Author Archives : The Left Hook

Diep Faces Challengers in His 2020 Re-Election Bid

Lan Diep, the Council Member for District 4, is going to have to work to keep his seat in 2020; at least one formidable competitor has announced his intention to challenge the Council Member. That challenger is Huy Tran, an employment attorney and partner at Justice at Work Law Group (JAW). Huy is also Council District 4’s appointed Housing and…

Bay Area Women’s March President is First to Enter District 10 Council Race

This weekend, Jenny Higgins Bradanini announced her campaign for San Jose City Council District 10.  The current District 10 Council Member, Johnny Khamis, is termed out in 2020.  Higgins Bradanini, President of the Bay Area Women’s March, most recently served as former Council Member Rocha’s policy director. A candidate rumored for the seat is Brigade CEO and co-founder Matt Mahan.…

Policy Watch: Week of 3/18

Santa Clara County Developing temporary and permanent supportive housing on Civic Center Campus The Board will receive a report from the Administration as requested with recommendations to provide permanent supportive housing on the Civic Center Campus, including temporary supportive housing on an expedited timeframe for homeless families on the Civic Center Campus. The staff report provides a status update on the following: Temporary and Permanent Supportive Housing: Administration has executed a…

Mayor Allows Pierluigi Olivero To Explain Away History of Accused Sexual Harassment

Today Mayor Liccardo made a point of giving San Jose Council Member Pierluigi Oliverio an opportunity to explain away his history of sexual harassment while Oliverio interviewed for an appointment on the City’s Planning Commission.  Oliverio was accused of sexually harassing and verbally abusing his female Chief of Staff while he was serving on City Council. The lawsuit, which the…

San Jose City Council Passes Study of Commercial Linkage Fee

On Tuesday, the San Jose City Council voted 10-1, with Council Member Johnny Khamis being the lone dissenting vote, to direct city staff to move forward with a nexus and feasibility study for a commercial linkage fee. Of particular importance is the fact that, per the Council, the study should include high tech offices, along with other building types such…

Former Santa Clara County Supervisor Ken Yeager Suspends Campaign for Senate

Today, via a press release, former Santa Clara County Supervisor Ken Yeager announced his new role as the first Executive Director of BAYMEC Community Foundation. The press release also addressed Yeager’s potential run for Senate.  It stated that “Yeager, who had established an exploratory committee for a possible run for state senate, said he decided not to pursue running but…

Who are the Candidates Running for California Democratic Party Chair?

In the wake the Eric Bauman’s resignation as Chair of California’s Democratic Party, three formidable candidates are vying to take the reins. Rusty Hicks, President of the LA County Federation of Labor, which represents more than 300 unions and 800,000 workers, is traveling across 58 counties in 58 days to speak to delegates and Democratic activists, as part of his run…

Policy Watch: Week of 3/11

County of Santa Clara Report from the County Executive on adherence to Project Labor Agreement requirements for Job Order Contracts Since 2001, the County has used Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) for construction projects that exceed a certain project spending threshold. The most recent amendment to this requirement, approved by the Board on April 26, 2016, set the project spending threshold…

Saratoga Council Member Rishi Kumar Challenges Congresswoman Eshoo for 18th Congressional District Seat

Rishi Kumar, current Saratoga City Council Member, has decided to run for Congress against incumbent Anna Eshoo.  Over the weekend, Kumar quietly updated his social media and LinkedIn accounts to announce that he was throwing his hat in the ring for California’s 18th Congressional District, a seat that Eshoo has held since 1993. Tweet

Wage Theft Protection Makes List of San Jose’s 2019 Priorities

Yesterday, the San Jose City Council voted to include wage theft as one the of City’s 2019 priorities. The City’s current Wage Theft Prevention Ordinance, which was originally enacted in 2016, excluded one of the industries most impacted by wage theft: construction. Since 2011, approximately 7,000 Bay Area construction workers at over 500 companies have had their wages stolen from them…