Tag Archives : San Jose Mayor

Liccardo Misses Chance to Set Strong Course With Foes

Collaborate: /kəˈlæb əˌreɪt/ verb: to work, one with another; cooperate. It’s the word that newly inaugurated San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo has put forth often to identify his approach to governing the City. When he was sworn in before a crowd of more than a thousand at the Center for Performing Arts, the new Mayor seemed a bit rattled by an unavoidable change in plans,…

Why Dave Cortese is Winning Big

Recent polls show Dave Cortese ahead in the San Jose Mayor’s race by eight to 12 points.   The lead is actually larger, statistically, because many in both polls who declare themselves “undecided” simply won’t vote.  That makes the number of people his opponent, Sam Liccardo, can “convince” to move into his column less than it appears on paper. Tweet