Author Archives : Bob Brownstein

Janus: The Supreme Court’s Decision to Undermine the Rights of American Workers

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito delivered the opinion in the infamous Janus case – an opinion explicitly aimed at reducing the rights and political capacity of American workers. The opinion claims to be defending free speech. In fact, true freedom of speech is the last thing the signers of this opinion have in mind. In his opinion, Alito sanctimoniously condemns…

EXPOSED: The City Hall/Slumlord Alliance

On November 14th, the San Jose City Council by a 6-5 majority voted against reducing the automatic allowable annual increase for rent controlled units. Despite the fact that other major cities in the Bay Area limit increases to a fraction of the CPI, tenants in San Jose will face increases of 5% a year. The City Auditor had documented the…

WHOPPER: Johnny Khamis and the Case of the Fact-Free Zone

  If you heeded the warnings that San Jose City Councilmember Johnny Khamis and the California Restaurant Association (CRA) offered at the Council meeting last Tuesday, you probably rushed out in the last couple of days to buy as much steak as you can before the city’s new minimum wage sends restaurant prices through the roof.  That is, unless you’re…


Most of us know that the Mercury News has a long and shameful history of misusing its role as a critic of sleazy campaign advertisements or mailings. Basically, it expresses outrage at anything that tarnishes its preferred candidates and whitewashes the attacks on those it opposes. Scott Herhold’s recent column on the “nasty shots” of 2016 is one more incident…

Advice To The San Jose City Council: How To Deal With The Chamber Of Commerce’s Lies

Now that the Opportunity to Work Initiative has been placed on the November Ballot, I’d like to make a prediction. San Jose’s elected leaders are going to hear from outraged business owners who will argue the proposal will do them grievous harm. The source of their information will be the Chamber of Commerce, and the information will be a disgraceful…

Scott Herhold, it is time for you to resign from the Mercury News

Scott Herhold The Mercury News   Dear Mr. Herhold, Your recent column urging Congressman Mike Honda to step down gave me the idea for this column. Scott, it is time for you to resign from the Mercury News. I know this goes against your deep seated yearnings to lavishly, inaccurately, and disingenuously support establishment political interests. But you need to face…

Brownstein: San Jose rent control law still falls far short of the need

Special to The Mercury News By adopting only minimal improvements to San Jose’s rent control law, the City Council has allowed our affordable housing crisis to grow worse each year. Wildly escalating rents are the most damaging effect of the region’s housing problems. High rents displace seniors and low wage workers; they force multiple families to crowd into a single…

WHOPPER – To the Lying Fly: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.

Usually, a Whooper column is written to expose a story or column that distorts information or presents a misleading narrative. Today, we shine the light of truth on a piece that does all of that PLUS it includes some utter stinkin’ indefensible flat out lies. The article in question appears in San Jose Inside’s column, The Fly (1/27/16). Its title…