Browsing Category : Economy

Policy Watch: Week of 5/21

City of Sunnyvale Selecting a preferred option for the Housing Study in the Lawrence Station Area Plan; continued to June 26 Staff are requesting a continuance to June 26, 2018 for the public hearing of the amendment of the Lawrence Station Area Plan, which includes 319 acres adjacent to the Station. This is to allow additional time to complete the…

Why Does the Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce Exist?

Sometimes it is hard to understand why businesses join the Silicon Valley Organization (SVO), otherwise known as the Chamber of Commerce.  The SVO’s record in political campaigns certainly does not stand its members in good stead.  It has opposed, abandoned or offended a majority of the San Jose City Council and the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. The SVO’s…

San Jose City Council Votes to Give Developers Large Financial Benefit

On Tuesday, the San Jose City Council voted unanimously to give developers a large financial benefit by effectively delaying the implementation of the city’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (IHO). Years ago, San Jose passed an Inclusionary Housing law to require market-rate housing developers to build a portion of their projects to be affordable to low-to-moderate income families. However, that ordinance was…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/30

County of Santa Clara Consider impact fees for residential and non-residential development at Stanford University and in unincorporated areas of the County The Board will: (a) Receive report and Affordable Housing Nexus Studies; (b) Direct Administration and County Counsel to prepare an ordinance implementing affordable housing impact fees for Academic Space (non-residential) and Faculty and Staff Housing (residential) development at…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/23

City of San Jose   Liccardo and Carrasco memos: Amending Tenant Protection Ordinance to prohibit landlords from disclosing tenants’ immigration or citizenship status to authorities and adding felony conviction as a just cause basis for eviction Mayor Liccardo recommends approving an ordinance to: Amend the Tenant Protection Ordinance (TPO) to state that the term “nuisance” in the just cause ordinance…

Alum Rock School District Hires Lawyer Tied to Their Alleged Financial Misconduct

After years of poor leadership and fiscal misconduct, the Alum Rock Union Elementary School District (District), received a notice of stay and rescind from Santa Clara County Office of Education Superintendent Mary Ann Dewan. The notice comes after the board majority consistently voted to undermine the financial stability of the District. The notice is the result of allegations that surfaced…

State Audit Reveals Alarming Practices by Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County (4Cs)

California State Auditor Elaine M. Howle released a report late last week detailing questionable and unfair practices by the Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County (4Cs). 4Cs is the largest non-profit agency that serves as a link between families and child care providers in the County of Santa Clara. The results of the audit reinforce what 4Cs employees, Child Care…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/9

City of San Jose Diridon Station Area Advisory Group to hear Google’s draft design principle & create “Solution Groups” The SAAG will discuss items including the following: Google’s Design Principles and Inspiration: Presentation will share Google’s draft ‘principles of place,’ values to help guide proposed development efforts in San Jose and beyond. The presentation will also highlight examples from around…

San Jose City Council to Require Developers to Pay Prevailing Wage and Hire Local Workers

Yesterday, the City of San Jose passed a groundbreaking set of policies to increase wages and workplace protections for construction workers and to promote local hiring and construction career opportunities. The policy passed 8-3 with Councilmembers Johnny Khamis, Dev Davis and Lan Diep voting no and the SVO (formerly the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce) aligning with the…

Policy Watch: Week of 4/2

County of Santa Clara Update & approving poll for a potential sales tax extension & increase on Nov. 2018 ballot The Board will receive a report relating to possible extension and increase of the retail transactions (sales) and use tax for Santa Clara County. The Board will approve the Second Amendment to Agreement with EMC Research, Inc., relating to public…