks and homes our families need in order to thrive.

One year ago, families across California gathered hundreds of thousands of signatures and qualified the Schools and Communities First Initiative on the 2020 ballot.

Because we came together to protect the communities we live in, we are on our way to reclaiming over $11 billion dollars annually for our communities, our schools, and our libraries, by passing the first equitable tax reform in decades. The Schools and Communities First initiative will require corporations to pay their fair share while retaining Prop 13 protections for homeowners, apartment owners and renters.

This is our chance to shape the future of our California. Let’s lead with our values and fight to put our Schools and Communities First.

Sign on to say you’ll help reclaim $11 billion dollars a year by passing Schools and Communities First.

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