Author Archives : The Left Hook

Santa Clara County Democratic Party Condemns County Supervisor Candidate Pierluigi Oliverio for Sexual and Verbal Harassment Allegations

Last night, the Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee (SCCDCC) voted to adopt a resolution condemning the conduct and candidacy of Pierluigi Oliverio for Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 4. Oliverio, a former San Jose City Councilmember, was sued by a female subordinate for alleged sexual and verbal harassment in the workplace while he was serving as an elected…

Hundreds Gathered for 2018 San Jose May Day March

On Tuesday, hundreds of labor, faith and community leaders, along with student activists gathered for International Workers’ Day. The theme of the 2018 Silicon Valley/San Jose May Day March and Rally was Sow. Grow. Know. The event began in Roosevelt Park with local musicians and ended at San Jose City Hall with a number of cultural events, including spoken word…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/30

County of Santa Clara Consider impact fees for residential and non-residential development at Stanford University and in unincorporated areas of the County The Board will: (a) Receive report and Affordable Housing Nexus Studies; (b) Direct Administration and County Counsel to prepare an ordinance implementing affordable housing impact fees for Academic Space (non-residential) and Faculty and Staff Housing (residential) development at…

Hirokawa’s Sheriff Fundraising Efforts Fall Flat

The race for Santa Clara County Sheriff shows a stark difference in the fundraising power of each of the candidates. Former Undersheriff John Hirokawa raised $10,000 this period and loaned himself $25,000. While Hirokawa’s records show that he currently has $105,000 in the bank, after subtracting his debt of $75,000, he is actually closer to $30,000 cash on hand. In…

Newest Set of Fundraising Numbers Are In

The newest set of fundraising numbers are in and show some candidates holding strong, while other are falling behind. In the race for Santa Clara County Supervisor, most candidates have neared or hit the fundraising cap of $250,000. Santa Clara Council Member Dominic Caserta raised $52,000, Susan Ellenberg brought in $32,000, San Jose Council Member Don Rocha raised $27,000, Pierluigi Oliverio…

San Jose Council Votes on Housing Policies Impacting Renters

Earlier this week, a series of measures impacting renters came before the San Jose City Council. Among the votes taken, was the Council’s decision to ensure that tenants in rent-controlled apartment complexes pay only their share of utility bills rather than allowing landlords to divide utility costs based on how many people live in each apartment and the unit’s size.…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/23

City of San Jose   Liccardo and Carrasco memos: Amending Tenant Protection Ordinance to prohibit landlords from disclosing tenants’ immigration or citizenship status to authorities and adding felony conviction as a just cause basis for eviction Mayor Liccardo recommends approving an ordinance to: Amend the Tenant Protection Ordinance (TPO) to state that the term “nuisance” in the just cause ordinance…

Rank Choice Voting: Elitist’s Latest Voter Suppression Technique

Conservatives have a well-documented history of engaging in voter suppression, and rank choice voting is no exception. Therefore, it is no surprise that John Arnold, the Enron crook and funder of conservative causes, is supporting rank choice voting. One of the primary criticisms of rank choice voting is that it makes the voting process more intricate and tedious. When voter…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/16/2018

Santa Clara County Direction on potential ballot measures to extend and/or increase sales tax The Administration to report information regarding the County’s 2012 Measure A one-eighth cent retail transaction (sales) and use tax, including: Workplan or decision matrix for the Board to examine the value of a possible extension of the County’s one-eighth cent sales tax in the 2018 or…

San Jose Children and Community Groups Deliver Demands to Google for San Jose Mega-Campus

Yesterday, San Jose community groups gathered at Google’s Mountain View headquarters to release a comprehensive set of community demands for the tech giant’s proposed San Jose mega-campus. The demands are the result of Silicon Valley Rising engaging more than 1,500 San Jose residents through town hall meetings and community surveys. Key findings from the survey include: 73% think Google has a…