Digital Divide
| City of San Jose|
Approve funding strategy for digital inclusion and authorize agreement with AT&T for up to $3.4M
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 11am
Issue summary: Council will receive a staff report and may approve a funding strategy for proposed investment of Coronavirus Relief Funds in specific projects that provide broadband services and connectivity devices for unconnected and under-connected San José students and residents experiencing hardship accessing distance learning and critical services due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Staff recommend council authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with AT&T to provide connectivity to residents impacted by COVID-19 for a limited duration for a one year term with maximum compensation not to exceed $3,430,000.
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| Santa Clara County |
Recommendations for bridging digital divide for low income households
Date/time/location item will be heard: June 23, 2020, 9:30AM
Issue summary: At the May 12, 2020 Board of Supervisors meeting (Item No. 16), the Board approved a referral from Supervisor Cortese directing Administration to report on options to bridge the digital divide for underserved families in the county.
The health pandemic has made it clear that internet connectivity and digital devices are essential to continued participation in society. This is particularly true for underserved and disenfranchised families whose needs are greatest and are often people of color. As the county transitions from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Officer’s shelter in place orders into the new post-COVID-19 normal, internet connectivity and access will more than ever be essential for families from underserved communities. As government, education, healthcare and shopping move to new models of service delivery, without digital access and connectivity, families may not be able to complete enrollment or engage in a variety of public, private and community activities. Some national reports cite that students without access to the internet are forced to roam for open Wi-Fi networks to participate in long-distance learning. In the family navigation we support through UAP, families are informed on free Wi-Fi zones in order to complete enrollment applications for government services. This is a familiar challenge for many families and students residing in internet dead zones.
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| East Side Union High School District Board of Trustees |
Approving MOU with the East Side Alliance for the Community Wireless Project
Date/time/location item will be heard: Thursday, June 25, 2020 4PM phone or video conference
Issue summary: The past six years, staff and the City of San Jose have developed a partnership in providing greater access to the internet for students and residents within the boundaries of the East Side Union High School District. When all three phases are completed, it is estimated that 70% of our students, our feeder schools, and the community will have access to wireless broadband.
The East Side Union High School District and the East Side Alliance (six feeder districts) have a shared purpose in supporting the Community Wireless Project to advance student academic achievement, to facilitate distance learning when needed, to provide opportunities for students to research career and university possibilities, and to foster student safety during out of school time.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlines the ongoing maintenance & operations (M&O) cost associated with this project. ESUHSD, in conjunction with the City of San Jose, will cover the expense of building the infrastructure and members of the East Side Alliance will cover the ongoing M&O cost:
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2020 General Election
| City of San Jose |
Liccardo proposes “strong mayor” ballot measure incl. campaign finance reform
Date/time/location item will be heard: Wednesday June 24, 2020; 2pm, Virtual mtg
Issue summary: 1. Direct the City Clerk to place an item on the June 30th City Council meeting agenda for consideration of a potential November 2020 ballot measure, to amend the Charter to enhance accountability of City Hall through campaign finance reform, and clearer alignment of mayoral authority and responsibilities.
2. Direct the City Clerk to establish an additional meeting date(s) in the final week of July and/or first week of August, if necessary, for public discussion and input of this measure.
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Appoint 4 members to Council Appointment Advisory Commission
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11am
Issue summary: Staff recommend council approve the following Boards and Commissions appointments to the Council Appointment Advisory Commission:
- District 2 Seat: Member to a term ending December 31, 2022;
- District 3 Seat: Member to a term ending December 31, 2023;
- District 6 Seat: Member to a term ending December 31, 2022;
- Citywide Seat: Member to a term ending December 31, 2023
No applications were attached yet.
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| City of Mountain View |
Placing citizen-initiated measure to weaken rent control on Nov. ballot
Date/time/location item will be heard: 6/23, 6:00 PM
Issue summary: The Mountain View Homeowner, Renter, and Taxpayer Protection Initiative was put forth by John Inks and Bryan Danforth (“Proponents”). The Initiative would amend the City’s Charter to modify the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act adopted by the voters in November 2016. This measure intends to amend certain provisions within the City Charter that regulate rents, establish just-cause eviction protections, require relocation assistance, and allow for decontrol.
Proponents have collected a sufficient number of signatures, so City Council is required to place this measure on the ballot. Council may choose to provide an official argument related to the ballot measure.
A summary of the key amendments proposed by the measure are as follows: Set an income eligibility requirement; Suspension of the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act (CSFRA) is based on a lower vacancy rate of 3 percent; Modification to the just-cause provision; Restriction on the use of City funds; Set a maximum rental housing fee; All capital improvements are eligible for the petition process; Establish a Rental Housing Dispute Resolution Program during suspension of the CSFRA.
