Author Archives : The Left Hook

Alum Rock School District Hires Lawyer Tied to Their Alleged Financial Misconduct

After years of poor leadership and fiscal misconduct, the Alum Rock Union Elementary School District (District), received a notice of stay and rescind from Santa Clara County Office of Education Superintendent Mary Ann Dewan. The notice comes after the board majority consistently voted to undermine the financial stability of the District. The notice is the result of allegations that surfaced…

Santa Clara County Trades Orientation Program Celebrates 24 Graduates

Last week, 24 community members from all walks of life celebrated their graduation from the Santa Clara County Trades Orientation Program. The graduates ranged from an 18-year-old former foster youth to a single mom in recovery to a Vietnam War veteran. They all had one thing in common: seeking a good, family-supporting career. Through their hard work and dedication, they…

State Audit Reveals Alarming Practices by Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County (4Cs)

California State Auditor Elaine M. Howle released a report late last week detailing questionable and unfair practices by the Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County (4Cs). 4Cs is the largest non-profit agency that serves as a link between families and child care providers in the County of Santa Clara. The results of the audit reinforce what 4Cs employees, Child Care…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/9

City of San Jose Diridon Station Area Advisory Group to hear Google’s draft design principle & create “Solution Groups” The SAAG will discuss items including the following: Google’s Design Principles and Inspiration: Presentation will share Google’s draft ‘principles of place,’ values to help guide proposed development efforts in San Jose and beyond. The presentation will also highlight examples from around…

SVO faces backlash after email trivializing Pierluigi Oliverio’s sexual misconduct

Last week, the San Jose Chamber of Commerce (rebranded as the SVO) sent out a tone-deaf, offensive email defending their decision to endorse Pierluigi Oliverio, a candidate for Santa Clara County Supervisor and accused sexual harasser. Oliverio was sued for sexually harassing and verbally abusing his female Chief of Staff while he was her employer.  See this lawsuit filing to…

San Jose City Council to Require Developers to Pay Prevailing Wage and Hire Local Workers

Yesterday, the City of San Jose passed a groundbreaking set of policies to increase wages and workplace protections for construction workers and to promote local hiring and construction career opportunities. The policy passed 8-3 with Councilmembers Johnny Khamis, Dev Davis and Lan Diep voting no and the SVO (formerly the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce) aligning with the…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/2

County of Santa Clara Update & approving poll for a potential sales tax extension & increase on Nov. 2018 ballot The Board will receive a report relating to possible extension and increase of the retail transactions (sales) and use tax for Santa Clara County. The Board will approve the Second Amendment to Agreement with EMC Research, Inc., relating to public…

Santa Clara Voters Likely to Recall Judge Aaron Persky, But Unsure Who Should Replace Him

A new poll released earlier this week shows that the majority of likely Santa Clara County voters are poised to recall Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky in the June 5th election.  According to the poll, conducted by SurveyUSA exclusively for KPIX-TV News, 56% of voters would vote to recall Persky if the election were today. 29% would vote against recalling…

Policy Watch: Week of 3/26

City of San Jose Approve Mayor Liccardo recommendations for Private Development Workforce Standards and Community Workforce Agreements Council will consider approving Mayor Liccardo’s recommendations on Private Development Workforce Standards, Capitol Bond Measure, Best Value Contracting, and Community Workforce Agreements. The recommendations would direct the City Attorney and the City Manager to take the following actions: Private Development Workforce Standards: Direct…

Policy Watch: Week of 3/19

County of Santa Clara Approve voting technology upgrades and implementation of new voting model for the county The Voter’s Choice Act (VCA), formerly known as SB 450, allows the County of Santa Clara to adopt a new voting model that replaces traditional polling places with a smaller number of vote centers with expanded days of operation and services available. Upon…