Author Archives : Lupe Rodriguez

Women’s Health Care is on the Line Again as the GOP led Congress Revives Their Assault on Birth Control Access

Here we go again in the war against birth control. Yes, in 2015 a large contingent of lawmakers in Congress apparently won’t rest until all low-income women and families are unable to get birth control. The House of Representatives recently voted for a bill that would completely eliminate funding for the nation’s Title X Family Planning Program, the latest brazen…

New Congress Back to the Bad Old Days of Trampling Reproductive Rights

Newly elected members of Congress had barely finished moving into their Capitol offices before ramping up their attacks on access to essential women’s health care. With a list of bills lined up and ready to go—six have already been introduced —the new Congress of ultra-conservative zealots is not letting up in its anti-reproductive-rights crusade, which disproportionately affects low-income women and…

Child Migrants: Not Just An Immigration Issue

The heartbreaking headlines about thousands of Central American children making the treacherous journey alone to seek refuge in the U.S. have me thinking about my own American immigration story more than 25 years ago — and how different my family’s experience was from the inhumane policy response of our current government. My family came to the U.S to escape from…

The Rising American Electorate Wants Reproductive Justice

Pop quiz: What demographic  trait do millions of unmarried women, adults under 30 and people of color have in common? You might guess it’s their relative lack of power and influence. In fact it’s exactly the opposite – potentially.  This group, known as the Rising American Electorate (RAE), could prove to be the most powerful voting bloc in the country…

Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Decision Is Unfair For Women And For Workers

It’s been made startlingly clear this week that U.S. Supreme Court justices are playing politics with the health and well-being of women. The Court’s recent rulings have curtailed women’s rights to enter health centers without harassment and hindered affordable -access to the most effective birth control methods.  If you were wondering whether we can trust this Supreme Court to dispense justice…

Restrictions of Low-Income Women’s Rights Are Restrictions of All Women’s Rights

After years of working in the reproductive justice movement and battling egregious attacks on women’s reproductive rights, I thought I was immune to being shocked by insidious policies that punish low-income women and families. Well, I was wrong. I have been not only shocked, but disgusted, by a regulation right here in California that has contributed to keeping families in…

Immigrant Rights Are Family Rights

By now you’ve probably seen the headlines about the Obama administration’s outrageous record of deporting immigrants for committing minor offenses. You may be wondering why you should care that well over a million undocumented immigrants have been deported for nothing more serious than a minor traffic violation or misdemeanor. Here’s why: This is a family issue. Tweet

“Is California Really ‘Progressive’ For Low-Income Patients?”

California made front-page headlines recently for passing some of the most progressive laws in the country on issues involving reproductive rights and health. And, it’s true, we did pass a groundbreaking law that increases access to abortion services by expanding the types of clinicians who can provide them as well as passing laws to increase the medical privacy protections for…