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| City of Santa Clara |
Poll results & direction on revenue measures on the November 2020 ballot
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1PM virtual and limited public comments access
Issue summary: In November 2019, the City Council authorized the City Manager to negotiate a consultant agreement for the purposes of conducting voter research related to revenue measures for consideration on the November 2020 ballot. In February 2020, the City retained the services of the Lew Edwards Group and their subconsultants EMC Research and Public Dialogue Consortium to conduct voter research activities using a variety of methodologies including a telephone survey, in-person community meetings and online surveys. A survey tool for the telephone survey was developed in early March with planned implementation for late March to be followed by a series of 14 community meetings and two pop-up events in the months of April and May. However, on March 11, 2020, the City declared a local state of emergency in alignment with the County of Santa Clara’s Shelter-in-Place Order related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the uncertainty of allowable activities and without a viable means of soliciting community engagement, the voter research project was put on hold.
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Reappointing 9 Commissioners, declaring 4 vacancies & opening recruitment
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1PM virtual and limited public comments access
Issue summary: Due to COVID-19 and the onset of Shelter-in-Place, which began on March 16, 2020, Board and Commission meetings were suspended unless essential actions were required. As a result, the Annual Board and Commission recruitment process was delayed as staff focused on State/County ordered “essential” services and pivoted to new work approaches during COVID.
Although the recruitment takes place past the end of the term, the Charter states “the members of such boards and commissions shall serve for a term of four years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified.” Therefore, the four commissioners that term out on June 30, 2020 would stay on until the new members are appointed.
The following 9 commissioners have indicated a desire to be reappointed a full-term each ending June 30, 2024 as their current terms end June 30, 2020:
- Board of Library Trustees (2): Leonne Broughman, Jan Hintermeister
- Cultural Commission (2): Harbir K. Bhatia, Candida Diaz
- Historical and Landmarks Commission (1):Stephen Estes
- Planning Commission (1): Lance Saleme
- Senior Advisory Commission (2): Judy Hubbard, Grant L. McCauley
- Housing Rehabilitation Committee (1): Tahir Naim
Four commissioners have served two full terms and are not eligible for reappointment. Therefore, there is now a total of four vacancies for a full-term ending June 30, 2024, see each commission listed below: Civil Service Commission (1), Parks and Recreation Commission (2), Planning Commission (1)
Due to these vacancies, staff recommends that the Council declare vacancies for full-term appointment to these commissions, set an application deadline of July 31, 2020; and set August 17, 2020 as the date to conduct interviews.
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| East Side Union High School District Board of Trustees |
Update and discussion on timeline for adding parcel tax to November 2020 ballot
Date/time/location item will be heard: Thursday, June 25, 2020 4PM phone or video conference
Issue summary: On May 28, 2020, a presentation regarding the polling for a potential parcel tax on the November 3, 2020, General Election ballot was made to the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees requested to bring back this item for discussion at the June 25, 2020, Board meeting. The potential timeline is to move forward with polling and bringing back information to the Board at a Special Board Meeting in late July for a decision to place the parcel tax on November 2020 ballot.
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| City of Milpitas |
Poll results & direction on potential ¼ cent sales tax measure for Nov. 2020 ballot
Date/time/location item will be heard: June 23, 2020, 5:30 pm
Issue summary: Recommendation: Receive a report from Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz and Associates (FM3) regarding public opinion polling for a ¼ Cent General Sales Tax measure and direct staff to return on August 4, 2020 with the ballot measure language for a ¼ cent General Sales Tax measure with an eight-year sunset clause for placement on the ballot for the November 3, 2020 General Election. Staff memo is not yet available.
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| Santa Clara County |
Chavez referral to adopt resolution supporting ACA 5 to place repeal of Prop. 209 on Nov. 3 ballot
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 9:30am
Issue summary: Sup. Chavez recommends approval of her referral to adopt a resolution supporting Assembly Constitution Amendment No. 5 to place the repeal of Proposition 209 on the November 3, 2020 ballot. Repeal of Proposition 209 would reinstate affirmative action in public contracting, hiring and public education, which is estimated to generate an additional $138 billion in personal income for California families.
By allowing Californians to overturn Proposition 209 on the November ballot, ACA 5 would create opportunities for all in California by allowing race and gender conscious programs to level the playing field for women and people of color. For example, the initiative would recover $1.1 billion in lost public contracting opportunities for businesses owned by women and people of color, and create a more representative public service workforce including teachers, first responders, and public health workers to reflect the diversity and needs of the state.
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Police Accountability, Racism, & Social Equity
| City of San Jose |
Approve Equity Pledge and direction on integrating equity considerations in council business
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 11am
Issue summary: Rules and Open Government Committee recommends council approve recommendations for an Equity Pledge, originally brought forward by CMs Arenas, Carrasco, Esparza, Jimenez, and Peralez:
- Agendize for Council discussion and consideration the Equity Pledge.
- Direct the City Manager, under the leadership of the forthcoming Office of Equity, to return to council with a proposal to update existing processes to make equity a more explicit part of council deliberations, including adding a section on equity considerations on each council, committee, and commission memo.
