From Controversy Rises Opportunity

While most people think that twenty-first century students thrive on chaos, educators know
that a certain amount of reliability and consistency is what gives students the freedom to
challenge themselves and explore new opportunities. When Live Oak High School was caught
up in a maelstrom of media attention because students wore American flag clothing on Cinco
de Mayo 2010, the faculty and staff of the school chose to be the reliable, consistent adults that our
students needed.

Every student at Live Oak High School was faced with some sort of challenge on May 5, 2010
and the days that followed. Some students had to decide if they would wear an American flag,
some students had to decide whether they would walk out of school on May 6, some students had
to decide how they would protest the media portrayal of their school, and others students
had to decide whether or not they would come to school at all,. Students responded in many
different ways; their teachers remained a reliable and consistent force in each of their lives no
matter what choices they made.

In the aftermath of this incident, students found an opportunity; they realized that they could
define the identity of Live Oak High School. They created a motto for their school, “united at the
roots we are all different branches of the same tree.” There are groups at Live Oak High School.
Some are grouped by race, or extra-curricular activities, or elementary school, or sports, but
they are all part of a bigger community. These students have learned that our differences are
what make us greater together.

The images you see of Live Oak High School might show divisions, but, on Cinco de Mayo 2014,
Live Oak High School students decided to stand united by wearing their school colors – green and
gold. They are united in their respect for the flag; they are united in their respect for the Mexican
culture, and they are united in their respect for each other. While their differences might
sometimes cause chaos, the reliable and consistent respect they have for those differences is how
they choose to celebrate the community of Live Oak High School.

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