Browsing Category : Politics

Santa Clara News Online: SCUSD Continues to Pay Caserta $12,000 a Month, Considers Paying Him Millions in Settlement

By Robert Haugh Disgraced former City Councilman Dominic Caserta hasn’t been in a classroom since May 2018. But the Santa Clara Unified School District is still paying him. Caserta has been on paid administrative leave since multiple allegations about sexual harassment and abuse came out last year. According to SCUSD staff, Caserta gets approximately $12,000 a month. Read the full…

San Jose Spotlight: Labor leaders condemn Sam Liccardo over stance on immigration

A band of top labor leaders Thursday signed onto a resolution condemning Mayor Sam Liccardo’s push to revise the county’s sanctuary city policy in the wake of the murder of a San Jose woman by an undocumented immigrant. In the resolution, the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council executive board and two other organizations — Latinos United for a New America and Human Agenda…

He’s Baaaack: Pierluigi Oliverio Receives San Jose Planning Commission Appointment

The Mayor and a majority of the San Jose City Council appointed former colleague Pierluigi Oliverio to the city’s Planning Commission. Despite the fact that Oliverio was accused of sexually harassing and verbally abusing his female Chief of Staff while he was serving on City Council, Mayor Sam Liccardo, Vice Mayor Chappie Jones and Councilmembers Dev Davis, Johnny Khamis, Lan…

Polling Says People Would Rather Pay Taxes Themselves Than Have Wealthy Corporations Pay. Really?

The release of recent poll findings that people would rather tax themselves than have wealthy corporations pay raised eyebrows all over the South Bay.  TLH consulted several pollsters who all expressed doubt about this finding.   The poll was commissioned by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG) and the Bay Area News Group and conducted by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz &…

Mayor Opposes Measure to Increase Voter Turnout for Mayoral Election

San Jose Spotlight reported that Mayor Sam Liccardo will not support a measure to increase voter participation in mayoral elections by moving those elections to presidential election years. The Mayor claims he opposes the shift because having to make decisions on both local and national issues would confuse voters. He states, “…it’s critical that our mayor election focuses on San…

Charges Filed Against Democratic Party Vice Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall for Interfering with Bauman Lawsuit

Today, delegates of the California Democratic Party filed charges of alleged misconduct against Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party and candidate for Party Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall, for attempting to manipulate the sexual harassment lawsuit against disgraced past Chair Eric Bauman. The charges stems from an amended complaint filed last week accusing Larimore-Hall of harassing the victims who had filed a…

Cortese’s Open Supervisor Seat Draws Large Crowd of Competitors

Supervisor Dave Cortese is termed out in 2020 and his soon-to-be vacant seat has attracted a large number of political players. First on the list is San Jose City Council Member Magdalena Carrasco.  While at the City, she has championed women’s issues and affordable housing, among other items. Carrasco, the city’s previous Vice Mayor, has also served on the East…

Diep Faces Challengers in His 2020 Re-Election Bid

Lan Diep, the Council Member for District 4, is going to have to work to keep his seat in 2020; at least one formidable competitor has announced his intention to challenge the Council Member. That challenger is Huy Tran, an employment attorney and partner at Justice at Work Law Group (JAW). Huy is also Council District 4’s appointed Housing and…

Bay Area Women’s March President is First to Enter District 10 Council Race

This weekend, Jenny Higgins Bradanini announced her campaign for San Jose City Council District 10.  The current District 10 Council Member, Johnny Khamis, is termed out in 2020.  Higgins Bradanini, President of the Bay Area Women’s March, most recently served as former Council Member Rocha’s policy director. A candidate rumored for the seat is Brigade CEO and co-founder Matt Mahan.…