Tag Archives : affordable housing

Policy Watch: Week of 2/13

Santa Clara County Report on ordinance to prevent discrimination against renters with Section 8 vouchers At the February 7, 2017 Board of Supervisors meeting, the County Counsel presented a recommended ordinance to ensure that all persons with the ability to pay for housing, whether through their own funds or using a subsidy such as Section 8, are considered for housing.…

Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

Santa Clara County: Consider policy revisions to Equal Opportunity/Nondiscrimination provision in County contracts; County to pursue more robust pay equity assessment After a preliminary review on the County’s demographic data examining classified and certain unclassified County positions under the County pay ordinance and the Executive Management Pay Ordinance, the data showed the following: Female employees comprise 70% or more of…

Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

Santa Clara County Initial data on gender/race pay equity & direction on pay equity in County contracting policies Commission on the Status of Women’s (CSW) Pay Equity Study: In advance of the forthcoming pay equity study that will be undertaken by the Office of Women’s Policy and the Commission on the Status of Women, County Counsel and Administration have conducted…

Land, Rent and Whoppers

The Whopper of the Week is back!  Nothing seems to bring out whoppers like city discussions about land and housing. Recent debates over the conversion of land from commercial to residential use and over renter protection policies (like rent control) vividly demonstrate this correlation. Tweet

Poilcy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

San Jose Recommendation to defer salary increase for City Council members The Mayor and three councilmembers: Rocha, Kalra, and Carrasco are asking that the council defer action on giving themselves a raise until the City has finished its contract negotiations with City unions.  The City’s Salary setting commission recommended raises for the Mayor increasing his salary from $114,000 to $125,000…

Impact Fees Spreading to Ease Housing Crisis

Affordable housing advocates won another battle on the local level with the passage of a housing impact fee in one of the valley’s fastest growing cities.  Earlier this week the Sunnyvale City Council voted to support staff’s recommended level of $17/sf. It was a good discussion that had only one member line up against the fee at all (Jim Davis).…