Tag Archives : san jose city council

Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

Santa Clara County   Proposed changes to County policy regarding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers / notification requests The board will consider adopting a Policy Resolution as proposed by Board President Cortese relating to civil immigration detainer and notification requests.  It will also consider directing Administration to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with DHS & ICE contingent upon adoption…

San Jose District 4 Special Election is Today

Voters in San Jose City Council District 4 are choosing their city councilmember today.  Or at least they’re supposed to.  Election officials expect a dismal turnout for this little-known election but that doesn’t make it any less important.  The candidate that takes over for the rest of the term left open when Kansen Chu was elected to the State Assembly…

Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

San Jose  Expansion of Disadvantage Business Enterprise goals Date/time/location item will be heard:  March 25, 2015, 1:30 pm Memo from Liccardo, Herrera, Kalra & Peralez to approve the proposed overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal as a minimum, while making every effort to surpass the goal; Work with community stakeholders, such as the Minority Business Consortium, ethnic/minority Chambers of Commerce,…

Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

Happy New Year readers, it’s good to be back.  City of San José Supersized committees Mayor Liccardo is adding a member to each of the Council’s standing committees, bringing the total from 4 to 5, while eliminating the Ad Hoc Economic Competitiveness Committee and the Ad Hoc Airport Competitiveness Committee. Instead of the Airport Competitiveness Committee, all airport-related issues will…

Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community

San Jose: Reed/Liccardo seek to ram D4 Council replacement through, waiving Sunshine rules. As recommended by the Rules and Open Government Committee on December 10, 2014, the council is being asked to appoint an interim representative for Council District 4 to serve until a new council member has been elected. (Mayor/Liccardo). Reed and Liccardo recommend appointing former Council member Margie…

A Crowded Field to Fill SJ City Council District 4

There could be a very crowded field vying for the open District 4 seat on the San Jose City Council.  Kansen Chu, on his way to the State Assembly in District 25, has two more years in his Council term.  Mayor-elect Liccardo could choose the unpopular option of appointing someone to the post for the rest of the term, but…