Author Archives : Rich Robinson

Willie Brown Has a Bridge That He Ain’t Sellin’

In a cameo appearance in the movie George of the Jungle, an elitist host of a San Francisco party warns then Mayor Willie L Brown Jr. (who plays himself) that he might need an umbrella due to the weather. The haughty Mayor one-ups the elitist sycophant by replying, “It never comes down on Willie Brown”. The inference is, of course,…

It’s About Turn-Out, Stupid

For over 30 years many of us have engaged in a dispute with our political party.  Not over values; but over tactics. The dirty little secret is that Democrats should never lose an election. There have always been more Democrats than Republicans and if we got a majority of those people registered and turned out to vote; we can’t lose.…

Jerry Brown is Right about High Speed Rail.

“The news of my death is greatly exaggerated,” Mark Twain California High Speed Rail would already exist if we had listened to Governor Jerry Brown in his first term in the 1970s. Ever the visionary, Brown extolled Californians to look to the future. At the time he was ridiculed for his efforts. Now in his third term and in a…

Law Firm’s Absurd Opinion Damages Council Mayoral Hopefuls

A legal memo written by the law firm Meyers-Nave prior to putting Measure B on the San Jose ballot said the City of San Jose had “an argument” that would allow the pension measure to stand. That argument was fully rejected by Superior Court Judge Patricia Lucas. San Jose has spent millions and will spend millions more trying to overturn…