Author Archives : Rich Robinson

Will Chappie Publicly Fire Ajilouny?

He who lies down with dogs gets up with fleas.  Right now, District 1 San Jose City Council candidate Chappie Jones is itching like crazy.  Jones political consultant, Victor Ajlouny (Eagle Communications) has just been tied to a trash for cash scheme designed to discredit Police Officer Association Jim President Unland. Tweet

Why Dave Cortese is Winning Big

Recent polls show Dave Cortese ahead in the San Jose Mayor’s race by eight to 12 points.   The lead is actually larger, statistically, because many in both polls who declare themselves “undecided” simply won’t vote.  That makes the number of people his opponent, Sam Liccardo, can “convince” to move into his column less than it appears on paper. Tweet

Ajlouny’s Thin Skin Reveals His True Character…or Lack Thereof

I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), so says political consultant to Mayor Chuck Reed and professional victim Victor Ajlouny.  Ajlouny was initially charged with being a member of the PLO in a missive from the Paul Fong campaign.  Fong is currently the target of political attacks by the aforementioned…

Short Term Political Gain Hurts Liccardo

Sam Liccardo must be kicking himself for sticking with an unconstitutional approach to public pensions that he knew, as a lawyer, could not withstand legal scrutiny. It was a political miscalculation based on the views of the electorate during a recession. When the economy is suffering, the public has a tendency to look critically at public employee compensation and benefits…

The Substance of a Unique Legacy

John Vasconcellos family and friends said good-bye last Saturday.   For 38 years he represented Silicon Valley in the legislature, fighting for the under served, and seeking to live an authentic life worthy of the talents he possessed and inspiring others to take up that same challenge.  To paraphrase Frank Sinatra, he did it his way. Brian Murphy, a longtime friend and adviser, set…

November is Critical for San Jose

The new Mayor of San Jose will face a number of different obstacles upon taking the oath of office.  He will have a demoralized work force, a rising crime problem, a polarized political atmosphere and a new City Council.  It is the new City Council that will determine whether San Jose moves forward or stays mired in its current malaise. …

John Vasconcellos: His Vision Stands the Test of Time

John Vasconcellos died Saturday surrounded by his close family and friends. His Hanai, a Hawaiian word for extended family included his chosen son, Mitch Saunders, his daughter-in-law Cindy and his precious two grandchildren Megan and Briana. The record will show he served 38 years in the legislature, was Chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee for many years, he…

Mayor Reed Should Have Accepted Help

When your house is on fire and somebody offers their water to help, it is wise to accept. No reasonable person would reject such assistance. But that is exactly what Mayor Chuck Reed did to Supervisor Dave Cortese’s proposal to help stem the crime rate in San Jose using Sheriff’s deputies to temporarily augment an understaffed and demoralized San Jose Police Department.  Reed didn’t…

Bob Kieve is wrong, for once

Recently, Bob Kieve gave a personal opinion on his radio station KLIV that was dead wrong. Kieve attacked Supervisor Dave Cortese and said the most important issue in the Mayor’s race was Labor’s support for him. He opined that such a result would be bad for San Jose. The real issue in this race is who can bring San Jose…

Sheriff Smith Enjoys Unprecedented Support in Re-Election Bid

A new internal poll shows Sheriff Laurie Smith is headed for reelection in June.  The news comes as no surprise as Smith has long been the most popular countywide elected official for years.  The latest research was conducted by EMC Research whose analysis was clear; “Sheriff Laurie Smith is in an extremely strong position heading into the election year and…