Tag Archives : dave cortese

Dave Cortese Concedes San Jose Mayoral Race

A statement from SJ Mayoral candidate Dave Cortese – First, thank you for the role you played in helping us mount a campaign where thousands came together, calling for a new culture at City Hall. Thanks to our efforts, I’m confident that you will see a more conciliatory approach by the City’s new leadership than we would have seen had our…

Why Dave Cortese is Winning Big

Recent polls show Dave Cortese ahead in the San Jose Mayor’s race by eight to 12 points.   The lead is actually larger, statistically, because many in both polls who declare themselves “undecided” simply won’t vote.  That makes the number of people his opponent, Sam Liccardo, can “convince” to move into his column less than it appears on paper. Tweet

New Poll: Cortese Has Strong Lead

Expect to see the race for Mayor of San Jose to get a little nastier, now that council member and mayoral candidate Sam Liccardo is running so far behind in the polls. A new poll commissioned by the San Jose Mercury News shows Dave Cortese with a commanding 8 point lead in the race for San Jose Mayor.  Even with…