Author Archives : Bob Brownstein

Whopper of the Week: Who Let the Dogs Out?

This week’s Whopper once again targets the Wall Street Journal. In a May 7th article entitled, “Obama Unleashes the  Left,” Daniel  Henninger argues that “the left has hit ramming speed across a broad swath of American life” and those out of line with the left’s “ bizarre claims are being  hit and hit hard.” Among the examples of hard hits…

Whopper of the Week: NIMBY is Not Just for Conservatives

This week’s whopper is found in a column titled “The High Cost of Liberalism” by Thomas Sowell that is dated 4/22/14 and included in the Real Clear Politics website. Sowell argues that among these high costs is the exorbitant price of housing in Palo Alto and San Francisco. Liberalism is the culprit because that ideology prohibits development of “vast amounts…

Whopper of the Week: “Kickback” is Far From Accurate

This week’s whopper appears in a San Jose Inside column by Josh Koehn which discusses the recommendation by county staff that Measure A funds be allocated to the Healthier Kids Foundation,  headed by Kathleen King. Noting that King played a significant role in the campaign to pass Measure A, Koehn asks – coincidence or kickback? A kickback? Webster defines a…

Whopper of the Week: The Fly’s Assertions Just Don’t Fly

On March 12th, the Fly, a column posted on the blog San Jose Inside, presented an article titled, “Odd Bunch: Republican Sheriff Laurie Smith, Organized Labor.  The piece focused on the fact that Cindy Chavez and other Democrats and labor leaders supported the re-election of GOP Sheriff Laurie Smith. The article is loaded with whoppers, but the most scale-busting lunker…

Whopper of the Week: Advice To The Washington Post

 On February 25th, the Washington Post decided to wade into San Jose’s pension wars with a major article by Michael K. Fletcher. Alas, the venerable Post apparently did not even do minimal research or fact-checking before putting pen to paper. The result is a disappointing mega-whopper. Tweet

Whopper of the Week: Flawed Fiscal Forethought

On February 20th, the San Jose Mercury News published a column by David Crane offering advice to California’s elected officials on fiscal issues.  This is the same David Crane who provided fiscal counsel to former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Those who remember the fiscal brilliance of the Schwarzenegger administration might expect the whoppers to be coming fast and furious. Relax; you…

Whopper of the Week: Trifecta on the “war on jobs”

On February 13th, columnist Charles Krauthammer offered the readers of many newspapers, including the San Jose Mercury News, an essay entitled, “Obama’s War on Jobs.” Reviewing this article reveals, first, that the war on jobs was allegedly most glaringly demonstrated by passage of the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), and, second, that Mr. Krauthammer’s comments on this subject include an…

Whopper of the Week: People Who Live in Glass Houses…

On February 6th, Jennifer Wadsworth wrote a column for San Jose Inside discussing Mayor Chuck Reed’s lawsuit against the ballot language published by the California Attorney General for his statewide pension initiative. She quotes Reed as accusing the AG of failing to give voters a “true and impartial summary” of the initiative. But Wadsworth fails to alert readers to the facts…