Tag Archives : Sam liccardo

Liccardo’s Reach Across the Aisle is Short

There’s a difference between the talk and the walk and, where Mayor Sam Liccardo is concerned, the San Jose Mercury News doesn’t seem to be able to distinguish the two.  In an editorial touting the newly elected San Jose Mayor’s efforts to “reach across the aisle” to collaborate with campaign foes, what’s missing is a dose of reality. Tweet

Another TKO for Measure B?

A new ruling is out requiring the City of San Jose to rescind Measure B.   An administrative law judge for the California Public Employment Relations Board, ruled  that the City violated the law when it failed to meet and confer in good faith with at least one city union (IFPTE Local 21) over placing Measure B on the June 2012…

Liccardo Campaign: Bad Excuses for Ethics Violations

The Liccardo for Mayor Campaign is scrambling to get its story straight about a variety of ethics violations filed against them.   Campaign manager Ragan Henninger dismissed an ethics complaint filed last week as “baseless,” claiming that the donation of a contact list, made by Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen, is not an in-kind contribution, and therefore didn’t have to be…

Why Dave Cortese is Winning Big

Recent polls show Dave Cortese ahead in the San Jose Mayor’s race by eight to 12 points.   The lead is actually larger, statistically, because many in both polls who declare themselves “undecided” simply won’t vote.  That makes the number of people his opponent, Sam Liccardo, can “convince” to move into his column less than it appears on paper. Tweet

Not All Polls Are Created Equal

Just two more weeks until the election for San Jose Mayor and polls surveying who voters are supporting are popping up like gofers on a golf course. Which ones do you trust? The latest poll results released by the Sam Liccardo campaign show he’s leading County Supervisor Dave Cortese by a few points. But consider the source: Public Policy Polling,…

New Poll: Cortese Has Strong Lead

Expect to see the race for Mayor of San Jose to get a little nastier, now that council member and mayoral candidate Sam Liccardo is running so far behind in the polls. A new poll commissioned by the San Jose Mercury News shows Dave Cortese with a commanding 8 point lead in the race for San Jose Mayor.  Even with…

A Mayoral Hopeful Who Doesn’t Trust His Own Constituents

Today at City Council:  Mayoral Candidate Sam Liccardo doesn’t trust residents to make the right choices to protect themselves.  Okay, not a quote, but that’s the bottom line after he rejected a perfectly sensible plan to spend excess city funds on public safety measures for neighborhoods. The San Jose City Council voted 7 to 4 (Rocha, Campos, Chu, Kalra dissenting)…

The Daily Fetch: Merc Ed Board Sinks to a New Low

The absolute slimy bias that permeates from the Barbara Marshman run Merc Editorial Board is on full display today with this deceitful, deceptive and down-right dirty screed that purports to go after Matrix Casino but is really a sneak attack on Dave Cortese.  The editorial is so chock full of omissions and misrepresentations that it may get the Golden Hatchet award for,…

How Much More is There, Sam?

San Jose Mayoral candidate Sam Liccardo is perhaps learning a few lessons from Chris Chrisitie’s BridgeGate and admitting he was wrong.  That’s great.  But how much more is there to admit? As The Left Hook reported last week it appears Liccardo started his campaign fundraising at least three weeks before local election law allows.  One of Liccardo’s lobbiests, Alex Tourk,…