Author Archives : Brian Wheatley

Election Day Protected Students

The polls are closed, ballots cast, and votes tabulated, and I am proud to say California Public Education won two major victories on Election Day both statewide and locally. At the state level, Tom Torlakson was successful in his reelection bid as State Superintendent of Public Instruction. On a personal note, the portion of Tom’s message that resonated most with me was, “Every…

Ballot Box Can Help Fix County Board of Education

On June 18, the Santa Clara County Board of Education voted unanimously to overturn the decision of the Alum Rock School Board and approve Rocketship #9. I’m sure the individuals and corporations behind the movement to privatize public education will rejoice in this misguided decision.  Under the guise of parental choice, county trustees have further endorsed and supported what amounts…

Give Alum Rock Schools a Chance

On June 18, the Santa Clara County Board of Education voted unanimously to overturn the decision of the Alum Rock School Board and approve Rocketship #9. Under the guise of parental choice, county trustees have further endorsed and supported what amounts to a hostile takeover of a local education agency. Ignoring the valid concerns of ARUSD, they have succeeded in…