Tag Archives : Don Gagliardi

“…Because He Didn’t Get His Way”

The former SJ Redevelopment Agency chief who was moved to scold City Council Candidate Don Gagliardi for his bad behavior, is shaking his head over why anyone would want to put Gagliardi in a position of trust on the San Jose City Council. Reached by phone at his Stockton Metropolitan Aiport office, Harry Mavrogenes,  who led the San JoseRedevelopment agency…

Now, Is That Any Way to Act? Council Hopeful Don Gagliardi Is Called Hostile, Disrespectful and Inappropriate

Informed sources are telling The Left Hook that San Jose D3 city council candidate Don Gagliardi was sent this letter calling Don out for his hostile, disrespectful and inappropriate behavior toward city staff.  The letter was signed by Executive Director Harry Mavrogenes who was in charge of San Jose’s Redevelopment Agency at the time. Tweet


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