Author Archives : Brett Bymaster

The System Works for…Those Who Vote

You might be surprised to learn who got the most votes on Nov 4th.  It wasn’t Sam Liccardo or Dave Cortese.  It wasn’t Mike Honda or Ro Khanna.  None of those candidates garnered even a quarter of the votes.  The overwhelming winner of this election was Nobody.  Tweet

Great Bastion of Journalism…No More

The San Jose Mercury News has become a victim of its own ideological homogeneity. The San Jose Mercury news was once a great bastion of journalism.  Described in the 90′s as “a middle-of-the-road political cast slightly tilted to the Democratic side”, the paper more recently leans decidedly right.  Throughout the 80′s, 90′s and early 2000′s, the paper reigned as one of…