- Begin the GARE process with a formal community convening for public testimony on their personal experiences with discrimination, and San José’s history of system racism and targeted persecution. Bring this forward as a Hearing of the San José City Council on Race and Equity in San José.
This item received a letter of support from the Asian Law Alliance.
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Jones proposes “Black Lives Matter” resolution that includes police reforms
Date/time/location item will be heard: Wednesday June 24, 2020; 2pm, Virtual mtg
Issue summary: City Council adopt resolution proclaiming black lives matter in alignment with Council Policy 0-11, Council Resolution Policy. Place attached resolution on the June 30, 2020 Council Agenda for action.
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Jones proposes Citizen Oversight Committee for Independent Police Auditor
Date/time/location item will be heard: Wednesday June 24, 2020; 2pm, Virtual mtg
Issue summary: 1. Direct the City Manager’s office to research and evaluate creating a Citizen Oversight Committee of the Independent Police Auditor.
2. Direct staff to work with the NAACP, PACT, and other community based organizations and leaders.
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| Santa Clara County |
Simitian referral to reform Sheriff’s Office use of force
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 9:30am
Issue summary: Sup. Simitian recommends approval of his referral to urge the Office of the Sheriff to immediately review its use of force policies and adapt them to be consistent with Campaign Zero.
The reforms (known as 8 Can’t Wait) are:
1. Requiring officers to intervene to stop another officer from using excessive force.
2. Restricting or prohibiting the use of chokeholds, strangleholds, carotid restraints, and other approaches that cut off a suspect’s air supply or blood flow.
3. Requiring officers to de-escalate situations to the greatest extent possible before using force, and to train officers specifically in de-escalation and violence reduction strategies.
4. Updating use of force policies to more clearly represent the maximum level of force allowable in response to specific types of conduct.
5. Requiring officers to give a clear verbal warning before using deadly force.
6. Prohibiting officers from shooting at moving vehicles unless an individual in the vehicle poses a direct deadly threat by means other than the vehicle.
7. Requiring officers to exhaust all other reasonable alternatives before resorting to deadly force.
8. Requiring comprehensive reporting of both all uses of force and all threats of force.
Staff would also conduct a series of stakeholder listening sessions through July that culminates in a presentation from stakeholders to the Public Safety and Justice Committee in August.
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Cortese & Chavez referral for resolution declaring racism a public health crisis
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 9:30am
Issue summary: Sup. Cortese and Chavez recommend approval of their referral for the Administration to report back with options on adopting a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis.
According to their memo, given recent events the County has an opportunity to reaffirm and signify support for disenfranchised communities of color through such a resolution. This referral recommends that actions from the County of Santa Clara resulting from this declaration include:
- Incorporating educational efforts to address and dismantle racism, and expand understanding of racism and how racism affects individual and population health;
- Promoting community engagement, actively engaging citizens on issues of racism, and providing tools to engage actively and authentically with communities of color;
- Committing to review all portions of codified ordinances with a racial equity lens;
- Committing to conduct all human resources, vendor selection and grant management activities with a racial equity lens including reviewing all internal policies and practices such as hiring, promotions, leadership appointments and funding;
- Promoting racially equitable economic and workforce development practices;
- Promoting and encouraging all policies that prioritize the health of people of color and mitigating exposure to adverse childhood experience and trauma in childhood;
- Training of all elected officials and staff on workplace biases and how to mitigate them;
- Partnering and building alliances with local organizations that have a legacy and track record of confronting racism;
- Supporting Local, State, and Federal initiatives that advance social justice and combat racism;
- Encouraging community partners and stakeholders in the education, employment, housing, criminal justice and safety arenas to recognize racism as a public health crisis and to activate the above items; and
- Securing adequate resources to successfully accomplish the above activities.
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Chavez & Cortese referral for resolution supporting Black Lives Matter
Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 9:30am
Issue summary: Sup. Chavez and Cortese recommend the Board adopt a resolution affirming Black Lives Matter, condemning racial violence, and committing to equity, justice, and inclusive collaboration with and for Black communities towards elimination of systemic and institutional racial inequities.
Their referral calls for Administration to report to the in August 2020 regarding the County’s internal and external efforts, timeline, and goals to commit to the Black Freedom Struggle and the role of the organization for action and reform towards the fight against racial injustice, police brutality, oppression, and violence.
The adoption of the Resolution will not only acknowledge that the County of Santa Clara as a region and an organization acknowledges that Black Lives Matter and is committed to the Black freedom struggle, but also affirms that the County is committed to actions and reform towards the fight against racial injustice, police brutality, systemic oppression and violence regionwide and within its organization. The report back should include the County’s commitment and next steps to develop a racially diverse workforce of change agents and decision makers, education and trainings for our workforce, examination and recommendation of policies, and recommended partnerships with Black communities and allies.
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