Browsing Category : Government

Policy Watch: Week of 7/6

| City of Cupertino | Direction on possible changes to General Plan Amendment authorization procedure Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 5:30pm Issue summary: City Council will hold a study session requested by CMs Chao and Paul, and provide direction on any next steps regarding the General Plan Amendment Authorization Procedure. Council may consider keeping the existing…

Policy Watch: Week of 6/22

Digital Divide | City of San Jose| Approve funding strategy for digital inclusion and authorize agreement with AT&T for up to $3.4M Date/time/location item will be heard: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 11am Issue summary: Council will receive a staff report and may approve a funding strategy for proposed investment of Coronavirus Relief Funds in specific projects that provide broadband services…

Policy Watch: Week of 6/15

It’s been 13 weeks since the Santa Clara County shelter-in-place became effective and 3 weeks since the killing of George Floyd that ignited a nation to support #BlackLivesMatter. This week we resume our weekly policy watch listings across the South Bay Area with an unequivocal commitment to social and economic justice. | City of San Jose| Liccardo/ Jones / Peralez/…

Policy Watch – Week of 5/18

In this week’s “Policy Watch” segment, we bring you the upcoming top ten policy issues for the South Bay area. |City of San Jose| Adopting amendments to strengthen eviction moratorium; update from BOS delay in extending countywide eviction moratorium Issue summary: Staff provide a supplemental memo with an update on Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors’ decision to wait until its…

Policy Watch: Week of 5/11

|City of San Jose| Establishing Coronavirus Relief Fund and approving food delivery contracts, incl. $23.9M for Revolution Foods  Issue summary: Staff recommend council approve an ordinance to establish the Coronavirus Relief Fund, and to take the following appropriation and funding actions: Establish an estimate for revenue from the Federal Government in the amount of $178,295,248; Establish an appropriation for COVID-19 Emergency…

San Jose City Clerk Loses Thousands of Fair Election Initiative Petition Signatures

Superior Court Judge Orders Full Count of Remaining Signatures San José, CA — A judge signed an order requiring the County Registrar of Voters (ROV) to conduct a full count of every voter’s signature in their possession to determine whether the Fair Elections Initiative qualifies for the November 2020 ballot.  The order comes on the heels of the startling revelation that the San Jose…

Policy Watch: Week of 5/4

|City of San Jose| Establishing Coronavirus Relief Fund with $45M appropriation; authorize $23.9M for Revolution Foods & other contracts to provide meals for food-insecure people Issue summary: Staff recommend council approve an ordinance establishing the Coronavirus Relief Fund and adopt the following resolutions: Appropriation and funding sources resolution with the following provisions: Establish an estimate for Revenue from the Federal Government…

San José City Council unanimously votes to develop most expansive emergency paid sick leave policy in nation

The San José City Council voted unanimously to develop the most expansive emergency paid sick leave ordinance in the nation. The policy will fill the three largest gaps in recently passed federal law, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, by covering workers at large corporations, small businesses, and misclassified gig workers. Next Tuesday, April 7th, the Council will vote on putting…

San Jose Spotlight: Santa Clara Councilmember Patricia Mahan resigns due to medical issues

Santa Clara Councilmember Patricia Mahan has resigned from her elected position, effective Feb. 1, due to “serious medical issues,” according to Santa Clara officials. Mahan submitted her resignation Wednesday, and the Santa Clara City Council is expected to declare her seat as the city’s District 5 representative vacant on Feb. 11. Mahan has battled cancer on and off over the…