Policy Watch: Your weekly tip sheet for what’s going on in your community


Adopting Housing Impact Fee
To be heard: Wednesday, May 27, 7 pm Planning Commission

One Ordinance and Two Resolutions to Approve Two New Affordable Housing Impact Fees: Housing Impact Fee for Nonresidential Development and Housing Impact Fee for Rental Housing.  Recent Council direction to expand the Housing Mitigation Fee and to establish a new fee for rental housing developments requires amendments to the Sunnyvale Municipal Code. A draft ordinance and two resolutions have been prepared to make these changes.

The Housing Impact Fee for Nonresidential Development, set at $15 per net new square foot for all office/R&D and industrial projects ($7.50 for the first 25,000 square feet) and $7.50 per square foot for all retail and lodging projects, will apply to all new commercial, industrial, R&D, retail and lodging projects.

The Housing Impact Fee for Rental Housing, set at $17 per net new habitable square foot, applies to all new rental developments and includes provisions to allow developers several alternatives to paying the fee. Any alternative compliance option, other than providing standard affordable units within the project (the “on-site” option) will require approval by Council. Revenues generated by these fees will be used to subsidize and assist in the production, preservation and renovation of units affordable to lower-income households.

Link to item: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2322255&GUID=59F37EB9-126D-428E-B3B9-C366C8CE84DC

Link to agenda: https://sunnyvaleca.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=373210&GUID=AD215583-AA11-4E2B-9589-D8D94F11787D

San Jose

Management and Operating Plan for Transportation Network Companies

Approving Management and Operating Plan for TNCs (ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft) at Mineta Airport. TNCs must meet the requirements of the CA Public Utilities Commission which regulates TNCs, which include background checks, zero-tolerance on drug and alcohol use, and a 19-point inspection of vehicles.

TNCs will be authorized to drop off at the curb. They will also be assigned designated pick-up areas on airport property and must pick up passengers in those areas. Failure to do so will result in a $75 or $250 ticket to drivers depending on the nature of the violation. Initial and renewal fees to be paid by TNCs are also set by the CPUC.

Link to item: http://sanjose.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=&event_id=732&meta_id=516429

Link to agenda: https://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?event_id=732

 Constitutional Amendment to End Corporate Personhood
To be heard: May 27 at 2 p.m. Rule Committee

Councilmember Ash Kalra’s referral to Council for full discussion to adopt a resolution calling for an amendment to the Constitution of the United States declaring that only human beings have Constitutional rights.

Public entity:  San Jose Rules Cmte

Date/time/location item will be heard: May 27, 2015, 2 pm

Link to item: www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/44046
Link to agenda: http://sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?nid=3581

Police Auditor Recommendations

Consideration of body-worn cameras, broaden the scope of inquiry of complaints of bias-based policing, expand civilian review of police misconduct, and urge the acceleration of long-planned independent analysis of detention and search data.

City Manager will be asked to implement the following from the IPA’s 2014 Annual Report:

1. Broaden the scope of inquiry of complaints of bias-based policing
2. Work with key stakeholders to expand civilian review of police misconduct, subjecting the San Jose Police Department (SJPD) initiated investigations to review by the Independent Police Auditor

Direct the City Manager to report to the PSFSS Committee in August 2015 on the following items:

1. Expand SJPD’s definition of use of force to include the circumstances leading up to the use of force and proportionality.
2. Include in the annual Department Initiated Investigations (DII) Report descriptions of the misconduct that gave rise to each of the sustained findings.
3. Establish both a Duty Manual rule and an IA rule that state what the representatives of subject officers in IA interviews can and cannot say to subject officers in preparation for the interviews.
4. Require SJPD to adopt a “no choke hold” rule.
5. Update from the Chief of Police on the independent analysis of detention and search data.  .

Link to item: www.sanjoseca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/44048
Link to agenda: http://sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?nid=3581

 Santa Clara Valley Water District

Performance Evaluation of CEO Beau Goldie, District Counsel and Clerk of the Board

To be heard May 26, 6:30 p.m.
Link to agenda: http://cf.valleywater.org/About_Us/Board_of_directors/Board_meetings/_2015_Published_Meetings/PublishedMeetings.htm

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