Browsing Category : Government

San Jose Spotlight: San Jose measure to shift mayoral elections won’t extend Liccardo’s term

A labor-backed initiative, which seeks to shift San Jose’s mayoral elections to presidential years to boost voter turnout, will no longer extend Mayor Sam Liccardo’s term for an extra two years to align local and national elections. Instead, South Bay labor groups who are leading the initiative they hope will attract a higher concentration of voters — particularly minorities and communities of…

Mayor Liccardo and Council Allies Give Nine Developers $67 Million Subsidy to Build Luxury High Rises

Tuesday night San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and a bare City Council majority voted to give nine developers a $67 million subsidy for the sole purpose of increasing the developers’ profits.  An independent study commissioned by the City showed that downtown high rises are profitable, but not at the level of return desired by the nine developers.  In accordance with…

Policy Watch: Week of 8/12

Santa Clara County Chavez referral for report on the development of Measure A Extremely Low-Income (ELI) housing at 5 County-owned sites Following passage of the 2016 Measure A Housing Bond Measure, Santa Clara County set a goal of creating 4,800 new homes for the homeless within 10 years. To date, the Board of Supervisors has already approved funding for over…

Council Unanimously Votes to Expand Prevailing Wage to Subsidized Private Developments

Following multiple scandals uncovering wage theft and human trafficking at some on the city’s largest development projects, San Jose City Council voted to approve a groundbreaking ordinance requiring prevailing wages as a condition of any tax and fee breaks, development incentives, or other public subsidies provided to for-profit private developments. Other elements relating to expanding the workforce pipeline, including providing…

Policy Watch: Week of 6/24

City of San Jose 6/21 CARRASCO, LICCARDO, ARENAS, FOLEY MEMO – Direction on moderate-income housing strategy, including approving a forgivable loan program for ADU construction 6/21 Memo – The Mayor and 3 councilmembers recommend: Directing staff to continue to pursue process improvements that can streamline the ADU permitting process Adopt Councilmember Foley’s memorandum to the extent that a loan program…

San Jose Spotlight: After decades, VTA light rail extension to Eastridge moves forward

The Valley Transportation Authority Board of Directors on Thursday voted unanimously to approve new plans for a light rail extension to San Jose’s Eastridge Transit Center — giving what should be the go-ahead on an almost 20-year-old project. The vote came decades after East San Jose residents waited for the wheels of government to crank the fully-funded project into action,…

Policy Watch: Week of 6/3

Santa Clara County Amending county policy regarding cooperation with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) On October 18, 2011, the Board of Supervisors adopted Board Policy 3.54 regarding cooperating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Civil Immigration Detainer Requests. The Policy states that the County will honor civil detainer requests from ICE only if, among other requirements, “there is…

San Jose Spotlight: San Jose activists push back against metal detectors in City Hall

Silicon Valley advocates pushed back Thursday on a controversial proposal to increase security at City Hall by installing metal detectors, calling the move “undemocratic” and “hostile to the public.” In a memo to San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Councilmember Johnny Khamis proposed that his colleagues consider safety measures at City Hall by implementing metal detectors before the final budget for…

Policy Watch: Week of 5/20

Santa Clara County Approving $400K contract with Gensler for public outreach & site plan for potential future re-development of Reid-Hillview At the December 4, 2018 Board of Supervisors meeting the Board adopted several actions related to the County Airports System.  Item number four of the referral directed administration to invite the City of San Jose to engage in a joint…

San Jose Spotlight: Despite opposition from city planners, San Jose council supports SCU teacher housing

A Santa Clara University project that would house hundreds of teachers and staff from local Jesuit schools is one step closer to breaking ground after Tuesday’s San Jose City Council meeting. Councilors voted 9-1-1 for city officials to bring back amendments to the general plan, which helps guide future development in the city, to allow the project to proceed. Councilmember…