Author Archives : The Left Hook

Mayor Opposes Measure to Increase Voter Turnout for Mayoral Election

San Jose Spotlight reported that Mayor Sam Liccardo will not support a measure to increase voter participation in mayoral elections by moving those elections to presidential election years. The Mayor claims he opposes the shift because having to make decisions on both local and national issues would confuse voters. He states, “…it’s critical that our mayor election focuses on San…

The Fix Was In: Kline Withdraws from Planning Commission Appointment

Former commissioner Norm Kline has withdrawn his application for the San Jose Planning Commission. Via email,  Kline stated that he had initially applied for the Commission because there were not enough qualified applicants. He also noted that he did not request any “special treatment”, referencing the unusual circumstances under which he was granted a last minute interview. Last month, after…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/1

City of San Jose Approving shift of mayoral elections from gubernatorial to presidential election cycle DEFERRED TO 4/16/2019 PER ADMINISTRATION Staff and the Board of Fair Campaign and Political Practices recommend that council approve shifting the City’s mayoral election from the gubernatorial cycle to the presidential cycle. The Board’s recommendation to shift to the presidential cycle is based on the…

Liccardo Attends Cesar Chavez Celebration Amid Racist Stereotyping of Immigrants

Mayor Sam Liccardo attended and spoke at San Jose’s annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast despite having recently made statements perpetuating the racist stereotype that immigrants, particularly those of Latino descent, are dangerous criminals. In reference to Santa Clara County’s policy of requiring a lawful reason to jail people when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requests a hold, the Mayor issued this…

Charges Filed Against Democratic Party Vice Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall for Interfering with Bauman Lawsuit

Today, delegates of the California Democratic Party filed charges of alleged misconduct against Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party and candidate for Party Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall, for attempting to manipulate the sexual harassment lawsuit against disgraced past Chair Eric Bauman. The charges stems from an amended complaint filed last week accusing Larimore-Hall of harassing the victims who had filed a…

Cortese’s Open Supervisor Seat Draws Large Crowd of Competitors

Supervisor Dave Cortese is termed out in 2020 and his soon-to-be vacant seat has attracted a large number of political players. First on the list is San Jose City Council Member Magdalena Carrasco.  While at the City, she has championed women’s issues and affordable housing, among other items. Carrasco, the city’s previous Vice Mayor, has also served on the East…

Dominic Caserta Takes Polygraph Regarding Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

Former city council member and candidate for Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, Dominic Caserta took a polygraph test in an effort to dispel accusations of sexual misconduct that were brought against him last year. Below is the press release outlining the results. Dominic J. Caserta, Former City Council Member, Scores The Highest Possible on Polygraph Test SAN JOSE, CA…

Santa Clara County Trades Orientation Program Celebrates 23 More Graduates, Including 11 Women

Last week, 23 community members celebrated their graduation from the Santa Clara County Trades Orientation Program (TOP). The graduates- 11 of who were women-all had one thing in common: seeking a good, family-supporting career. Through their hard work and dedication, they have learned what it takes to start an apprenticeship in the skilled trades construction and are on their way…

Policy Watch: Week of 3/25

City of San Jose Report on Affordable Housing Investment Plan recommends $10M for acquisition/rehab and 30% of funds for ELI units The committee will receive a report on the Housing Investment Plan with an update on the expenditure of affordable housing funds and the total units in production. Staff recommend including two new priorities: (1) to set aside $10M for…

Immigrants’ Rights Advocates Denounce Mayor’s Stereotyping of Immigrant Community Amid Tragic Death

Earlier this week, immigrants’ rights advocates attended the San Jose City Council meeting to denounce Mayor Liccardo’s politicizing of the tragic death of Bambi Larson. Advocates stated that is was troubling that the Mayor has used Larson’s death to spread a racist and dangerous stereotype of the immigrant community. San Jose Spotlight reported on the issue. Advocates felt that using the tragedy…